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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1267
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Austin turned around and stared at the gray-colored egg. He was taken aback by what he saw.

He was surprised to see that his blood was flowing and penetrating into the egg shell slowly.

Since he was severely hurt, he spat out a large amount of blood. The blood loss was getting heavier and his wounds seemed to get


While he was losing blood and was gravely injured, he was baffled that the gray-colored egg was absorbing his blood. As it took in

the blood, its surface began dazzling. It was extremely strange.

As more and more blood got absorbed by that gray-colored egg, an obscure message appeared in Austin's Soul Sea.

It seemed like a living entity was trying to communicate something to him through his Soul Sea.

'Is this gray-colored egg alive?’

'Is there any life inside the egg?’

Austin was filled with these thoughts. Quite soon, he found that the obscure message had indeed cfrom the gray-colored egg.

Though he was able to receive it, he couldn't recognize the accurate meaning of the message.

He was totally confused. There was no way he could decipher the message.

The only option he had was to make a guess about the message and its meaning.

Something weird was happening which was beyond Austin's understanding.

"Watch out!"

Suddenly he heard the queen shout aloud. She was warning him about something because Austin's mind was engrossed in

studying that gray-colored egg.

A growl was heard.

Hearing the growl, Austin turned around. He was shocked to see that the shadow of the demonic beast had cvery close to him

and was staring at him intensely.


The next moment, the demonic beast's shadow raised one of its giant paws. It was about to hit Austin who was lying on the

ground, all injured and bleeding.

The terrifying strength which the paw carried filled Austin with horror. He knew that even a warrior of the Holy Realm would find it

both dangerous and difficult to resist such an attack. The impact it could have on a lesser warrior like himself, who had been badly

injured, was something that would send shivers down the spine!

'Will | die here today?’ thought Austin to himself.

The moment that thought struck him, his energy rose to a new level. He had to fight back at all costs.

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"Bastard! Back off!" the queen cursed.

She was far more powerful than Austin. Luckily, she was less injured too. Seeing Austin in great danger, she clenched her teeth and

stood up. She rushed forward to help Austin.

Yet, at the stshe also realized that it was an impossible task to save Austin from the demonic beast's shadow, because the

enemy was just far too strong.

Since she had met Austin for the first tin the small alternate dimension, he had becone of the most important person for


She knew that she would go crazy if she did nothing and watched Austin being killed. She wouldn't be a silent spectator.

Evil energy surged and erupted from her body. Then, a gray evil god materialized. It ripped through the space and headed towards

the demonic beast's shadow.

However, at the smoment, something weird happened.

It was really unexpected.

A gray light flashed across.

It happened so fast that no one could understand it.

The gray-colored egg jumped into the air and floated in front of Austin. Suddenly, it emitted a brilliant and gray light.

It snarled at the beast which was approaching towards Austin.

The beast instantly stopped mid-way.

The demonic beast's shadow was stunned. Surprisingly, it began to withdraw its claw back.

To his great surprise, Austin found the eyes of the demonic beast's shadow had turned soft and obedient.

Then, it raised another paw and touched the gray-colored egg gently.

The demonic beast's shadow was doing that in a motherly manner.

It looked like a kind mother who was patting her beloved child's head lovingly.

It was unbelievable!

On seeing the turn of events, even Austin was stunned.

The queen saw this strange situation. She stopped and stared at the shadow and the gray-colored egg in a daze.

Both Austin and the queen were confused at the scene before their eyes.

Suddenly, the gray-colored egg flew from its place. It landed on Austin's body and touched Austin's shoulder gently as if to convey

that it bore no malice towards Austin.

Meanwhile, the demonic beast's shadow also kept staring at Austin closely and intensely. Austin had no idea what it thought of


All throughout, something discouraged Austin from staring back or touching it lightly.

The formidable power of the demonic beast's shadow was one of the mightiest things in the world. Austin knew that it could act

anytand kill him easily.

Afraid of disturbing the demonic beast's shadow, Austin kept his body still. He thought it safe to stay unmoved.

Luckily, the demonic beast's shadow did nothing that was dangerous for Austin. Rather it sighed with relief. Strangely, its glances

towards Austin becsofter and kinder.

Austin felt that the gray-colored egg must have done something to convince the demonic beast that he was a friend rather than an

enemy. It could be the only reason why the demonic beast's shadow was not desperate to kill Austin anymore.

It made Austin more curious. He wondered why the gray-colored egg becso kind to him. Was it because it absorbed his blood?

Probably that was the reason why it tried to communicate with him through the Soul Sea!

Though all things happening around seemed weird to Austin, he sighed with relief and felt happy that he wouldn't have to die that

day. For sunknown reason, he felt safe.

"What's happening here?"

The queen sent a spiritual message to Austin by using the spiritual sense.

"No idea. But let's not do anything stupid. I don't think it will hurt us, for now,"

Austin replied trying to keep himself calm and composed.

"Violet and the gnome, do you have any idea of what's happening here?"

Austin sent a spiritual message to Violet and the gnwho were living inside the Illusion Bead.

Under normal circumstances, both Violet and the gnwould keep practicing their martial arts in the Illusion Bead.

Only in case of an emergency, Austin would wake them up. He always felt like they had his back whenever he needed them.

This time, Austin knew nothing about the demonic beast's shadow or the gray-colored egg. Therefore, he had to reach out to Violet

and the gnome.

Austin believed that demonic beasts like Violet and the gnwould have mastered more knowledge with the passing of time. But

he was wrong.

"I'm sorry, master. We have no idea where this demonic beast cfrom.

However, we do know that the demonic beast's shadow is an imperfect beast soul, and sof its memories have gone forever.

The gray-colored egg was laid before the demonic beast perished.

It is highly possible that a wisp of the demonic beast's soul was left there to protect the gray-colored egg,"

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Violet whispered into Austin's ears by using her spiritual sense.

A wisp of soul! That was it.

Austin was impressed by the fact that a wisp of the demonic beast's broken soul could beat a warrior of the Holy Realm.

'If the demonic beast was still alive, how terrifying its strength would be?' Austin wondered in amazement.

The cultivators of the Holy Realm were the most powerful beings to exist in the PrMartial World. They were second only to the

great master of the Emperor Realm.

Austin was astonished when this fact becclear to him.

"Master, | am guessing that the gray-colored egg accidentally absorbed your blood and is now somehow connected to you. So, it

kind of relies upon you and trusts you,"

Violet said to Austin softly, trying to clear his doubts.

She had explained the situation clearly and easily.

Austin thought over and felt Violet was probably right about it.

"All right. Let's go!"

Austin sent a spiritual message to the queen by using his spiritual sense. He felt now they could make a move and escape.

Both of them felt that it would be too dangerous to stay there any longer.

Austin got up and walked out of the platform with the queen.

Both of them moved cautiously. They were concerned that in case that they made any noise, it would disturb the demonic beast's


They were not in a position to resist or defend themselves from another attack.

Seeing an opportunity, Austin tried to quietly walk away. However, before Austin could cross a small distance, the gray-colored egg

flew high and floated in front of Austin.

Austin was more than surprised to see the egg stopping him from leaving.

It seemed as if the egg didn't want him to go.

Austin found it both funny and annoying. It was humorous to be followed and stopped by an egg. It was like a baby pursuing

someone it liked.

Although he knew that the egg had sgood feelings towards him, it was a bad thing if it didn't let him go.

Eyeing the egg for a while, Austin felt that he was helpless. He turned around and walked in another direction to get out of the


At that moment, his safety was his top priority.

The sthing happened again. The gray-colored egg began to fly. It rushed and floated before Austin again, blocking his way out.

The egg was in no mood to let Austin move away from it. But why it was doing so, nobody seemed to know!