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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1218
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"Thank you so much, sir!"

the handsyoung man with a fair and pearly white skin giddily replied. He was so happy and grinned from ear to ear when he

got the permission.

He then started to walk towards the iron cage, his companions in tow, and stretched out his arms as if warming-up.


Rays of dazzling light suddenly burst and surged up around the cage. Several arrays, appeared out of nowhere at the next second.

There were two types of arrays; swere for defense, and the rest were for offense. Enveloped within the arrays were Evan and

Herbert, who were locked up in the cage.

The defensive arrays were like a thick barrier which easily prevented anyone from entering. While the offensive arrays attack

anyone who dared to get close to the cage without permission.

"Don't let them die!"

said a Primal Holy Realm cultivator. The very moment he waved his hand, those arrays opened up a space which served as an


Then the dozens of young men haughtily marched into the cage through the entrance.

Austin stared at the men coldly as they entered the cage. His eyes blazed with anger.

It was obvious that those young men were itching to torture Evan and Herbert.

And Austin could tell it was not their first tto do this. They must have done this countless of times before.

He guessed that most of the wounds Evan and Herbert had suffered were those guys handiwork. There was no doubt about that.

All the disciples of the famous sects in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom prided themselves of being just and upright. They

believed that no one was above the law and justice must be served.

But it was all a sham. What they did to achieve their goals was totally opposite to their so-called righteousness and morality. They

were all despicable assholes. Despite that, people turned their heads the other way with their actions, because in this cruel world,

only the law of the jungle prevailed.

Evan and Herbert were two innocent people who suffered what they had never even experienced in their entire life after they were

captured by those sects. They were tortured in the most painful way possible by these animals.

Austin originally planned to just sit back and wait for the perfect moment to rescue them because it was just too risky.

But after Austin witnessed what the two had suffered and endured, it totally changed his mind. He couldn't turn a blind eye


Every second was crucial. For each second that he sat there and did nothing, Evan and Herbert suffered even more.

What's even worse, Austin couldn't afford to waste any more tconsidering how serious their injuries were. It could mean life or

death for the both of them.

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Austin couldn't just stand back in silence and watch his best friends continue to suffer cruelly. Every wound he saw was like a knife

piercing through his heart. It was just too painful to watch.

Austin made up his mind in a blink of an eye. He couldn't care less the risk and decided to carry out the rescue mission


Austin communicated with Priest Callum via his spiritual sense.

He also asked Nathan of the Fire Worshiping Sect, and several strong cultivators of the evil shadow race for help. If he was going to

do this now, then he was going to need all the help he could get.

Austin's plan was to work with Priest Callum to attack the five Primal Holy Realm cultivators.

Austin and Priest Callum would serve as distraction. As they attacked the five Primal Holy Realm cultivators and had their full

attention, Nathan, the head of the Fire Worshiping Sect along with the evil shadow race's members would secretly sneak in the

cage and grab Evan and Herbert.

After those young men walked into the cage, they surrounded Evan and Herbert right away, brutality filled their eyes.

They were like a pack of hungry wolves out for a hunt and had greedily surrounded two sheep.

Unfazed by the situation, Evan and Herbert helped each other and struggled to stand up against their enemies.

The salty metallic smell of blood which oozed out of their multiple wounds, filled the air. Both of them were struggling hard to keep

their balance, their injured faces pale and distraught. Despite the immense pain they felt, Evan and Herbert boldly stared at the


"What the hell do you want?"

Herbert asked daringly, a tinge of anger in his voice.

Evan stared at the young men angrily, determination glittering in his eyes. They might be battered and bruised, but they would not

give them the satisfaction to cower before their enemies.

"You two useless assholes!

Kneel down!"

yelled a young man in blue, as a scornful and taunting smile crept over the corner of his lips.

"Fuck you!

You damn bastard!"

Evan yelled back as he shot a clod glare at him.

Austin felt touched by Evan's response. His mocking retort gave Austin a burst of hope for he knew that his friends were still

fighting back despite of their injuries. Evan didn't change at all. Even under such a circumstances, he was still determined and


"Ha-ha! You stupid asshole!

Looks like you want another taste of my fist!"

roared the man in blue, anger blazing in his eyes.

Without thinking twice, he channeled vital energy force to his hand and slowly raised it up. He was about to give Evan a hard slap

on the cheek.

Austin could tell based from the force around the guy's hand that Evan could not take such a strong strike any more. It could

probably kill him.


Austin activated the teleportation power of the City model at once.

In a split second, several figures appeared out of nowhere in the underground palace. It was as if they simply materialized in thin


As Priest Callum swished out the wand in his hand, a grey dragon suddenly appeared. The dragon bared its fangs and brandished

its sharp claws, as it went straight towards the five Primal Holy Realm cultivators.

Austin, meanwhile, took out his Slaughtering Sword. He swished perfect arcs in the air, and huge streaks of bloody sword aura

suddenly swept over the five Primal Holy Realm cultivators.

Their combined attacks shook the entire underground palace. The impact was so strong that they felt as if an earthquake with

magnitude 12 suddenly rocked the area.

While Austin and Priest Callum distracted them, Nathan and several strong cultivators of the evil shadow race rushed into the cage

using their bodily movement skills in a matter of seconds.

Oblivious to what was happening outside, the man's hand continued to cdown on Evan's face. But before his palm could even

touch Evan's cheek, his arm was suddenly attacked by a force out of nowhere.


the man in blue cried out in pain.

The arm he raised up had been sliced through in a flash. Blood gushed out from where his shoulder was chopped off.

Now the arm was laid in a pool of blood on the floor.

It was none other than Nathan, the head of the Fire Worshiping Sect, who attacked the man in blue.

The young men had been knocked down on the ground by Nathan and the evil shadow race's members as soon as they entered

the cage. Those young men were no match against the group.

After the group had finished dealing with the young men, Nathan helped Evan and Herbert stand up, and quickly ushered them out

of the cage towards Austin.

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As for those young men, they were all tied up and captured by the evil shadow race's members who kept a close watch over them.

Those young men were not just small fries, but were all influential and powerful figures in their own sects.

But Austin and his teammates were able to get Evan and Herbert out of the cage in a matter of seconds. The mission was a

success and his friends were saved.

This was all thanks to their well-executed plan, and for everyone's help. They were all well aware that failure was not an option or

else they would have had carried out Evan and Herbert's corpses instead.

Austin was quite happy and thankful that everything went according to plan, and there were no hitches along the way.

"You are so screwed!"

The five Primal Holy Realm cultivators were all taken by surprise with the sudden attacks initiated by Austin and Priest Callum.

They weren't after all expecting anyone who would dare to attack them in their territory.

Priest Callum was at the premium stage of Primal Holy Realm, and he was much stronger than the cultivators who were at the

sstage as him.

Austin on the other hand had reached the preliminary stage of Heaven Realm, and could finally exert more power from the

Slaughtering Sword as compared before.

By working together, they had successfully distracted all the five Primal Holy Realm cultivators. Their tandem was a force to be

reckoned with.

While the five Primal Holy Realm cultivators were busy fighting against the attacks and defending themselves, Austin and his

teammates had succeeded in saving his friends out of harm's way.

Rage blazed in their chests.

"You are not Elder Tad! Who the hell are you?!"

the cultivator at the premium stage of Primal Holy Realm yelled at Austin.

His spiritual sense had noticed that Austin's spiritual soul was slightly different from Elder Tad's.

It was possible for a Primal Holy Realm cultivator to easily see through Violet's illusion trick. Violet had warned Austin about this


Nathan had safely taken Evan and Herbert to Austin who was still watching the five Primal Holy Realm cultivators from a distance.

"Tin, is that you? Tin! It's really you!"

Evan was still in a daze. Everything happened in a blur, and he being saved still hadn't sunk in.

He could not believe his eyes when he saw someone cto his rescue, and a mixture of joy and disbelief flooded his eyes.

"Tin! Thank god! You are here to save me!"

Herbert cried. He was much more observant than Evan, so he soon figured out that Austin chere to rescue them. That very

fact touched him so much that tears suddenly started to flow from his eyes.