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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 913
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When he got there, the ocean power that belongs to Murim World was constantly being pushed back, countless marine beast corpses could be seen everywhere, the entire place was dyed red because of this.

Don2 is present, fortunately, he wasn’t beaten half to death by his big brother, but even with his strength, he was actually in an disadvantage.

*Roar* Shadowslash let’s out a roar, his cries stunned everyone, they felt their head buzzing, Don2 became ecstatic, he knew that his big brother have finally arrived.

Even the marine beasts of Murim World heaved a sigh of relief, even though they hate Shadowslash, they recognized his strength, they knew that he was horrifying to face as an enemy but reassuring when having him as an ally.

He opens his mouth and fires a dragon breath, unlike his usual dragon breath, this time, it was entirely made up of magic and spirit Qi.

Using his yang dragon Qi underwater would only decrease his strength, since it’s like this, he opted in a more appropriate attack.

The dragon breath destroyed the invading marine beasts, this had shocked the leading warrior of the invaders, it lokks at Shadowslash and issues an order to attack.


Seeing this, the spirit beast and the remaining overlord of the ocean looks at the invaders with schadenfreude.

With the lesson they have learned after fighting against Shadowslash, they knew that the next following scene would be a disaster for their enemy.

Just like they had expected, those that were charging towards Shadowslash were killed with ease, the expression of the whale warrior changes, it holds it’s weapon tightly and threw it.

The trident zips through underwater, just as it thought that it would heavily injure it’s opponent, Shadowslash captures it with ease, actually, it wasn’t easy for him.

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He was a bit startled by the strength of his opponent but that was just it, unless his opponent is a True Saint that focuses in physical strength, he is confident of defeating anyone in the same cultivation realm.

He swam towards the whale, upon seeing that he managed to actually grab it’s weapon in such ease, the whale immediately realized that they had encountered a powerful opponent.

It hums and instantly, the rest of it’s comrades started retreating, it had actually decided to sacrifice itself to let it’s comrades retreat.

Don Don’s expression changes, he became violent and chase after the fleeing invaders, unfortunately, his speed isn’t comparable to marine type monsters.

He might not be but the ocean creatures of Murim World are, they swarmed towards the retreating marine beasts.

Seeing this, some marine beasts stops, they charge towards their opponents that were chasing them.

Just like the whale monster, they have also decided to sacrifice themselves to let their comrades return back to their world.

They need to pass the information regarding this world and especially about Shadowslash, he is just too big of a threat to just ignore.

They knew that such being would definitely threaten the safety of their homeworld, they would immediately start the preparation.

But first, they need to relay this information, Shadowslash on the other hand was in shock, he hadn’t thought that his opponent would be able to take his punches without dying.

He looks at the whale and started laughing, he then said, “You might not understand me but I still want to thank you, I have always been wondering how powerful my attacks in this form, you are a perfect punching bag for me.”

He then slams his tail into the head of the whale, before it could recover, he was already below it, he punches right into the gut, even with the whale’s tough skin and muscles, it was in pain.

It receives blows after blows from such an opponent, meanwhile, the marine beasts from Murim World were looking at the whale blankly, the entire ocean was trembling with each blow it took but it didn’t die.

Blood seeps out of it’s mouth and nose but it still isn’t dead, it was trembling in pain, even with all of this, it still refuses to surrender, it looks at it’s opponent with a determined gaze.

It had certainly earned Shadowslash’s respect, he knew that his opponent is actually using some type of forbidden move that made it become a pseudo immortal but the thing it used was it’s own lifeforce.

Forcibly increasing it’s regeneration speed, it gave it’s opponent a fake impression that it’s body could take any attack, Shadowslash knew that this wasn’t the truth.

He had broken a couple of its bones but when he punched at the same spot once again, the bones once again broke.

It meant that it wasn’t toughness but an incredible regeneration capability that made it possible to survive from his barrage of blows.

Bang! Bang! Bang! He summoned his tails and transformed them into fists, he then started punching the hardest part of the whale, because of how fast he is punching, it gives people the illusion that he has hundred of thousands of arms.

He started laughing, “Let us see just how powerful your regeneration capability is, if you survive for three minutes, I’ll let you go!”

The whale doesn’t care about it’s survival, it knew that after using it’s forbidden move, it could no longer be useful for it’s world, now, it just wanted to prove just how tough he truly is.

A minute passes by, the punches became even more brutal, there seems to be roars of dragons accompanying the punches, another minute passes by, this time, the dragon turned pitch black.

The condition of the whale was now beyond saving, it was actually dead, it’s regeneration ability just did not stop, it had now used all of it’s remaining vitality to continue to withstand the attack.

Unfortunately, it’s body could no longer hold on, it exploded before reaching the three minute time limit.

Shadowslash sighed and bows, he respected that whale for dying like a champ, he knew that even with it’s enhanced regeneration, it doesn’t mean that it was devoid of the feeling of pain.

Suddenly, he started frowning, the feeling that the portal gave him seems to a bit familiar.

*Roar* A dragon’s roar could be heard, for Shadowslash and Don Don, this roar was familiar to them, they look towards the direction of the roar.

Banjo had appeared, looking around, it heaved a sigh of relief seeing that the situation is no longer dire, he then approaches the portal and also have the same sensation as Shadowslash.

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He started checking the portal and finally arrived at a conclusion, “This portal connects to the same world as on the ocean of Gaia.”

When Shadowslash heard this, he looks like he was struck by lightning, he quickly said, “Clwyd have entered this world, he still haven’t returned, he didn’t even send back any more news.”

Banjo pacifies him, “Do not worry, considering Clwyd’s character, this world is perfect for him, capturing him would be basically impossible.”

Inside the world, a giant man wielding an equally enormous trident stood up, he spoke, “Bring that man to me, I’ll let him the true strength of the Killer Whale Clan!”

A woman was crying, she was connected to the whale that have been killed, meanwhile, deep under their castle, a curly haired individual was locked up.

Around him were people wearing different types of clothes, they look at him solemnly, the curly haired individual snorted, he then spoke, “I suggest for you to quickly prepare, once my big brother knew about my information, you guys are dead meat!”

An old man wearing a red tunic sighed, he then persuaded, “Clwyd, why don’t you just submit to our clan, you know that you will never escape this prison.”

The curly haired individual was actually Clwyd, even with his superb capability towards bodies of water, he was still captured.

He snorted and once again slept, back on Murim World, Shadowslash started thinking of sending some of his men from Invincible Kingdom and have them investigate this world.

He knew that without his brother’s permission, he doesn’t want to meddle on his affair but this time, he had to.

“Banjo, can you help me put some sort of restriction in this portal?” Banjo patted his chest.

He extended his claws towards the portal, it then started trembling, he nodded and said, “With this, the portal would be extremely unstable, passing through this would be life threatening.”

Shadowslash nodded, he went back to Gaia, he immediately go to Invincible Kingdom, now that the entire world was busy with the new type of system, Ariel have returned to supervise the kingdom.

Seeing her beloved returning, of course she was happy, unfortunately, he brought her bad news, after hearing that the danger was connected to the portal that is next to the Aqua Race Kingdom, she knew that her sister would definitely panicked.

Her clan and the Aqua Race Clan is still competing amongst each other but they are no longer killing each other, actually, it is now quite the opposite, the strength between the two groups are connected.