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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 721
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Chapter 721: CHAPTER 690 TRICKING

Even though this was the case, they would still disappear if their entire body was destroyed, Shadowslash wasn’t worried that much, with the scarabs slowly gnawing at the chaos Qi barrier he knew that it would only take a couple of minutes before the shield of the chaos world force disappears.

The leader of the chaos world force also knew this, he is quite sensitive towards chaos Qi and he knew that the amount of chaos Qi in their barrier continue to decrease.

He then looks at the cloaked individuals in front of him, the cloaked individuals seems to receive some kind of order as all of them started to chant simultaneously.

Chaos Qi surges towards the barrier once again strengthening it, they continue on their chant but this time their chant was different, countless wisp of spirit Qi started to fly towards them.

The wisp of spirit Qi started to transform into illusionary figures, the figures resembles all the beasts that have fallen, they started to absorb chaos Qi immediately once they transformed to their former figures.

Shadowslash raise his eyebrow when he saw this, he realized that the cloaked individuals serves as the mage and support of the enemy, they also have the same ability that of a necromancer or a lich.

He knew that their situation would definitely become much more disadvantageous if he doesn’t take care of the cloaked individuals but he couldn’t get close to them as they are too deep into the enemy force.


The scarabs could devour souls but they aren’t quite good at it as their ability to devour living beings, Sans and the other undeads are the ones that are great at exterminating such beings.

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He couldn’t help but miss them already but he knew that he couldn’t reminisce at this time, he continue to devise a plan on how to approach them without being noticed.

The souls that were brought back from the dead quickly charged towards the marine beasts, suddenly a powerful and large blast of flame flew towards the incoming ghosts incinerating them.

Roar! A loud dragon roar full of fury and bloodlust was heard, then a black dragon wearing a flaming armor appears on the battlefield.

Old man emerald’s solemn expression became that of a shock then immediately turns into glee, he couldn’t help but cry in joy “FD! You have returned!”

FD or Fire Demon Dragon King smirks when he heard the surprise behind his friend’s shout but his expression became solemn as he looks towards the tide of enemy marching towards them.

He then took a deep breath and spoke to LS and Old man emerald “Reinforcement are coming, I manage to arrive much earlier because my instinct was going haywire as our group got close to this place.”

Old man emerald have an expression of realization when he heard this, he sighed and said “If this was any other time I would curse your cheat like instinct but right now I am relieved that it had informed you about our current situation.”

FD then nodded, his entire body started expanding becoming a flaming behemoth with black flame, dragon Qi and demon Qi blends making his aura twice as intimidating as he first arrived.

The commander of the chaos world force looks at his direction and killing intent could be sensed exuding around him, dragon Qi and demon Qi are two types of energies that are equal or much stronger than chaos Qi.

He decided to make FD his main target and pointed at his direction, a dragon that exudes both dragon Qi and chaos Qi appeared, it then looks at FD with excitement and greed.

FD immediately felt the pressure dawning unto him as he sensed the gaze of the chaos dragon, he knew that his enemy is clearly much more powerful compared to him wether in terms of combat strength or cultivation realm.

The chaos dragon is a pseudo saint, even though it still haven’t reached Saint Realm, it’s strength is much stronger than ordinary Saints that haven’t transformed their Qi into Saint Qi.

Old man emerald knew that his friend’s situation is looking from, he quickly started giving him buff, FD’s aura immediately rose but it is still not comparable to the chaos dragon.

Shadowslash silent appeared behind him in a form of a fly, he then use his ability to control world force and strengthens FD, the chaos world commander instantly sensed it and locks on him.

Shadowslash immediately sensed a powerful spiritual sense locking on him, he smirks inwardly and without him doing anything, the spiritual sense that tried to lock on him broke and the chaos commander felt the backlash but he doesn’t react much.

Chaos and Harmony were beings that have absolutely advantage towards the soul, since they were forbidden to fight because they have over exhausted themselves before, they just lie there and watch.

Now that they had sensed a spiritual sense locking on Shadowslash of course they devours it without any hesitation, the spiritual sense of the chaos world commander is clearly the strongest spiritual sense they have ever eaten but too bad they hadn’t eaten much because their target quickly took back his spiritual sense.

The chaos world commander then looks at the direction where FD was standing, he was deep in thought curious as to why his spiritual sense was absorbed.

He could only let it go but this doesn’t mean he wasn’t angry, on the contrary he was furious, the feeling of having his spiritual sense absorbed isn’t that pleasant not to mention he lost his main target.

FD on the other hand felt great, after being given an adequate amount of world force, an amount that his body could take and not implode, he now felt he was bursting with strength and was ready to test it.

His gaze locks on the chaos dragon and the two instantly knew what each other was thinking, the chaos world commander sent a message to the chaos dragon.

‘General Zu, you are permitted to use all of your strength and not hold back, your only mission is to kill your target with any fail!’ Upon hearing his command, the eyes of the chaos dragon or general Zu lits up and charge towards FD.

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FD did not hesitate and also charge towards his opponent, because of the situation of the two, the two forces stops targeting them and resumes attacking each other.

Now that FD is out of the way, this undeads quickly started gaining the upperhand but Shadowslash was no longer worried, he knew that reinforcement is coming.

He is just curious as to how they managed to arrive so quickly, the situation of their force became more dire, some of the chaos beasts manage to broke through the defense line and entered the island but because of the poison they were quickly killed.

Shadowslash knew that he should implement the next step to his plan, he flew back to the island with his aura in full release, the elites and the experts on the chaos world side immediately reacted.

The chaos beasts that were focus killing their current enemy shifted their attention, they have received prior order of targeting Shadowslash if he ever appears.

The chaos world commander instantly knew that his force have fallen to a trap but he was too late to change anything, the distracted chaos beasts and soldiers were heavily injured or even killed by the retaliation of their opponent.

The chaos world commander knew that this was his mistake but he also couldn’t just let Shadowslash go, he decided to push it through and the chaos knights and beasts started their crazed attack once again but this time their intention was to go to the island.

The marine beasts were already infected with large amount of chaos Qi but something strange continue to happen all around the battlefield, the marine beasts that were infected by chaos Qi would be healed in just a short amount of time making the risk of them turning into chaos beasts basically null.

Shadowslash was responsible for this, the one that entered the island was his clones, because of the barrage of attacks thrown at me them, the chaos world army thought that they had taken down half of them.

They are not wrong but they had only taken down 3 clones, one clone was recalled and the other acts as a diversion for the chaos world forces.

The chaos world army did not realised that they were just chasing a clone but because of the quantity of the world force that the clone have released of course they would be fooled as clones wouldn’t be able to hold that much world force without imploding.

They are right, the clone have imploded and disappears, the one who had replaced it was the clone that was recalled, the amount of world force that it was exuding is it’s outmost limit but not to the point that it would implode just like the first clone.

But the constant stream of world force flying towards the island convinced the chaos world army that their target is now staying inside the island making preparation to take them down.