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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 345
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Chapter 345: CHAPTER 317 OLD GOLD

Old White laugh as he view Old Gold as a close friend a sworn brother to be precise he then pats his shoulder and congratulated him “Old Gold congratulation you finally Rank up”

Old Gold started laughing even though a monk should always be composed he couldn’t help but laugh in a carefree manner he finally managed to get into the Rank that he was dreaming for hundred of years.

Shadowslash on the side suddenly asks “Do which of your pupil managed to be enlightened by your teaching”

Old Gold finally remembered the reason for his Rank up he then called out a name and a Clear Spirit Monkey step out.

Old Gold then presented the Clear Spirit Monkey to Shadowslash this was the genius of the Clear Spirit Monkey clan and his number one disciple.

Shadowslash looks at the Clear Spirit Monkey with interest when he scans it he was a bit surprised to find out even though it was only 15 years old quite young for their clan it was already a High Level Gold Rank monster.

What’s more when he look at it’s eyes he saw intelligence and cunningness from it meaning that it would have much smoother advancement to Crimson Gold Rank in the future.


Old Gold suddenly spoke “Sir Shadowslash what do you think of my disciple”

Old White also looks at him but he was slightly nervous after all he is the number one genius of their clan so what Iis the evaluation of Shadowslash to him would affect them.

Shadowslash smiled and answered “He totally deserve to be called as the number one genius of the Clear Spirit Clan I think that Old White needs to put more attention towards it”

Old White finally relaxed as he looks at the Clear Spirit Monkey with praise.

Shadowslash in the side spoke another sentence but this sentence stunned both Old Gold and Old White “I think he deserves a reward I will personally hand it out for him”

Even the Clear Spirit Monkey looks at Shadowslash with a stunned look but quickly it was replaced by excitement.

“First I decided to give him a name his name from henceforth would be known as Carl and he will be added to the core group to be nurtured greatly” The first and second reward already shocked both of them the name serve as recognition from Shadowslash while the second reward would create a large opportunity for Carl to level up in an incredible pace.

“The third reward would be an enhancement of his Spiritual World”

‘This was truly a great reward!!!’ That is what the three thought.

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In their whole understanding only Shadowslash could enhanced another Spiritual World without any backlash.

And the enhancement of Spiritual World is extremely important for the Clear Spirit Monkey specie as this was the required for their evolution.

One such example is Old White because his Spiritual World isn’t large enough nor strong enough he couldn’t advanced to Crimson Gold Rank.

Thankfully he met Shadowslash it not he would have died because of his old age.

Carl tried to keep himself down but in the end he couldn’t prevent his excitement from erupting he started shouting and dancing around.

Old White, Old Gold and Shadowslash started laughing seeing his silly antics this reminded them of the time where Shadowslash arrived in the garden and met them for the first time.

While watching Carl do his silly antics Shadowslash scans Old Gold.


Name: Old Gold

Title: [Benevolent], [Great Teacher]

Race: Spirit

Specie: Enlightened Golden Buddha Spirit

Grade: Legendary

Age: 200 years old

Level: Crimson Gold Rank Level 1

Attributes: Spirit/Steel

Vital Qi (Golden Buddha Qi): 610

Elemental Energy: [Buddha Spirit Qi: 4th Tier], [Golden Buddha Qi: 4th Tier]

Mana: 244

Skills: [Spirit Blast], [Golden Palm], [Hundred Strike], [Sealing Hand], [Enlightening Light]

Racial Trait: [Buddha Mind], [Benevolent Mind], [Golden Buddha Body], [Enlightened Teacher]

Passive Abilities: [Spiritual Master], [Enhanced Sealing Power]

Active Abilities: [Amithaba], [True Spirit Eyes], [Shining Golden Body], [Lotus Shield]

Forbidden/Berserk Ability: [Hundred Buddha Arms]


He was already expecting something great so he wasn’t that shocked but he was still a bit startled his Elemental Tier have jump to mid tier causing him to be confused.

What’s more there was a dastric change in his Berserk Ability this truly confused also he realised that his Buddha Qi was already full.

Once a person’s tier improved their energy or Mana would decrease and he needed to absorb the other half to fill his core once again.

But this wasn’t true for Old Gold situation causing him to be really confused.

Failing to restrain his curiosity he asks “Hey Old Gold I realised that your Elemental Energy have improved their tiers to leap and bound but your qi is extremely strong meaning that you core is already full how can that be?”

Old Gold was shocked that a person found out another person’s Elemental Energy tier but since it was Shadowslash his shock subsided.

He then smiled and spoke “As expected of Sir Shadowslash nothing escapes your eye”

He then released his two different Buddha Qi and explained “During all of my years I have been trying to improve the quality of my Elemental Energy tier but to no avail causing me to be confused and sadden”

“But as a practitioner of the Enlightened Way my patience is extremely long and since I have become a Spirit my lifespan is no longer limited to that of my human body so I have been continuously trying to improve my tier”

“During my advancement to Crimson Gold Rank my Elemental Energy started trembling and finally leaps through mid tier”

Shadowslash who was listening couldn’t help but taken aback since Old Gold is already 200 years old that meant that his Elemental Energy was extremely powerful but their tier was only mid tier which is a bit lackluster after all he had been trying to improve it for more than a hundred years.

But remembering both Old Gold’s Elemental Energy is considered one of the higher energy it is quite understandable and besides that Old Gold haven’t been cultivating in a suitable place all these years slowing down his progress.

After celebrating Old Gold advancement Shadowslash then enhanced Carl’s Spiritual World causing him to level up to Gold Rank Level 8.

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While the whole garden was in a festive atmosphere celebrating and all the whole city on the other hand was boiling in excitement for tommorow.

The news that Shadowslash was going to watch the battle between Adventurers have already been spread.

The former fighters of the first competition immediately started popping out the first competition was cancelled because of Banjo’s Heavenly Tribulation.

Also there were only a couple of fighters that was able to show their true strength to Shadowslash causing them to regret.

Now that Shadowslash have returned and his fame was greater than ever this caused those that have lost the competition before to want a comeback.

The next day the whole battle arena was packed with people some wanted to watch the exciting fight while others wanted to see what Shadowslash looks like.

The announcer of the fight was Reias besides her were the top ten winners of the last competition.

While the top ten winners were looking at Shadowslash in admiration and worship the number one winner which is Jarius was looking at him in terror and reverence.

He still remember that day when he and Shadowslash crossed path in the city he never felt so afraid in his life.

Noticing his gaze Shadowslash looks at him and smile causing him to be slightly nervous.

He already made Shadowslash his idol when he found out the mysterious stranger that he met before and Shadowslash was the same person.

Shadowslash then turned his attention towards the Adventurers in the arena.

Noticing his expression when he was looking at Shadowslash the second place winner which has the nickname Mad Woman Angela asks “Jarius why are you so nervous in front of Shadowslash?”

Hearing that she called Shadowslash directly by the name Jarius snaps “You are not worthy calling him directly by his name when you address him call him lord Shadowslash”

Being berated by Jarius Mad Woman Angela became furious “Humph! Don’t you dare tell me what to do Jarius”

But because she was afraid that she might cause a commotion she didn’t raised her voice.

The third place winner suddenly chided “A loser should listen to what a winner day”

He was a young man with a dashing look he was called Dragon Spear Zielong everybody knew that he was the one deserving the second place but because he was gravely injured after the fight between him and Jarius he was placed in the third rank.

Actually the fight between him and Jarius was extremely close if it weren’t for the lucky breakthrough of Jarius in the middle of their battle he would have won.

This time Angela was ticked off she knew that Zielong was referring to her lost yesterday against a mysterious swordsman named Rafael.