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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 654: Just A Couple On Paper
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Evening fell in Seacisco.
The skies turned purple and blue, slowly covering the city in darkness, and the streetlights lit up one by one.
Jhad been waiting outside the meeting room for a long time.She stared out the window blankly.
Brandon's strange behavior ᏁᏫᏉᏋlᏋᏰᏫᏫᏦ.ᏣᏫm earlier kept replaying in her mind.
Suddenly, someone called her nfrom behind.
"Janet!" Jturned around and found Tiffany standing behind her.
"When did you get back to Seacisco? And why didn't you tellyou were here?" Tiffany complained, smiling playfully.
She had only heard from her colleagues that Jwas back, so she cto see her as soon as she got off work.However, the
second she saw Janet's face, she instantly knew that something was wrong.
"What happened? You look pale." Jforced a smile.
"I'm fine, don't worry.I'm just waiting for Brandon."
Sensing that Jdidn't want to talk about it, Tiffany didn't press her further.The two of them exchanged a few more
Just as Tiffany was about to leave, Jsuddenly asked, "Has anything big happened in the Larson Group recently?"
With pursed lips, Jlooked especially grim.
Tiffany squinted slightly as she mulled over Janet's question.
Then she broke into a smile.
"Yes, something did happen somewhat recently."
"What?" Jlooked at her expectantly, her heart racing.
Perhaps what Tiffany was about to say had something to do with the sudden change in Brandon's character!

"Well, we set up a branch in Barnes, and it's been prospering.I also heard that Brandon plans to bring the company to the
northwest.That's something big, isn't it? Perhaps in the near future, the Larson Group's branches will be all over the country!
You're so lucky you married such a capable man, Mrs.Larson!" Tiffany joked with a silly grin.
Jforced a smile, albeit bitter.
The expectant look in her eyes clouded over.
Even after Tiffany left, Jcontinued to wait for Brandon.
While she waited, many new employees passed by and looked at her strangely, wondering who she could be and what her
business here was.
Jsmiled bitterly.
In the past, she never showed off the prestige that cwith the title of "Mrs.Larson".
But now that she was practically erased from Brandon's life and nobody seemed to know that they used to be a loving couple,
Jfelt suffocated.
Still, she refused to leave.
The night went on and her eyelids began to droop, so she leaned against the wall and almost fell asleep.
Just as she was drifting off to sleep, she heard the sound of a door opening.
When Jopened her eyes, she ᏁᏫᏉᏋlᏋᏰᏫᏫᏦ.ᏣᏫm found a large group of people walking out of the meeting room with
Brandon saw Jstanding at the door of the meeting room, so after exchanging a few words with several executives, he
walked towards her.
"Why are you still here?" Brandon thought he had already made himself clear earlier.
Because he had no memories of Janet, he saw her advances as pestering and grew a little impatient.
"Do you have tto talk now?" Jasked, firmly standing in Brandon's way.

The man glanced at his watch and frowned.
"I have a full schedule tomorrow.I have to go to bed early tonight, but I suppose I can give you half an hour."

Hearing the coldness in his words, Jwished she could slap him on the spot.
Fortunately, she managed to suppress her anger and followed Brandon to the office quietly.
It was already midnight, so his office was quiet and empty.He sank into his chair wearily and loosened his tie with his eyes
"What do you want to say? Just say it," he said with a trace of impatience.
Without beating around the bush, Jwent straight to the point.
"There are only us here now.I'll ask you one more time, Brandon.What the hell happened to you? No matter what happened, we
can solve it together!"
Brandon opened his eyes, which were full of annoyance.
"I already told you that nothing happened.There's nothing I can do if you don't believe me."
Jtook a deep, shuddery breath.She couldn't help but raise her voice as she spoke.
"We were a loving couple just last week! But look at how your attitude is towardsnow! How the hell can you expectto
believe that nothing happened?"
It never occurred to Jthat she and Brandon would end up like this.
Brandon remained unfazed, his face expressionless.He had no idea how he and Jused to act around each other.He only
knew that Jwas head over heels in love with him, according to Charis.
Maybe their so-called loving past was nothing but Janet's fantasy.He doubted he was ever loving towards her.
"Miss White, I hope you'll stop ᏁᏫᏉᏋlᏋᏰᏫᏫᏦ.ᏣᏫm overthinking things.We're still a couple and I'll fulfill my duty as your

Brandon chose his words with great care and spoke slowly and emotionlessly.
Staring at him quietly, tears started to roll down Janet's cheeks.She couldn't see any emotion in the man’s lifeless eyes.
Brandon had becsuch a stranger that she couldn't help but feel scared.She cried, "Brandon, are we just a couple on paper
Brandon frowned.
The woman's tears only served to make him more impatient.
He stood up, gathered the documents on his desk, and said, "I've said what I needed to say.If there's nothing else, I will leave
first.I'm busy lately, so I won't go home.I'll move to a place near the company."