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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge by Valerie Bach

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110

Before returning to his apartment, Gavin finished listening to the recording that Brody had given him.

Surprisingly, the recording had some unexpected gains!

Because he heard someone from the Hill family suggesting that they contact several families that had

targeted the Cliffords together in the past to discuss how to deal with him. Among these families,

besides the already annihilated Harpers, the Holmans, the Dawsons in Brookspring, and the Masons in

Greenwald that Gavin knew about, the Hill family also mentioned the Hendersons and the Moores in

Greenwald, as well as the Wallaces in Waterside! These three families were pure unexpected gains!

Gavin had not expected that Brody would bring him such valuable information! Now, he had

accumulated even more information about his enemies. This did not include the list sent by Robert in

the email that he had not had a chance to review yet. Surely, this list would contain many individuals

and factions, but Gavin was still unable to confirm whether these factions were the ones responsible for

the attack on the Clifford family back then. Unlike the recording Brody provided, the families mentioned

inside had already been marked as those that should be wiped out in his mind.

“Greenwald!” Gavin stood in the hallway with a deep and gravelly voice. He was still surprised by the

appearance of so many families involved. After all, there seemed to be an excessive number of

enemies for the Cliffords. These numerous families were spread throughout the country, and it was

perplexing why they had united against the Cliffords.

Gavin’s curiosity about this matter continued to grow. Moreover, he had gathered some clues

suggesting that the reason behind the massacre of his family was related to their ancestral heirloom.

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Currently, only the Conors knew about the Clifford family’s heirloom, and the only person who had

access to the Conor family’s location was Kris. However, considering her current state…

Gavin sighed softly. It seemed that this path of exploration was indeed long and arduous.

Upon returning to his apartment, Gavin discovered that Kris, Layla, and Zoe were not at home. At first,

he thought the three ladies might be in danger. However, his rationality told him that this was unlikely

since Robert had dispatched several subordinates to protect the place upon

knowing he was there. If something had happened, he should have received a message right away.

Right at this moment, Gavin’s phone rang, but the caller wasn’t from Robert. It was Vincent, the

wealthiest man in Brookspring.

After answering the call, Vincent’s voice carried some awkwardness. “Um… Master, there’s something I

believe I should inform you about. “It’s about your fiancée. It seems she wants to start a new business

from scratch and has acquired a storefront.”

“Oh?” Gavin’s face revealed a faint smile upon hearing this. He was wel! aware of Layla’s capabilities,

especially considering her past involvement with Taylorizon Group. She was instrumental in its

operations, and she had outstanding capabilities in this regard. Coincidentally, Gavin had a similar

intention. He planned to leverage Layla’s talents as a front for the business of the Cliffords once it was

reconstructed, aiming for an all-encompassing resurgence. It was just he hadn’t anticipated that Layla

had already secretly decided to start anew.

However, Vincent’s voice still carried some awkwardness as he continued. “But, Master, the street

where your fiancée acquired the storefront is a bit… turbulent.”

Upon hearing this, Gavin’s gaze instantly turned serious, and he didn’t. hesitate to ask, “What’s the


On the other side, there was a bright and gleaming storefront on the street Vincent referred to as

“turbulent.” Three attractive ladies had joyful expressions on their faces. These three ladies were Layla,

Kris, and Zoe.

Zoe’s face beamed with a fresh radiance as she continued to assess the storefront, saying, “Layla, my

sister-in-law! This place is fantastic! Are you panning to start anew here?”

Hearing the term “sister-in-law” from Zoe’s mouth, both Kris and Layla displayed a change in

expression. It was natural for Layla to feel shy when hearing those words, and she immediately

responded, “Zoe, you’re just making things up. What are you talking about?”

Layla’s embarrassed demeanor was rather cute. However, when Zoe referred to Layla as “sister-in-

law,” Kris displayed a fleeting, almost imperceptible emotion as if it were a trace of disappointment.

“Oh my, you’re Gavin’s aunt!” Kris thought to herself and wondered why she would have such a feeling.

Something wasn’t right. She felt herself acting strangely.

But of course, no one noticed this brief flash of emotion of hers. Kris then directly asked, “Layla, have

you told Gav about your plans to start over?”

In response to Kris’ question, Layla shook her head and said, “Not yet. I’m not sure if he will agree. I

just don’t want to keep staying idle in his place, thinking about how I can help him. I don’t know if he’d

be angry once he finds out.”

Upon hearing Layla’s words, both Kris and Zoe’s eyes revealed a hint of emotion. To be honest, Zoe

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and Kris were considered family to Gavin in the strictest sense. In comparison, Layla was somewhat of

an outsider. Given Layla’s personality, her freeloading in their home had likely left. her feeling

somewhat uncomfortable.

Zoe chimed in. “What are you talking about? Gavin won’t be angry. He’ll probably be overjoyed once he

finds out!”

“Really?” Layla’s voice was filled with pleasant surprise as she listened to Zoe’s words. However, just

as she uttered her words and was about to finish speaking, a voice filled with mockery suddenly

resounded from outside the storefront.

“Well, well, newcomers, huh?”

“Wow, there are beautiful chicks, and not just one but three!”

“Their styles are all different, huh?”

The sound of someone licking their lips in an obscene manner was so unpleasant in the silent

storefront. Upon hearing this, Kris, Layla, and Zoe frowned in unison. They turned their heads around

at the same. time.

Before them, seven to eight ruffians swaggered in, and the leader of the group had bright red hair. His

eyes were filled with lust, and he even wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth with his hand.

Clearly, the person who had spoken just now was this red-haired man.

This red-haired man, upon seeing the three ladies turn to face him, had a gaze that appeared

somewhat fixated on them! He licked his lips and continued with a lecherous tone. “Beautiful ladies,

what are you three

doing here all alone? Are you receiving guests?”