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The Spider Queen-Novel

Chapter 569: Enjoying Life To The Fullest
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Chapter 569: Enjoying Life To The Fullest

(Alpha Star System- Planet Gaia)

(International Spaceport Terminal – Gate 045)

“Please show me your identification card please,” a voice tiredly spoke from behind a counter. 

Rachel reached into her pocket and pulled out her travel documents. She handed them over to the outstretched hand and the person behind the counter hummed softly.

“Purpose of visit?” the man asked lazily.

“Spending time with my friends and just a vacation in general,” Rachel replied with a small smile on her face.

It didn’t take long for her identity to be verified and with a casual wave of his hand, Rachel was able to continue on her journey.

She nodded politely at the man before walking towards the exit at the back of the open hall.

“Next please!” the man behind the counter yelled and an alien with green skin walked forward to present his travel documents.

All non- citizens of planet Gaia were required to go through this extra screening process. 

Rachel’s flight had actually landed around two hours ago but she had only now finished verifying her identity with the authorities at the spaceport.

The saintess sent a quick message to Sophie and Cleo using her wrist communicator and then looked up to check the signs hanging from the ceiling.

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“Okay… so it says that gate three is this way…” Rachel muttered softly as she walked down a passageway.

She nearly bumped into a young man who was running in the opposite direction carrying a large luggage bag.

“Move out of the fucking way idiot!” the young man cursed as he dragged a heavy suitcase around with great difficulty.

Now an ordinary saintess would forgive the man and just ignore his harsh words but Rachel was not someone who appreciated getting cursed at.

She stuck out her foot and tripped the man as he ran past, this led to the man falling down like a sack of bricks.

Rachel whistled softly and then ran away before the angry man realised that it was her foot that caused him to fall.

Soon the saintess found herself standing in the middle of a crowded area with numerous exits leading to different zones inside the spaceport.

The international spaceport terminal on planet Gaia was a particularly busy port with hundreds of thousands of people coming and going through the building.

Rachel took in a deep breath and then modified her body so that she became a bit skinner. This was one of the many advantages of being a shape shifter.

It was incredibly easy to walk through crowded places. 

Rachel slowly made her way towards the exit and soon a large sign with the words ‘Gate 3’ appeared within view.

The saintess stretched out her arms and yawned as she reverted her physique back to its original shape.

A lean, muscular body type with some nice curves. 

Rachel walked towards the seating area and saw two girls sitting down patiently.

“Sophie! Cleo!” Rachel yelled excitedly as she waved her hands in the direction of the couple.

“Rachel!” Sophie replied happily as she ran up to her friend and gave her a big warm embrace that lasted for a few minutes.

“How was the flight?” Cleo asked quietly as she walked up to the saintess and placed a soft hand on Rachel’s shoulder.

“Quite boring actually,” Rachel replied as she broke away from the hug and turned to give Cleo a quick squeeze.

“There weren’t any exciting incidents… well I mean there was a cute girl in the cabin next to mine, but she was with her family…”

“I mean I still could have tried but I didn’t want things to be awkward if it didn’t work out if you get what I’m saying…”

Rachel felt a large weight off her shoulders as she chatted and laughed with her two friends. 

After spending weeks in the church where there was a constant sense of tension in the air, this was a relaxing experience.

“So where are you going to take me?” Rachel asked curiously as she saw Sophie begin to head for the exit.

“I was thinking that we could grab something to eat and then head towards my house,” Sophie replied with a smile.

“Sounds good!” Rachel said cheerfully.

Sophie led the way and the three girls wandered through the spaceport until they arrived at the main street outside the port.

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Rachel noticed that a lot of eyes were constantly following them as they moved through the city and at first, she assumed that it was because of her good looks.

However, she soon came to realise that most of the bystanders were staring at the seven feet tall hybrid girl confidently walking through a rich area of the city.

The expressions on their faces ranged from curiosity to outright disgust. Rachel even heard a few whispers mocking Sophie’s appearance.

The saintess frowned as she felt the urge to walk up to one of those morons and hit him on the head with her fist.

Sophie was a very beautiful girl! It didn’t matter if she was a hybrid or not!

“So how do you feel about seafood?” Sophie’s happy voice cut through Rachel’s unpleasant thoughts.

“Seafood? I’ve rarely tried it… I think the last time that I went to a seafood restaurant was around three years ago…” Rachel confessed.

Sophie gasped in mock disbelief and placed a hand on her chest as if she was about to faint. 

Rachel smiled at her friend’s antics and Cleo rolled her eyes, but she had an indulgent smile on her face. 

The princess held her girlfriend’s palm and gently played with her fingertips. 

Her small movements did not escape Rachel’s eyes and for a brief moment she felt a pang of jealousy.

She may have had too many romantic encounters to count but in terms of an actual genuine connection… well Rachel wasn’t sure if she had met the right person.

Cleo and Sophie’s strong relationship was something that she truthfully envied a little bit. Maybe one day she would settle down with one of her flings…

Of course, that day would be very far off in the future since Rachel planned to enjoy life to the fullest.