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The Rise of the Black Plain-Novel

Chapter 249: One Goes, Another Comes
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Chapter 249: One Goes, Another Comes

It was dawn in the Cromwell Kingdom, and amidst the darkness of night, the three spirit beasts of the Chambers family traveled towards the base where Kevin had previously been.

They were over 300 meters in altitude as they traveled at the maximum speed of these beasts. Other than that, about 20 people were traveling on the backs of these creatures, in what looked like seats, which were attached to the backs of these winged lizards.

Most of these people were just Spiritual Generals, while the three Spiritual Kings traveled separately, one on each beast.

They had left the Chambers family's headquarters by the time the news of Kevin managing to buy the Spring of Life had arrived, which was about two days ago. So with that, considering they were traveling on the fastest beasts that family had, they had covered most of the way, and now there were only a few hundred kilometers left for them to reach the base attacked by Minos.

Anyway, while traveling through the cold, starry sky, one of the three Spiritual Kings struck up a conversation with the other two, speaking in a tone that could only be heard by those above level 50. "You two, what do you think will happen if the old patriarch returns? Will he try to regain his former position?"

"Good question. I heard he was even more decisive than Mr. Dean." One of the other two said while he had a curious look on his face.

Dean Chambers is the current patriarch of the Chambers family. At level 56, he is the strongest person in that power, aside from the previous patriarch, who could not fight due to his terminal disorder.

As for the old patriarch, he was the person in charge of Kevin's family a little over 100 years ago when Dean finally took over the patriarch's position.

But the two were not close relatives. In fact, the Chambers family generally followed the patriarch's lineage when there was not great disapproval by the family's elders with the young master. However, in this family, women could not assume this position.

And the former patriarch had only one daughter in all his years...

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Thus, by the time the old patriarch had stepped down, Kevin's father had taken over the family. He was the strongest among the competitors and the most popular among the elders.

Anyway, after a high-level battle at that time, the former patriarch had been seriously wounded. Following that, that man's vitality continued to deteriorate, to the point where he could barely train his techniques, in an attempt to keep his already short life expectancy from dwindling further.

The Chambers family, of course, looked for resources everywhere they could. Still, it was tough to find items with the qualities of Spring of Life. Not only that, even the information on these items was not easy to get.

The Chambers family itself did not know about this item Kevin purchased until they received such news!

For all that, after this information arrives, all the Spiritual Kings who had obtained the information are agitated by what could happen with the recovery of the old patriarch!

Finally, the other man, who still hadn't said anything, looked in the direction of the two companions and said. "Well, it looks like a fight will be inevitable, but the old patriarch is one level above Mr. Dean..."

"Unless Mr. Dean breaks to the next level, I don't see how he can beat the old patriarch!" He finished with a resolute look in his eyes.

Among the Chambers, only the strongest could lead!

"Well, the beneficiary of all this will be young Kevin in the end. Even if Mr. Dean loses his position, the old patriarch has already lived more than half of his life. In 200 or 300 years, the young master can be as strong as he is, and he will also have the favor of the old patriarch on his account."

"In fact! The young master will likely become the next patriarch!" The other two exclaimed in agreement.

After that, the three continued to talk about the internal matters of the Chambers family, things that only essential and powerful people like them could know.

Of course, all of this was done without drawing the attention of those Spiritual Generals who traveled with them, as these people were too weak to hear them.

And finally, after talking, the three decided to stop for an hour so that the spiritual beasts could rest.

They were in a great hurry to get to the base that Minos had invaded, but there was nothing to be done. Beasts need to stop from time to time, as well as to eat and drinking water.

While doing this in the middle of a forest, one of the three looked up at the starry sky while doing some math on his fingers. 'From where we are, it should take another day to get there...'


Simultaneously with the Chambers family's group of Spiritual Kings resting, Vivian and her bodyguard traveled within a forest a few dozen kilometers from that base in two 4th stage's spiritual beasts.

Their beasts looked like tigers and ran as if they were full of energy, passing through dense woods, never using the common soil roads across the Cromwell Kingdom.

Vivian and Samuel had not paused for a moment after leaving that base. Instead, they had taken their spiritual beasts from that base's vicinity and then started their journey back to the residence of Davy's sister.

Vivian didn't want to delay, as she was with the precious Spring of Life that could save her beloved friend.

However, even though she was unable to rest, this young woman had taken some pills during the time that had passed and was already looking much better than she had previously.

She had regained the natural flush to her cheeks, as well as some wounds already had stopped bleeding. Of course, after leaving that base and recovering some of her energy, Vivian had quickly cleaned up and changed her clothes, at the same time being carried by her spiritual beast.

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'Lucky for me, that guy didn't need this item. Otherwise, I'd have done pretty bad!' The brown-haired girl thought to herself as she had a look of happiness on her face.

She wasn't near her friend's residence, but she had enough time to get there before the Spring of Life wore off even more.

"It should take me a week to get to you... This shouldn't interfere so much with the treatment." She muttered under her breath, remembering Minos' words.

She was not an expert on the subject, nor did she know if young Stuart's words were coherent. However, it was common knowledge that this was a perishable item outside the Elves Island, so Vivian didn't want to risk it!

'I hope he is right! A month is more than enough for me.'

On the other hand, Vivian's bodyguard, Samuel, had other thoughts on his mind. After witnessing Minos' prowess and hearing his young lady compare the techniques of the Spiritual Tournament's finalist and the invader, this man couldn't stop himself from having several thoughts.

'I wonder what power is behind those two... So much fighting prowess... Ahh, if we weren't with prey to meet Ms. Vivian's friend, we could chase them and find out from where these freaks come!'

He then shook his head from left to right as a small smile played across his lips. 'But it does not matter. Both Mr. Davy and Ms. Vivian have gone through people of that power. I'm sure the fates of these two sides will not end here!'

"When we get to the family headquarters, maybe we should stop by one of the town's seer?" He asked in a low voice to Vivian.

This was a common practice in the Spiritual World. Many people tried to discover information about friends and enemies through predictions made by seers.

Of course, it was far from simple to do this, with several variables that could prevent someone's fate from being monitored. But not only that, the predictions were like dreams, which could be confused and mixed, sometimes being difficult to analyze!

Consequently, unless someone had a very high level of skill and was very strong, as was the case with Henricus Longus, it was impossible to have a perfect prediction.