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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 594 - The Amazing Lord
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Lory is in the garden enjoying her tea and sweet red bean soup with black red bean mochi in it, her shine in delight she feel better after satisfied her sweet tooth. She looks at the small pagoda across the moon gate, the pagoda is quite far so Lory only sees the tip of the roof.

"Where is everyone?" Lory asks Ling Zi who prepares another cup of tea beside her.


"They all cultivate inside the red pagoda" Ling Zi point at the pagoda Lory was staring at before.

"I thought everyone meditated inside their own room" 

"No young madam, they want to hasten their cultivation so they used the cred pagoda, milord also encourages us to cultivate more recently," said Ling Zi with a dry smile, when she said encourage it means 'You better not disappoint me' of course 'me' in here is the Lord himself.

Ling Zi sigh inwardly, the Lord rarely expected them to do anything but when he does you better do it right, honestly everyone feel excited and scares at the same time, she wonders if everyone becomes masochist after served their Lord for years.

"Is there any difference between meditated inside the pagoda than outside the pagoda?" 

Ling Zi gasped "Of course it different, after milord arrange an array inside the pagoda the Qi inside the pagoda become denser and anyone who cultivated inside it would have tremendous progress in their cultivation, the truth is everyone has been waiting for their turn to use one of the rooms inside the pagoda" she shows eager expression while explaining everything to Lory.

"How many rooms inside the pagoda?" lory ask

"Five, but we only give two hours to used the room, only the King palace and the honorable guest like Empress Ming and the other allowed to used the room for five hours" Ling Zi sigh helplessly but then she raised her fist on the air "but that's okay, two hours inside the room is like two days cultivation at the outside so it still gives us a huge benefit"

Lory giggles watching Ling Zi's positive attitude "Good for you, but I don't understand if people could use this method why people used pills to boost their cultivation, Zhao Li Xin said is not good for the body?" Lory said in puzzles.

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"That because they don't know that this kinda method existed" Ling Zi let out a long sigh "They never heard about this before, many people thought this condition can only be achieved inside the mystique realm no one would guess someone could mimic that condition in the real world, our Lord is really amazing – if people know about this they would kowtow in front of milord begging for his favor" she shakes her head just imagine how much chaos it would be when people know about this.

Lory's faces turn blank then she blinks his big beautiful eyes a few times "My husband is very amazing!" she muttered in shock. Because Zhao Li Xin likes to act like a little puppy who follows her around and begging for her attention, Lory forgot how amazing he is. Lory's mouth twitches slightly, she wonders since when she forget about this?

"Not just amazing, our lord is beyond that" she proudly said ’However no one knows that our Lord is an array master, maybe because he is so strong he never used his array skill during the fight so no one now about it and not only array master he is also talented armament master, everything he creates only has five percent change to be failed, how crazy is that" he gesticulated her hands exaggeratedly.

"What is the normal number to be failed?" Lory asks curiously.

Ling Zi tilts her head and ponders for a while then say: "Well normal armament master would have fifty percent change to failed depend on the level items they want to make, but I heard the armament prodigy only have twenty percent change to be failed"

"But Zhao Li Xin only has five percent chance to be failed – are you sure about that?"

Ling Zi laughs dryly "The truth is the prodigy that people mention is master Wu San Bo, he the one who confirms the Lord ability so there's no mistake about that"

"Wu San Bo the Black turtle palace King" Lory cover her mouth and shriek.

"Yes, he is the one" Ling Zi grinned. 

Lory prop her chin with her hand and sigh "Hei Shen full of talented people isn't it, no wonder they all thrived in every field" Lory admiration for Zhao Li Xin increased to a whole another level again, she thought she knew everything about him but she might be wrong.

Lory then looks at Li Zi eagerly "Ling Zi tell me everything you know about my husband, I want to know everything!"

"Okay, young madam!" she replies with the same enthusiast.

"Sit here – sit here!" Lory patted the table surface in front of her. 

Ling Zi was flustered for a second but then she follows Lory's instruction "Uhm – oh, okay…"


Inside the spatial Ring, Zhao Li Xin is inside the golden pagoda he was in the middle of arranging the old map on the table while Huo Long is next to him staring at the map with the same curiosity.

"Five more to go huh" Huo long click his tongue.

"Hum" he make a slight humming while fixed his gaze on the map "The sanguan family know about this old map, perhaps they know about Lei Yu too"

"Really" Huo Long creased his brows "Are you sure?"

"They are very determined, I expected they would attack us in the following day" he calmly said.

Huo Long sniffle and scratching his chin "Everyone who knows about Lei Yu is dead, so I don't know how they know about it – this is interesting… hey, aren't they your biological family, are you okay fighting with your own family"

"Why not, human kill their own kin since the beginning of the age, why are you surprise?" he make mirthless sneer then take a seat on the golden arhat chair.

Huo Long pursed his lips as he got nothing to rebuke that, other creatures kill for survival but only humans who killed for fun. It a sad reality that Zhao Li Xin birth family is not a good people, Huo Long feel even more grateful for Lory presence in Zhao Li Xin life, without her this boy will become a breathing hollow man, he realizes that Zhao Li Xin only one step from murderer to a psychopath.

"By the way – I face to face with Lazarus, the demon" he suddenly drops the bomb.

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Huo Long eyes bulged widely "Wha….. what happened…how could that possible, wait, why are you look fine?" he scrutinizes Zhao Li Xin from head to toe in shock.

His expression softens "Lory protect me…"

"Oh really, well – Lucient power is no joke after all" Huo Long patted his chest in relief, thankfully the princess was there and she gained half her power already if not he can't imagine what Lazarus would do to Zhao Li Xin.

"I'm too weak…" Zhao Li Xin lowers his head weakly. If only people saw this they would think Zhao Li Xin is out of his mind, which part of him that weak?! However Zhao Li Xin genuinely feel that way, he worries he can't save Lory from Lazarus clutch.

Huo Long understand his feeling, how strong a human could be against a real demon. If not because of Zhao Li Xin's special lineage he would suggest Zhao Li Xin lay down and wait for whatever comes at him because there's nothing he could do against a real demon but Zhao Li Xin is different if it's him maybe he would able to turn the table. Huo Long rest his hands on his hip "That's why you must breakthrough from the sage level and enter the God level"

"I had increased the stage after I fight against the storm but after that, I stuck in this level for quite some time" Zhao Li Xin leans his back, he looks helpless and defeated, he knows he doesn't have much time while Lazarus was slowly getting closer, he worries it would be too late for him to save Lory.

"Don't be hasty, is not good for your body besides – Lazarus is not in good condition either, that's why he keeps that human woman" he waved his hands.

Zhao Li Xin face lit up suddenly "Really, are you sure?" he finally got good news, which means he still has time to increase his power, got the sword, and prepare his plan.

Huo Long scrunched his face, he feel slightly offended because Zhao Li Xin doubts him "Of course, my source is legit!"

Zhao Li Xin ignore Huo Long sulking face he brought his hand together on his stomach then forming steeple with his long finger while he immersed in his thought, this news has given his times to breathing to calculated his plan. 

"Another reason I need to kill that woman as soon as possible…." He mutters to himself and his eyes glint viciously.

Huo Long sigh "I don't know what are you thinking – but go for it!"

Zhao Li Xin smiled at Huo Long for the first time in his life "Thank you…"

However, Zhao Li Xin's sincere smile only make Huo Long feel goosebump all over his body "Please don't smile…." 
