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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 236 - Another Clue
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A group of man riding horses, all of them is wearing uniform and silver armor, they all look like soldiers. They spurred their horse for two days until they reach the riverside city name An Wang, its a city filled with fisherman and merchant harbor before they travel to another city, that's why this city is quite prosperous compared to other small cities.

The soldiers captain halt there group than he yell to one of his subordinate "Find them!" ​​

"Yes, Captain!" they say simultaneously than spread out inside the town and make people feel anxious, they bring a man painting than they harshly checked every men who looks like the painting, people scurry around in fright they never been visited by a soldiers before.

The captain satisfied whenever he sees men and woman who look at him with fear, he see a lot of beautiful young boy inside the city which his Lord would like but sadly this not his turf if he dare kidnapped a child in a broad daylight someone might report them to the office of the city and it would give them too much trouble.

Unbeknown by them two men who look like a hunter watching them from afar then the next moment they disappear.

Meanwhile, the soldiers find the man they look for, that man was kicked to the wall with a heavy bump and his wife runs toward her injured husband with tears in her face and there daughter crying ceaselessly, other people feel bad for the family but no one dare to interfere they can only watch them anxiously.

"Where is that boy!" said one of the soldiers.

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"If you tell us now, we might forgive you" the other soldiers smirked.

That man limped against the wall, her face is cover with bruise "Hump, you want to kidnapped other people son for you're governor toy, what kinda man are you, don't you have children? I will never tell you!" the man screams at them.

People who heard them murmured to each other they heard about the rumor from the neighbor city how the governor abused his authority but their's no concrete prove so the official can do anything.

This the first time they heard that the governor is a pedophile they become scared, some even hide their son from the soldiers.

The soldiers face turn ashen they didn't know this man dare to spill the governor dirty laundry, they look at each other anxiously but the captain step in "What kidnapped? You dare to slander the government official!"

"That kid is the governor adopted son, you and that woman dare to kidnapped him and sell him for slavery, how big is your gut huh!" the captain twisted his words he can't let anyone know about his Lord bad deeds or he would be implicated.

"No, that's not true!" the man wife shouted, "They're only a visitor in our town, just because that boy handsome some bad villager want to kidnap him for the governor in exchange of money but that because they are very poor and hungry, if not because the boy sister is strong enough to win against the villager and all of you who can imagine what would happen to that poor boy!"

Compare to the soldiers and the pitiful family of course people would believe the pitiful family, they just normal family how could they have the ability and guts to kidnapped the government adopted Son, so everyone thought the soldiers words is full of rubbish no one would believe them.

The captain and the soldiers realizes no one believe them and they worry someone might already report them.

"If you did not kidnap the governor Son where else you got the money to move in here, you only the owner of dilapidated inn how can you make so much money" the captain points his finger at them, he knew everyone in his town didn't have money or resource to leave the town that's why no matter how bad the official treat them they can't leave their town so for this family able to move to An wang city who is more richer than their town is impossible if they don't have sufficient money.

"The lady gives us the money! She grateful for our help that's why she gives us this money and told us to move out from that dreadful place!" said the wife again.

The captain can't let her talk any longer or people suspicious would get deeper "Who will believe you, hurry catch them!"

"Yes, captain!" the soldiers eager to beat that man and women.

"No! don't get closed, stay away from my family!" the man scream in panic, if the soldier catch them they would be punish worst then dead and they would sell his young daughter to brothels or worst, he can't let this happen!

The man shields his wife and daughter behind him the little girl got scared she cries even harder, everyone heart feel loss but they can't fight against the soldier who wears armor and wield weapon, people turn there head in grimace they can't watch this anymore, just when the soldiers circling the man and his family suddenly there head fall on the ground.

One of the heads roll swiftly until it reaches the captain feet and everything becomes quiet, no one see it coming they don't know one moment the soldiers acted arrogant and haughty than the next second their head roll on the ground, all of them staring at the scattered head with baffled only after the headless body dropped on the ground and blood spurt from it everyone sensed returned and they all scream in fright.

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Then they realize two men have sheathed their sword calmly, they look at the man who still shielding his family behind him.

"Is that woman that you help give you a gold tael" he ignores everyone's frightful gaze.

That man nods his head timidly, his wife clenched his husband's shoulder.

"Let me see the gold!" he didn't let that man refused him.

With trembles hand he gives the gold tael to the mysterious man, he received the gold in hasted and quickly check the bottom of the gold tael, the other man who stands beside him got impatient he leans forward to check the mark in the gold tael anxiously when they see the marks both of there face lit up.

"Tang Sheng Bank!" he exclaimed.

"It Is!" he also excited while tighten his grip on the gold tael.

Tang Sheng Bank is another business develop by Wu San Bo for Hei Shen this is also the place where all of the profit from Hei Shen business profit, stored and submitted to Zhao Li Xin treasury so all of the gold taels that Lory took from Zhao Li Xin room all of them have Tang sheng mark on it.

"The woman that gives you this money, how is she looks like?" he ask impatiently