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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1201 Enter The Tiger Mouth II
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Arriving on the fifth floor, Ron Augburn sat on a chair with his legs crossed arrogantly while a group of men dressed in black were carrying weapons and stood behind him.

"Hello Miss Jane, surprised to meet me?" Ron lifts his chin arrogantly.

"Who are you?" Lory furrowed her brows.

"You dare to joke with me" shouted Ron angrily, his voice loud and brusque it echoed through the empty building.

Lory waved her hand and smiled sweetly "Hey, I'm kidding - I'm kidding, anyway...how are you scumbag?~" Lory quipped.

Ron threw Lory a hard look perhaps he did not expect Lory would still dare to joke with him in this situation, obviously, she didn't take him seriously at all.

At the same time,  the other people who kidnapped Lory were also taken aback at how relaxed Lory was, but they think Lory was only bluffing so they don't feel worried besides they already put a mana controller on Lory's wrist so she can't extract her power therefore they believe Lory was not a threat for them.

"You're kidding," Ron snorted disdainfully. "Because of you, my family will exile me out of town, my brother said he will cut off my financial support and not let me enter the high social world anymore, do you know how embarrassing that is, because my future is ruined, people laugh at me!" Ron intensely screams at Lory as he freely puts all the blame on Lory simply because he didn't dare to touch Lily.

"Um, I guess it's your own fault" Lory was unfazed, instead, she looked at Ron like he was an idiot.

"But this is because you, Lilly, found out I used the Love charm to make her like me, and now she hated me and now everyone blamed me because of that" Ron still blamed Lory.

"As it should," Lory shrugs nonchalantly.

"You!" Ron's face was getting redder from holding back his anger and the veins were popping out on his forehead, "It's all your fault, it's all because of you interfering with my business and now my life is ruined so you have to pay for it!"

'This spoiled kid!' Lory rolled her eyes, she had no sympathy for stupid people.

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"So how you gonna do it? are you gonna beat me up in front of these people, tough guy?" Lory mockingly said.

The woman in a tight yellow dress couldn't stand Lory's arrogance. He walked towards Lory then slapped him hard, "You talk too much, you should now realize your situation right now!"

Her friends watch Lory's miserable state with a smirk.

The hard slap caused the corners of Lory's lips to tear. Lory spat the blood from her lips onto the ground and then glared at the sexy woman in a yellow dress "OUW!" Lory glared defiantly at her.

The woman sneered, "You're funny, let's see if you're still able to joke after this is over"

The man who had just made the phone call beforehand is a bald man wearing expensive-looking sunglasses. the man turned his head at Ron, "We've finished our work so I hope you transfer the money before afternoon"

"Only after she's dead..." Ron licked his lips while staring at Lory maliciously.

"That will happen without question," The corners of the man's lips curved into a sinister smile.

"I will make her die in agony she will wish to die, this is her punishment for daring to interfere with my business!" Ron's eyes turned red from malice, he could already taste the blood in his hand.

"Hey I don't know how much he paid you but believe me it's not worth it" Lory's voice was solemn but of course, no one believed her.

"Ha, are you scared now? well, it's too late now!" Ron said with harsh laughs untill his whole body trembled.

"It's a shame that we only got her, it would be so much better if we managed to catch that handsome guy named Zhao Li Xin, too bad he wasn't around," the woman in the yellow dress showed genuine disappointment.

"Ha, don't tell me you like that type of guy?" said the bald man wearing sunglasses. From the tone of his voice, he sounded a bit jealous.

"Of course, did you see the picture" The yellow dress woman smiled crudely "I wouldn't mind keeping him as a toy for a while"

"Hey Sis, that's not fair, if you have that intention then I want to play with this girl too" a skinny guy with neon blue hair complains.

Ron rolled his eyes looking up "Okay you all get your turn after I'm done with him" Ron stepped towards Lory taking off his jacket and rolling up his long sleeves "You're so beautiful, you could be my girlfriend you know, too bad you pissed me off"

"Thankfully, you're not my type" Lory sneered.

Ronald's nostrils flared as anger surged within him, this woman dared to humiliate him from time to time again "Your mouth is really big, let's see if we can do something about it"

'Eeew' Lory scrunched up her face.

The curly yellow man and the skinny belly with neon blue hair each held Lory's arm so she couldn't move while Ron with lustful eyes walked closer and closer.

"You better stop fighting darling and start enjoying it," said the yellow-curly man.

As soon as Ron was a step closer, Lory lifted her foot and hit his crotch, Lory stepped on the thin man's leg and made him flinch for a moment as a result his grip loosened and Lory managed to free her hand then caught a blade embedded in the man's waist. Lory pulled the blade and then swiftly stabbed the man's yellow curly hair arm.

Lory's movement was so fast they were too late to react when Lory managed to free herself she threw the blade at the bald man to distract him when she succeeded Lory lunged toward the yellow dress and they tumbled down to the floor.

Lory and the woman in the yellow dress struggled on the dirty floor for a moment then the woman suddenly pursed her mouth and then exhaled into Lory's face.

Lory felt danger and jumped away from the woman while covering her mouth and nose

"Poison" Lory muttered, she hadn't seen anyone with a poison gift before.

The woman clenched her fist, she looked at Lory furiously "Slu*, You dare to attack me?!" she roared.

The other men had recovered soon they looked at Lory warily. Only Ron was still writhing on the floor while covering his crotch in pain, luckily his group of hired men were there to protect him and they all simultaneously drew their weapons.

"You damn, woman, you think you can't get away from here!" The yellow-curly man pulled the blade from his arm then took a health potion and soon the wound closed up leaving a mere scar.

"Kill her, KILL HER!" Ron shouted like a madman.

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"Girl, you just make things harder for yourself," said the man who was standing beside the yellow-dressed woman.

Lory tilted her head "We don't know that yet" Lory dangled a necklace with a rectangular metal pendant right in their faces. The woman in the yellow dress checked her neck and then stunned the key hanging around her neck had disappeared immediately a wave of fury rose inside her.

Lory smiled while pressing the metal liontin to the mana controller on her wrist t soon after the sound 'bip' was heard and the bracelet fell on the ground.

The Mana inside her immediately exploded like a broken dam, filling every fiber in his body with an abundance of energy that moves like a vortex.

Lory closed her eyes and took a deep breath before slowly opening her eyes and a giddy smile spread on Lory's pretty face, "Now we can have fun"

The temperature around them suddenly dropped significantly hence, all of them were dumbfounded while exchanging wary expressions. The woman in yellow knew they were in trouble, she shot daggers at Ron who was responsible for putting them in this predicament unfortunately it was too late to back out now, not after what they had done.

Lory open her arms "Shall we?"

"ATTACK!" The yellow dress woman screams in urgency.

They simultaneously opened fire and dozens of bullets split the air, followed by relentless loud noise that chased one after another without stopping. Lory opened her palm as the mana gathered in her palm and then she raised her hand to the air, a moment later, an ice wall emerged from the ground that became a shield that blocked their shots.

Everyone was Flabergasted and the skinny man's face became tight with a mix of shock and stress then he complained to Ron in a loud voice "She was supposed to only have a water gift, so where is this ice power coming from? Hey idiot, say something!" he blamed Ron, whom he thought gave the wrong information.

Ron's face turned deathly pale, he also didn't know how this could happen. This was information he had painstakingly obtained after bribing a lot of money to get information about this pair from someone working at the Slayer Beast Guild so how did he know that he was being lied to?

"It's not my fault!" It's incredible that Ron still refuses to take responsibility.

"Tsk, dammi*!" the woman in the yellow dress cursed, "Attack her at once!" she gave a brisk command.

A second later they all lunged at the same time. The woman chanted a spell to fill the air with poison in order to poison Lory, while the man with curly yellow hair cast a spell that made his arms covered in rocks like cragstone and then he hit the ice wall with all his strength.

The thin man turned out to have the gift of wind which made him able to jump very high above the ice wall made by Lory and the bald man swung a long sword that seemed to be strengthened by weapon enhancement, then he made a wide slash toward the ice wall. 

In fact, they are a group of talented people who are very strong, if ordinary people it would be impossible to face them all at once, but unfortunately what they are facing is the Princess of Lorient.