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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chatper 131
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131 Ayla

“She is malnourished, the circumstances of you having sex aren’t optimal, to begin with. If

by some miracle she did conceive, she would have lost the pup since you are almost

starving her to death. That’s

the cramps are, her stomach is so not used to food that it cramps up when she has a fatty

meal. I suggest you lead her, cook for the two of you, Alpha.” He sneers, but David does

not seem to notice.

Obsessed with the idea of me cooking for him, my first impulse is to protest. To hate Jason

for what he suggested. But when I think about. it, this will only suit me. I get more

freedom, and I can actually eat healthy foods. Eating regularly should help with the

cramps because I know Jason is right. But it’s not only, the fact that I can eat more food,

I’m sure healthier, less greasy options will be easier to stomach.

“I would love to cook for us, maybe we can even get some groceries. together in a human

store of course. Somewhere we will not run into other wolves” I suggest taking the

opportunity Jason has unknowingly given me.

Or maybe it was knowingly because Jason seemed quick to agree with my idea, almost too

quick. It could be he just hated doing so many chores for David. But it almost seemed like

he was trying to help me out. Or maybe he was just actively working against David, Jason

was smart enough to know the risk of me going outside even if it was in human territory.

For now, I just took the break, I could try to find out what Jason’s motives were later on.

David did not seem all too excited about the idea of going grocery shopping with me. And

it was not until Jason proposed that he would take me out shopping if David-didn’t want to.

That, he told me we would go out to the supermarket in the morning. Hearing so, I



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131 Ayla

288 Vouchers

myself to go to sleep in my nest, stating I was still very tired. To an extent that was true of

course because with how my life was now I was always tired. That was not the reason for

me wanting to go to bed early tonight. I need to be up before David. If I was going to leave

another hint, I needed to be sure to be careful about it. I didn’t have anything to write on

in my own blood anymore.

It still needed to be a hint that showed Griffin where I was, and that showed him I was

relatively unharmed, and had left the hint on purpose. All I could come up with was to tear

up one of the thin sheets that made my nest. Rip them to thin shreds and make bows out

of them. It would smell of me, but the ribbons dropped in a trail should hopefully show

Griffin it was a trail to the place David kept me hidden.

As I walked past Jason, he harshly grabbed my arm, and I was sure he would leave bruises

on it.

“Don’t drink the orange juice” He whispered, and the way he said it even if he had to

whisper unsettled me.


Especially since it was the luxury David let me have, every lunch where I would get the

meal made up of scraps there was a glass of orange juice next to it. It was awfully sweet,

but I didn’t care, I always drank it knowing my body needed the sugar. Before, when I was

still allowed to eat, David hardly did anything except for getting me that one glass of

orange juice in the morning. Tomorrow, I would accidentally knock it over, to see if David

would freak out about it.

Jason’s warning might look legit, especially added up with the weirdness surrounding the

glass of orange juice. But I was not naive enough to blindly trust him either. I trusted

neither, and spilling my drink would be the easiest way to find out what was going on. I

just nodded at Jason, letting him know that I did hear him and would take it into

consideration. He could hardly expect me to just believe him instantly, and even if he did,

I didn’t care.




131 Ayla

288 Mouchers

It was not like he could complain about me not listening to him. Because of the way he

acted, it was clear he was going against David’s wishes. And David was a ruthless man

who murdered his entire

family. To force the she-wolf he had rejected before to be his mate. again. Forgoing his

entire pack that needed him to do so. And he did it all without any remorse, with a smile

on his face.


Luckily, last night, it didn’t take me long to fall asleep. And now I was waking up to the

sound of David snoring. There wasn’t any light filtering to the sunroof yet. So it was

probably the middle of the night or in the early hours of the morning. Before the rays of

the sun were strong enough to light up the forest. As I started tying the ribbons, I was

thinking about the fact that this could very well be my last day in captivity. Of course, I

would not only leave a trail of ribbons from sheets that smelled of me. I would also try to

make a run for it at the grocery store. There wasn’t a lot he could do when we were

surrounded by humans.

He had to take the chain off too or else the authorities would be alerted because of the

kidnapping. The human government had some connections to the Council of Elders and

the royal family. Griffin and his parents had no doubt alerted them already, asking them to

look out for suspicious behavior around these parts. Even David, being as stubborn and as

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arrogant as he was, knew this would happen.

I hated I might risk some of the innocent people in the supermarket, but it was the only

option. Luckily, I had memorized Griffin’s phone. number. Most stores nowadays have

security, so my plan was to run out of the supermarket and into the closest store possible

to ask the security guard to help me out. Then I would call Griffin, who I still sensed was

close. He would come to collect me, and then I would try to lead him back to the dungeon

with the help of the ribbons to find David and Jason and have them arrested. I had no

doubt others are



131 Ayla

helping them.

1208 Vouchers

And I still don’t have a clue where Hannah has gone. Jason spoke about Griffin, but that

would mean she would need to go back to the Blood Moon pack and from what I gathered

the bond between David and his former pack was broken. There should be a new Alpha in

place now, and they would never let Hannah just wander about the pack she used to live

in. Not before she pledged her loyalty to the new Alpha or even their family if this new

Alpha was already mated. Overthinking all of this, going over scenarios to escape in a few

hours as I was tying the ribbons, made the time fly by.

The sun was high in the even, lighting the forest surrounding my hideout. Causing daylight

to stream into the room via the sunroof. I tied more ribbons for about an hour or so. Until I

heard the telltale creak of the door to the dungeon opening. Signaling that Jason was here

to wake us up to start the day. I rush to shove every single ribbon in my pocket before

curling up like a baby again, pretending to be asleep.

1 32 Ayta

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!