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The Perfect Luna by Marissa Gilbert

Chapter 11
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Chapter 11. The Deal

Riannon tried to stay calm. It wasn’t easy in the Lycan king’s presence, but she did try her best. It did not

help that he was incredibly good looking. Neither did it help that she remembered very well how he

brushed her off and humiliated her over the phone. The memory was still fresh in her mind, and it

bugged her. He bugged her. He made emotions raise inside of

her and she did not like it. She was trained well enough to conceive them at all times. Although

werewolves were beasts and had animalistic instincts, it was considered bad manners for a Luna to

show them. A perfect Luna couldn’t growl, couldn’t get angry, couldn’t display what she felt for everyone

to see. A perfect Luna had to be… well, perfect. At all times.

And Ria was always considered one of the best in that regard.

Yet with the Lycan king, she wanted nothing more than to come up and slap his

incredibly handsome face. Hard.

She did not even want to do that to Brayden. Although the rational part of her knew that

he deserved it more.

But that man in front of her, who did not take his eyes off her…irked her. To the point that she wanted to

do something about it. And his scent of coffee and sandalwood, which was the mixture of the two things

she loved the most, bothered her too.

Ria wished Onyx was there with her. Her wolf had better instincts and could help her to figure out what to

do. She had her all her life and now it was hard to be on her own.

Yet she had no choice. “What exactly do you want to know, Your Majesty?” she tried not to show her


but a little smirk still touched his lips.

“Everything, Riannon,” he addressed her by her name only, which was way too intimate for their first

meeting face to face. But he was a lycan. And they were arrogant and considered themselves the higher

class of wolf species. Everyone else was below them. So, Ria had to swallow that.

“Should I start with my childhood then?” she couldn’t help making the snarky remark and bit her lip as

soon as she said that, making an internal growl leave his body immediately.

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Okay, no more jokes then.

“You asked for my help,” he reminded her. “And you refused to help me, Your Majesty,” she pointed out in

turn. “Gideon,” he practically gritted through his teeth. “Excuse me?” she darted him a surprised gaze.

was gaping, trying to figure out if he was joking.

“I can’t…” she tried to protest but noticed how his eyes got darker at once.

“It’s an order,” he said coldly, making her gulp.

She wasn’t his biggest fan at the moment but she definitely did not want to make him her


“Very well,” she clenched her fingers together on her knees, holding her back straight,“ Gideon.”

He relaxed in front of her, hearing his name coming out from her lips. It sounded nice. He wanted her to

repeat it over and over, but, of course, couldn’t tell her that. At least not now. Something was very wrong

and she did not feel that he was her mate. Although, the longer they were this close to each other, the

more he knew that she was the one for him. This was frustrating and agonising. All he wanted was to

grab her and take her back to his lands, to make her feel what he felt, to love her and make her forget all

the other men in her life.

His eyes darted to the mark that was visible on her neck. Was that it? Was this the reason why she

couldn’t feel their connection? He wanted to sink his canines into her and try to erase that, try to fix

that… But of course, he couldn’t. Not without freaking her out and causing a political scandal, which he

couldn’t afford now.

“So, you are divorcing your husband,” he said, trying to focus on the positive here. Soon she would be

free and he could make his claim then.

“Uhm, yes,” she replied after a little pause and he did not like it. Was she hesitating now?

Her husband was literally with another woman in front of everyone at this very moment.

“Is it decided?” he sounded more menacing than he hoped and she shuddered a bit.

“It is,” Riannon replied calmly and he let out the breath he did not know he was holding,” But he is not

aware of it yet.”

“Oh?” the Lycan king arched his brow, watching the woman in front of him in amusement. What kind of

game was she playing? “How so?”

“For now he thinks that he could have it all,” her lips curled into a smirk and the beast inside of him was

howling at her sassiness, “His wife, his mate and his pack.”

“But you have other plans in mind?” he asked, trying not to sound too hopeful and noticing how Reid who

was still also in the room gave him a puzzled look.

“You know that very well, Your… Gideon,” she corrected herself and he smiled. She was

other promises to stay loyal, I took that seriously. If I met my mate, I would reject him on the

same day.”

He swallowed at the thought.

“And what if he was way better than your husband?” the words left his mouth before he could control

himself, “What if he really loved you and was, say… a noble Lycan?”

“It did not matter back then,” she snorted, “He could be the only son of the Moon Goddess! I… I used to

love Brayden. I would have kept my promise to him and honoured our marks. But since he didn’t do the

same for me…”

“Wasn’t it just a few days?” Reid interjected, “He could still reject his mate for you


“But he wouldn’t,” the girl replied way too coldly, “And it doesn’t matter anymore. You can only break

someone’s trust once.”

“Very well!” Gideon decided to agree fast until his i***t of a Beta offered her a solution on how to fix the

relationship with her husband, “Divorce it is then.”

They both looked at him in shock and he cleared his throat. “But what was it about the pack?” he decided

to change the subject quickly.

Riannon explained to him very patiently how they merged the two packs when they were getting married

and why she wants to take it back. She had good reasoning when she spoke and he found himself

agreeing to everything way too fast. Was this the power of their mate

bond? She also mentioned a few times how much she and her husband used to be in love in

and he found himself frowning at that every time.

“So,” she asked him, arching her brow and he realised that he had been quiet way too

long, staring at her and thinking of something else.

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This was the time for him to answer and he could tell that she did not expect much. If anything, she

seemed eager to return back to the party, where all those alphas were all over them and he was sure at

least half of them was going to offer her their support in hopes of getting her for themselves. He knew

how they looked at her. As if they all were hungry for her.

He also came to the conclusion that he made the worst first impression on his mate if she couldn’t wait to

leave him. And he needed to fix that fast.

“I will support you,” he said and her lips parted. He could tell that she did not expect that.

He had a lot of work before him.

“Yes,” a vague smile appeared on his face, “There will be some conditions, of course.”

“Like what?” the Luna crossed her hands on her chest in a defence motion. She was expecting the

worse from him and he only had himself to blame.

“Cooperation,” he said the first thing that came to his mind. The only condition that he really wanted to

name was for her to become his but he could sense that it wouldn’t work well. Not now. She didn’t feel

the bond and he did not know why. He needed time. Desperately. And he needed to find a way to be

close to her still.

“What kind?” she asked.

“The usual,” he cleared his throat, “If I am on your side, you are on mine. I also need you not to marry or

date anyone until I give you permission.”

“Why?” she mumbled, slightly shocked by the bizarre conversation that they were having.

“I have my reasons. Take it or leave it.” It was a gamble and Gideon knew it. But something told him that

she was going to take it. His wolf calmed down too now. He clearly enjoyed her company.

“Unless,” she looked him in the eye with some kind of determination and he got scared that she would

decline his offer, “Unless I find my mate.”

He tried to hold back the huge grin that was about to spread over his face but was failing miserable,

noticing how Reid was watching the pair with his brows knitted.

“I can accept that,” he smirked, “If you find your mate, you are free to embrace your bond.

“Then it’s a deal,” Riannon stood up and stretched her hand to him for a handshake, which he used to

pull her closer, startling her.

“Good,” he wrapped his hand around his waist to the shock of his Beta and led her to the exit, “Shall we

go then?”

“Where?” the Luna looked at him with her rosy lips parted.

“We have a show to give…”