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The Mech Touch (Web Novel)

Chapter 2173: That's Illegal
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Wreckage Paradise was littered with three objects.

First, the asteroids.

Though this specific part of the Nyxian Gap boasted a lower concentration of space rocks than elsewhere, they were still ubiquitous enough to force the ships of the Larkinsons to make frequent course adjustments.

The asteroids were not only safety hazards, but also posed as excellent ambush points.

Due to all of the junk floating in space, many sensors became impaired. This was especially so because a lot of asteroids contained at least a small amount of exotics, some of which generated some interference in the surrounding space.

When a lot of these interference fields overlapped with each other, it became a lot harder to detect something at longer ranges!

Pirates gladly took advantage of these conditions. They cleverly placed their sensors and scouts behind asteroids and constantly monitored the most commonly-traveled routes.

One day, the scouts deployed by the Flagrant Vandals detected another pirate group. The Larkinsons even managed to identify the group in question.

This time, they were lucky enough to encounter one of the bigger players. According to the Black Cats, the Rust Grinders possessed a peak strength of up to 600 mechs, and while their quality was inconsistent, each of them were piloted by competent, veteran pirates.

The pirate commander was a deserter and war criminal called Veron Upander. No one knew why he ran afoul of the Phantasm Republic and fled all the way to the Nyxian Gap. The fact of the matter was that Veron was not only strong, but also exercised good leadership compared to other pirate leaders.

One peculiar note about the Rust Grinders was that while they possessed an abundant amount of strength, they weren't known for being bloodthirsty.

Part of the reasons why the Rust Grinders managed to survive for so long was because they placed a lot of importance on scouting and never pushed their victims too much.

Rather than attacking, robbing and killing anyone they encountered, the Rust Grinders instead demanded tribute. As long as the Peacekeepers or any other force gave up a reasonable amount of valuables, the Rust Grinders always abided by their word and let their victims go on their way.

That said, anyone who thought they were weak were sorely mistaken. The Rust Grinders annihilated several rival pirate groups that thought they could take advantage of Commander Upander!

The Rust Grinders managed to survive for more than a decade, which was a testament to its longevity. Their penchant for extortion rather than outright murder caused them to form an accord with the Peacekeepers.

It was too bad the Larkinson Clan did not care about any hidden deals the Rust Grinders may have formed with the Peacekeepers or certain Sentinel noble houses.

Any pirate group that was weaker than Task Force Predator were automatically categorized as target practice!

The Larkinsons harbored little to no sympathy to the pirates. All of them functioned as cancers to society. Whether that cancer was benign or malignant, the Larkinson Clan's reaction was the same.


During previous pirate encounters, the forces accompanying Task Force Predator each enjoyed their turn. The pirate gangs they encountered up until now were too small and weak to merit a serious response.

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Most of the time, the mech pilots deployed into battle mostly consisted of rookies and those that could use the exercise.

This time was different.

First, the Avatars of Myth finally received their turn.

Second, the Rust Grinders were strong and numerous enough to merit a greater deployment. This time, the Avatars sortied into battle!

Soon enough, the surrounding space became filled with gleaming, gold-coated mechs. The Avatar mechs eagerly deployed from their carriers, hoping to be the lucky ones to confront the pirates.

The elite combat forces of the Larkinson Clan finally received an opportunity to showcase their strength!

Hardly any Avatar mech pilot wanted to skip this battle. Some even lamented that the Rust Grinders didn't appear to be strong enough to last for a long time.

The Avatars hungered for battle!

Only a couple of them remained reserved. Jannzi Larkinson stood at a ramp in the hangar bay of the Redfeather. She observed her Shieldbearers steadily launching their Aurora Titans into space.

Her boyfriend, who also happened to be the newest expert candidate of the Larkinson, kept her company for the moment.

"You don't seem eager to deploy into battle." Joshua spoke.

"There is hardly any need to attack the Rust Grinders." She responded. "They never demand tribute to those who are stronger than them. Instead, they resolutely make way. As far as I'm concerned, we're looking for trouble."

Ever since Joshua successfully advanced, he gained a lot more confidence in his relationship with Jannzi. He was a lot more willing to voice his own opinions!

"Pirates are pirates. As soon as these scum chose to enter the Nyxian Gap, they already deserve to be cleaned up. While we may not be troubled by the Rust Grinder in the beginning of our journey, who can tell if they will stay away when we are on our way out? If our fleet has suffered too many losses, we might turn into a juicy prize to them. It's better to get rid of them right away."

Jannzi did not look pleased at him. "Not everyone in the Nyxian Gap chose to become pirates. The pirates have coerced many captive ship crew to join their ranks."

"That's an unfortunate reality." Joshua admitted. "While I'm sympathetic to them, I won't hold back against any attackers. Perhaps we can rescue these unwilling captives after we have dismantled every threat."

That was a hollow promise. The Larkinsons hadn't exactly been merciful towards pirates so far. The Nyxian Gap didn't fall under any jurisdiction. Those who entered it did so at the risk of giving up the protection of every law.

No one cared about the innocents who lived in the Nyxian Gap. Everyone who resided in this region was a criminal as far as the public was concerned!

Some time passed before Jannzi and Joshua deployed last.

Their two gold-coated mechs seemed to shine like suns in a backdrop of stars.

The Shield of Samar piloted by Jannzi joined a squad of nearly-identical-looking Aurora Titans. The Shieldbearers wouldn't be playing a very big role in the upcoming battle due to their abysmal mobility. They merely served as a defensive reserve in case the Rust Grinders launched a counterattack.

Instead, everyone Avatar looked expectantly at the Quint. The masterwork Bright Warrior mech seemed to command everyone's attention as it approached a squad of regular Bright Warriors.

"Bright Companions, are you ready?!"

A roar sounded in response!

Every Bright Companion consisted of Larkinson mech pilots who exhibited the best performance with the versatile Bright Warriors.

Each of them were capable of piloting at least 2 out of the 4 configurations of the modular mech platform with great effectiveness. This versatility allowed them to bring the right configurations to the right battle.

Right now, the Quint and half of the Bright Warriors opted for a purely offensive approach. The Shining Warriors all came equipped with lances and enhanced, shock-absorbing armor plating.

The other half took up a fire support function. The Illuminating Warriors were armed with the same high-powered laser rifles they used against Davy's Ghosts.

There was no need to deploy any Solar Warriors. Everyone expected the Rust Grinders to get smashed, so there was hardly any need to deploy too many space knights.

The Avatars deployed 600 mechs in total, of which around 200 remained in reserve.

400 mechs in totals received a very simple instruction from Commander Melkor.

"Smash the Rust Grinders into pieces as fast as possible!" He transmitted to every Avatar mech pilot. "Don't hold back. This is a demonstration to the clan patriarch and everyone else that we are the strongest mech force in the Larkinson Clan. Do us proud!"

Ten mech companies soared straight past the asteroids and into the zone occupied by a large pirate fleet.

The forward scouts of the Rust Grinders may have missed the approach of the sneaky Flagrant Vandal scout mechs, but the strong energy signatures of so many mechs flying closer couldn't be missed!

Even before the golden reflection of the Avatar mechs reached the optical sensors of the pirate scout mechs, the main pirate fleet already received enough warning!

"Damnit, who are these guys?!"

"I don't care if you're sleepy! Hop into your mech as fast as possible and fend off those pretty boys!"

The Rust Grinders could not possibly miss the underlying message behind the bold advance of the Avatars. Their battle-scarred carriers hastily deployed pirate mech after pirate mech.

Commander Veron Upander deployed in person as well. His powerful cannoneer emerged into space with a huge cannon mounted on its right shoulder.

Once the Avatar mechs came into visual range, the confidence of the Rust Grinders already sunk. Even the most ignorant pirate could tell that these mechs and the people piloting them were strong!

It was unfortunate that there was no way to run from the approaching aggressors. Without any forewarning from their scouts, it was too late for their ships to begin accelerating away!

Even as Commander Upander desperately hailed the incoming mechs in order to negotiate a deal, the imposing Avatar mech companies showed no sign of slowing down.

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Each of the Avatar mech pilots had already received their orders. No one was allowed to talk to the pirates!

"ARRRGHH! So be it, then!" Upander cursed! "Do you think the Rust Grinders are that easy to bully? Let me show you what I've been relying on to survive all of these years!"

The pirate commander's mech flew back towards the broadside of his flagship and entered a strange bunker.

Multiple bunkers had been installed on the surface of the large vessel. Various cannon-wielding mechs had already moved into place.

Subsequently, something very astonishing happened.

Large connectors extended from the interior of every bunker. They each began to slot into a port built into the rear armor of every cannoneer mech.

A huge amount of power began to pour into the power systems of the mechs. Soon enough, the oversized cannons mounted onto the shoulders of the mechs began to fire an enormously powerful volley of thick laser beams!

When those lasers raked past the Avatars mechs, the Larkinsons all reacted with surprise!

Ves and some of the other assistants in the design lab gasped as they observed the half-dozen laser beams raining down on the advancing Avatar mech companies.

"Wait! That's illegal!"

Hardly anyone could believe at first that the pirates had actually violated one of the most important taboos of human civilization.

Yet the truth was right in front of them. The sensors precisely captured what went on at the pirate flagship.

"The power level of those laser beams exceeds that of third-class artillery mechs!" Someone shouted. "Unless we're being fired upon by second-class mechs, it's likely the Rust Grinders have illegally modified one of their starships!"

The laser beams already inflicted serious damage to some of the Avatar mechs that had the misfortune of eating those laser beams head-on. Owing to their premium construction, the mechs with thicker armor managed to remain functional, but the same could not be said for the lighter mechs!

"We've already suffered casualties! Three mechs have already been downed with at least twelve more suffering debilitating damage. It's not just the power of those laser beams that's a problem, but also their firing rate!"

Once the cannoneer mechs completely hooked up their systems to a starship, their offensive capabilities had reached an entirely different level!

Ves knew he had fallen into his own trap of sorts. He had underestimated the Nyxian pirates.

The Avatars soon mustered up a response. They shifted their formations so that the Bright Warriors took the lead.

Once those powerful laser beams rained on the Bright Warriors, their Breyer alloy resisted the attacks with hardly any sign of damage!

The losses rapidly subsided after that, but the attacks still struck a number of Avatar mechs that weren't entirely able to take cover behind the Bright Warriors.

"Take out those cannoneer mechs as fast as possible, Joshua!" Commander Melkor ordered.

"With pleasure, sir!"

The Quint and a half-dozen lance-wielding Bright Warriors accelerated ahead of the main group and began to charge against the distant Rust Grinders!