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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate by Sumi

Chapter 337
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Selena was taken into the ER the moment we brought her in. The doctors are attending to her while Ronald and I are waiting in a private outpatient ward. My thoughts are scattered all over like puzzle pieces emptied of their pack onto the floor. My heart is doing backflips in my chest as I pace about the room, impatiently waiting for Kyle to arrive.

He's the only one I can talk to right now.

Ronald is here and mind you I have nothing to hide from him, but there's just a way Kyle and I connect. He's the one I always turn to when I'm backed into a corner.

Ronald has his way of dealing with shocking situations like this. He prefers to isolate himself and only speak when the tension has subsided. Kyle on the other hand tackles the problem head on and that's why always turn to him.

A few moments go by and I'm still pacing and thinking hard. All those wounds on her body. The haggard state in which we found her. I can't help but wonder what happened to her. Where has she been all this time? It's been over five years since the ambush. Five years since she disappeared.

Why is she just showing up now? Goodness! My heart is going to explode soon.

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"Alpha Reagan." My head nearly hops out of my chest with excitement at the sound of Kyle's voice. I stop pacing and turn to face him. He takes long strides over to where I'm standing, looking very worried. "I got your call and the numerous messages you sent. What's wrong?" His eyes are searching my face as he asks that question.

"You won't believe it." "Believe what?" His voice is etched with fear and concern.

"Selena is back," Ronald announces from the other end of the room. Kyle's brows crease in confusion as he looks back at me. I nod.

"I... I don't understand. Which Selena?" "Selena Morgan, my first mate who we thought died during the ambush that took place five years ago." I calmly expatiate. His face grows ashen, his pupils dilate, and his entire body tenses with shock. I calmly nod my head, indicating that I was just as shocked as he is right now when I saw her.

"No way!" He exclaims in horror, eyes still wide open. "That's impossible. Selena cannot be back. We found her body. We buried her. She's dead!" "No, she's not." My voice is low.

I feel tired.

My brain. My joints. My entire body feels exhausted.

The sight of Selena drained every iota of energy from my bones and right now, I have no idea how I'm holding myself upright.

"How? How is it this possible?" I don't have an answer to that question.

The person who orchestrated the ambush was called Logan Wright. He was the Lycan Alpha of the Black Night Pack. A very ambitious man envied my position as Lycan King and wanted it for himself. Of course, there were many other Lycan Alphas like him, but he was the only one brave enough to facehead-on. The ambush took place on a day when Selena and I were taking a walk in the woods and that's how she got involved.

Logan disappeared during the ambush and has never been found. Even after I appointed a new Alpha for his Pack after denouncing his family of all royal rights, he never showed up to reclaim the throne. He must have died somewhere.

"Kyle," I call after a long moment of silence. "I swear to the goddess, things have taken a drastic turn and I have no idea what to do right now. Selena went missing five years ago and now she's back. Ashanti, two years ago and she's back as well. I have no idea what gthe Moon goddess is playing right now." "What about the mate bond? Do you still feel any connection with Selena?" He asks seriously and I quickly shake my head in denial.

I recognized her.

I perceived her pheromone.

Seeing her in such a wornstate madefeel angry and sad and sorry for her, but there was no connection. No strong feelings. No bond with her. It was just my empathic side kicking in after seeing a she-wolf looking so injured. It had nothing to do with emotions or feelings.

"No," I reply with a head shake. "I don't feel any bond with her." "Why would the Moon goddess give you a second chance mate when the first one is still alive?" His brows are furrowed as he asks that question which throws my mind into even more confusion. "Something is not adding up. Apart from the fact you recognized her face, what other aspect got you convinced that the girl in the ER is indeed Selena?" "Her pheromone. I could perceive her pheromone. It's the ssmell I used to perceive from her back then." "Wow!" He breaths. My frustration mounts.

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"So, you can perceive her pheromone, but you feel no connection whatsoever with her." Ronald finally speaks. "That's what I'm trying to say." "What in the Lycan atrocity is going on here?" Kyle is now the one pacing about. "Two mates alive?" He stops and looks at us. "Two!" He accentuates, showing us two fingers. "That's a catastrophe! How could the Moon goddess let this happen? What gis she playing?" "I'm finished." I lament, taking a seat on a nearby couch. I'm too exhausted to keep standing. "Just when I thought things were going to be fine between Ashanti andagain, this happens." "And why won't things be fine between you and Ashanti?" Kyle questions, sounding a bit annoyed.

I look up at him with raised brows.

"Selena's return will complicate everything! Ashanti will be infuriatedwhen she finds out that my Le first mate is still alive. She's not going to listen to anything I say. She'll pushaway until the end of the world!" "No, she won't."

"We have to keep this between us for now." That's Ronald. "Things will get out of hand if this news reaches the pack subjects already asked the guards not to spread the word about Kaew it and they won't. When we see the doctors again, I'll give them the sorders"

"We also have to carry out an investigation," Kyle adds. "You've indeed recognized her face and her smell but we have to do everything to make sure she is not an imposter. Are you sure Selena wasn't a twin?' "I assure you that Selena isn't a twin. Besides, two shewolfs cannot emit the spheromone even if they are identical twins." "Yeah. That's true. Regardless, an investigation will be carried out and she also has a lot of explaining to do." "You guys handle the external issues and letdeal with her myself." I point out because I know the kind of person Kyle is.

As it is now he doesn't trust Selena one bit and he can get a bit extrwith questioning her if I give him the chance to do so.

I quickly rise to my feet when a doctor comes into the ward. He quickly bows his head upon seeing all three of us and I walk towards him.

"How is she?" "My Lord, she just woke up and she won't stop crying. She insists on seeing you." His words ricochet through the room like bullets. A small kernel of nervousness rakes route in my stomach as I instruct him to taketo her ward.

I am a finished man.