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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate by Sumi

Chapter 331
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"Thank you Kain." I thank the driver who just opened my car seat door with a big smile on my face. We just arrived at the Castle of the Luna Crescent Pack... Alpha Reagan's lair. A strange feeling comes to life in my gut when I step out of the car, on Lunar Crescent soil and let my eyes roam around the familiar environment. It's been two years, but I remember this place all too well. The well cut lawns are in tact as always, the beautiful flowers, the clean pavements and above all, the magnificent buildings at various points of the premises.

The last tI was here, I cas a Harem girl who was obliged to serve the Lycan men with as much as her body. The girls I arrived with hatedat first sight. The only person who stood by my side was Tessa.

Speaking of Tessa... I don't know how I'm going to start apologising to her when we meet, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I'm sure she's going to understand my reason for leaving the way I did. She always understands.

"Impressive!" A voice speaks by my side. A smile forms on my face when I turn I see Ryan. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realise he had joined me.

"I know, right?" "I can't believe you said no to all of this." "Ryan. Please don't tellyou're taking Sheila's side now." He chuckles lightly and shakes it head.

"I'm just saying it would have been nice to have a sister who's the queen of all this... you know. Have unlimited access to this place." "You're never cease to amaze me, Ryan." I shake my head and follow the guards who are leading the way into a hall which I know to be the banquet hall. It's the shall we were taken taken into when we first arrived here as Harem girls. The entire premises is filled with cars and people whom I presto be other designers who have cfor the competition.

As we draw closer to the banquet hall, my heart rate increases and I feel like I'm going to faint by the twe get to the door. I'm not nervous about the competition. I'm not nervous about the numerous people I see in this hall we are walking into. I'm nervous about the fact that in a few minutes time, Alpha Reagan will chere to address us.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I'm going to see him.

He's going to see me.

I'm so eager to see his reaction when that happens, I feel like I'm going to faint. I chere for a single purpose. That is to participate in this competition and win it. I want no business with Alpha Reagan. But then, if he ignorestoday, I will be heartbroken.

If he doesn't cup toand say we need to talk, I will ball my eyes out when I get to my apartment.

Yes. I'm confused. I know.

At least I know that I'm confused.

"Isn't that Ashanti Anderson, the Chief Designer of TTC?" A curious voice snapsout of my thoughts. I turn to my left where the voice cfrom and see a group of flamboyantly dressed women, staring atas they whisper to each other.

Sometimes I wonder if people forget that we have heightened hearing abilities. As a Werewolf or a Lycan, it's useless gossiping about someone with whom you are in the sroom because that person will hear no matter how hushed your tone is.

"Yes, she is. She's also Alpha Reagan's mate. The one who dissapeared two years ago.".

"Wow! Isn't she amazing. Just take a look at how she's walking down the red carpet as though she owns the entire place." "Well... technically she does. Her mate owns this place." "I am so jealous of her.".

"I'm proud of what she has become. She's so inspiring. I love her. I cannot wait to interact with her when this competition commences." too!" Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first tin my life to hear ladies in a gathering talking something positive, inspiring and beautiful about me. I am smiling like an idiot as I take a seat at the table the guards have led us to. "You seem to have a lot of fans already." Ryan remarks, smiling. He overheard the conversation as well.

"It feels refreshing to know I've garnered fans and not haters. It's not something I'm used to." "Well, get used to it, because that's what's going to be happening from now on." He givesa gentle tap on my hand before leaning on his chair and putting on his airpods.

He needs to recharge before having another conversation with me.

My eyes keep hovering around hall.

The last tI was seated in here, I did so as a Harem girl, but today, that's not the case.

I'm seated here today as a contestant for the biggest Fashion Competition in the entire werewolf world. How things have changed.

Everyone is going to seedifferently.

Alpha Reagan is going to seein a different light and I look forward to that.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Suddenly, the rowdy hall falls ino graveyard silence. Everyone takes their seats with their gazes towards the main entrance door. I turn to look as well and my heart drops into my abdomen when I see who they are all looking at.

It's no one else but Alpha Reagan.

He's making a majestic entrance into the banquet hall and everyone in the room rises to their eir feet and bows.

rise, but don't bow, not out of disrespect, but because I'm so caught up in the moment that my senses have flown out of my brain. He's well dressed as always. Look pristine and elegant and his entourage walking behind him gives him an invisible aura.

Nothing about him has changed. He's the sman I left two years ago and he still has the ability to make my heart beat out control without saying treat alword. My eyes are glued to his face as he draws closer to the front where I'm seated. His eyes are scanning the entire hall like he's searching for something. My breath hitches my throat. That's the sthing he did the last twe were in here for a gathering like this.

He searched and searched and when he finally found what he was looking for, he glued his gaze on it...

Like he has done right now.

His eyes are like a magnet, pullingtowards him. Making it hard forare to look away. He has stopped m walking and em we are both staring deep into each other's eyes...

dumbfounded... flabbergasted... which is ironical because for days now, we have both known we will be meeting here. Lena, my wolf, comes to life again and this taround, she's howling and screaming and urging to do the unthinkable.

My feelings for this man have not dropped a single percentage.

Damn this mate-bond.