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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102: Ayla

Mina brought me some pajamas and clothes for tomorrow since I didn’t have any of my

stuff. I was tempted to go to bed early but wanted to wait for Theo. The more I thought

about things, the more we needed to talk.

I questioned Mina’s choice of sleepwear as I pulled out a silky black camisole and short set

that she had brought. I was thinking about going in search of one of the stashes of sweats

when my phone rang. I picked it up, expecting it to be Theo, but it was Kingston’s name I

saw on the


My gut twisted, but I knew I might as well get it over with now. I took a deep breath and


“Hello.” There was silence on the other end. “Kingston?”

“So you’re a Greytooth again,” he stated. “You didn’t even give me a chance to apologize

— give us a chance to talk things out.”

“Kingston, I never stopped being a Greytooth,” I replied solemnly. “I’m sorry, but I think we

both knew it. This is my home.”

“This could have been your home, Ayla,” Kingston said, his words slurring together. “You

were happy here. You just needed to give it more time. You can still give it time. Still give

us a chance.”

“Kingston…,” I said.

“Ayla, please, just let me apologize,” he begged. “You were right. I crossed a line. I never

should have had you followed without your knowledge. I should have trusted you to take

care of yourself. I’m





Chapter 102: Ayla

sorry. I truly am.”

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“I’m sorry, too, Kingston,” I said. “It wasn’t fair for me to get mad at you the way I did. The

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truth is, I was the one keeping things from you.”

“Keeping what from me?” Kingston asked, both anger and despair in his voice.

“The envelopes,” I told him. “I was getting more of them and I hid them from you.”

“Ayla,” he replied.

“I know,” I interjected. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t want you to have to worry about it. But

that’s no excuse to get mad at you for doing the same thing.”

“Ayla,” Kingston pressed, “it’s okay. I wish you had told me, but it’s okay. I forgive you. Can

you forgive me?”

“Yeah, Kingston,” I said. “I forgive you.”

“I miss you, Ayla,” he replied. “Please, come back.”

My chest tightened. I was already fighting back tears.

“Kingston, I can’t. I don’t belong there.”

“Ayla, don’t say that,” he protested, his speech becoming more garbled. “You belong here.

You belong with me. I am your mate. You have to still believe that. I won’t let him take you

from me.”

“This isn’t about Theo,” I insisted.

“Funny how you didn’t deny that he wants you anymore,” Kingston slurred. “Or that you

want him. Are you with him already? Did he




Chapter 102: Ayla

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really fool you into forgiving him so easily?”

“You’ve been drinking, Kin,” I said.

“So?” he snapped. “You think I would let him have you if I was sober?”

“I think you would have control of yourself if you were sober,” I said.

He laughed bitterly. “I wouldn’t count on it, sweetheart. Do you know what it’s like to feel

a tether break? To know exactly who broke it? But I’m not giving up, Ayla. I will win you


“Kingston, stop…”

“I still have his ring, Ayla,” Kingston pointed out. “The ring that I know… because we were

meant to be together. We’re the last of our pack, Ayla. You and

kohe. We can bring them back together.”

“Kingston, you know that’s not possible,” I said sadly. “And I want my ring back.”

“You are always welcome, Ayla,” Kingston replied. “If you want it back, come and get it.”

The line clicked as Kingston hung up on me. I didn’t know whether to feel angry or guilty. I

didn’t expect that call to go well, but I didn’t think he would hold my father’s ring over me.

I would get it back. If he thought he could take it from me, he was yet again



I called Emma.

“It’s about da*n time you called,” Emma answered, stress evident in her voice. “Are you

okay? What the hell is going on?”

“I’m sorry, Emma,” I said. “I know I should have called sooner.




Chapter 102: Ayla

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Honestly, I started to call so many times, but I needed to work through some things. And I

wasn’t sure if you would want to talk to me.”

“Of course I do,” she insisted. “So you dumped my Alpha. With the way he’s been acting,

I’m having a hard time blaming you.”

“You noticed it too?” I asked.

“He’s been disappearing constantly,” Emma said. “No one can reach him half the time.

Pierce is so stressed he barely sleeps.”

“I’m sorry, Emma,” I replied. “I feel like this is my fault.’

“Oh, sweetie, don’t do that,” she said gently. “From what Pierce has shared, this is

something that runs deeper with Kingston. I just want to know you’re okay.”

“I’m okay,” I insisted. “Except… Kingston still has my father’s ring. He’s refusing to give it

back to me unless I come to him.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, honey,” Emma said, her tone strange.

“What do you mean?”

“Look, girlie, I gotta go. I’ll talk to Pierce and see what I can do about the ring,” she said,

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changing the subject. “I’ll call you soon. I need to get caught up on this mess. Love you!”

“You, too,” I replied, hanging up the phone.

I leaned over the counter, huffing in frustration as I pushed my hands through my hair. I

couldn’t help but feel like everything going wrong was because of me somehow. I was too

tired to deal with that, though.

I went ahead and took a quick shower to get rid of the smoke smell and changed into the

pajamas Mina gave me. I had finished brushing my




Chapter 102: Ayla

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teeth and was contemplating just crawling into bed when Theo reached

out to me.

‘Hey, sweetheart,’ his voice sounded in my head. ‘I’m sorry it’s so late. Are you still up?’

‘Yeah, I’m up,’ I replied.

‘Is it okay if I come see you?” he asked sweetly.

I smiled. ‘Would you? Please?’

‘I’m on my way.

Either he wasn’t far or ran through the packhouse because it was only a minute before he

knocked on my door. I opened it, and I swear we both relaxed when our eyes met. He

stepped inside and our lips met. He kicked the door closed behind him as he pushed me

further into the apartment. His hands moved down my sides, pulling me against him as he

cupped my a*s.

I moaned, feeling his length harden against my belly. He growled and ripped himself away,

leaving us breathing heavily.

“Ayla, before we get carried away, I think we should talk,” he said, nuzzling his nose

against mine.

“Yeah, me too,” I agreed.




Chapter 103: Theo