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The Love that Never Really Dies (Sasha and Sebastian)

Chapter 1338
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Chapter 1338 He Does Not Want Me Anymore

Three days later, Haruto finally announced Sasha to be in good condition.

Sebastian was elated to see how things were progressing.

It was on that day that he received news that Roxanne had died. Trevor was transferring her back to

Sumanthova when her organs failed and she passed away at the hospital.

Karl was unmoved when he found out about her death. “Whatever. People like her deserve to die


The things Roxanne had done were so horrendous he felt no grief at all when the woman left.

Surprisingly, Haruto turned out to be the person who was the most affected by the news.

He was in the ward when he learned about her demise. Visibly jerking at the news, a regretful

expression appeared on his face.

“That’s a shame…” he sighed.

Sebastian stared at him.

A shame?

A frown slowly emerged on Sebastian’s brows as he tried to make sense of what he just heard.

He wanted to ask what Haruto meant, but Sasha was too excited about finally getting well and

returning home that she kept pestering Sebastian to share the good news with their friends and family.

Sebastian shot her an adoring look as he took out his phone to contact everyone, but he was stunned

the moment he saw his screen.

There was a notification saying he had a new email. When he clicked on it, a complex chemical formula

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came into sight and the message finally became clear.

Sebastian Hayes, you’re forever indebted to me.

Back at Avenport, the Hayeses were relieved when they heard that Sasha had recuperated.

Sabrina was especially thrilled when she found out about it. Given her gregarious and sociable nature,

she thought of a brilliant idea, and her eyes glimmered in excitement.

“You know what I’m thinking, Ichika?” she asked.

“Huh?” Ichika was clueless. She had not been herself over the past two days.

“What’s with that response? Sasha and Sebastian are coming back! This calls for a celebration, and

both of us will be in charge.”

Ichika still had not caught on to what Sabrina was planning.

Wait… What is she talking about?

Ichika had been bothered about Solomon not talking to her. He had even reached out to her family to

ask them to bring Ichika back.

Ichika might be young, but she knew what Solomon’s action meant.

This explained why she had been downcast these few days.

She looked at Sabrina apologetically and lowered her head. “I’m sorry, Sabrina. I might not be around

when they come back. My father will be picking me up today.”


Sabrina was stupefied.

“What’s the matter? Did anything happen? Why did your dad send for you out of nowhere? You don’t

like it here? Or does your dad disapprove of you working at Hayes Corporation? You can assure him

that he has nothing to worry about. I can always free you from the job so you can take care of Solomon

twenty-four-seven,” Sabrina said half-jokingly.

Ichika initially did not want to discuss the matter so openly, but now that Sabrina mentioned Solomon,

the young woman could no longer hold it in anymore. She had had enough over the past few days.

“Actually… It’s Mr. Akiyama that asked my dad to send someone to pick me up. I don’t think our

relationship is going anywhere.”

Tears rolled down Ichika’s cheeks when she finally told Sabrina what was going on.

Sabrina did not know how to react all of a sudden.

What the hell is wrong with that guy? Why is he sending the poor young woman home? She’s an angel!

How can he do that to her? He must be crazy! Don’t tell me he’s gonna stay single for the rest of his


Sabrina was so furious she dashed upstairs to confront Solomon. However, as she reached his office,

Solomon was completely unperturbed by her barging in.

As if he had expected her arrival, he tossed an equity transfer agreement over to her before she could

even speak.

“They already signed it,” he said coldly.

Sabrina’s glare intensified.

She stared at the document and took deep breaths. “Solomon, I know the family shares are important,

but we really hope you can start your own family as well.”

“I’m not interested.” He turned her down outright.

Since Sabrina refused to take the document, he put it back down on his table and stood up, going over

to the water fountain to get some water.

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“I’m doing just fine by myself. I don’t need other people in my life, so just leave me alone.”


Sabrina halted before she said anything hurtful, but in her heart, she badly wanted to speak some

sense into Solomon.

Sasha’s already married to Sebastian and they have a family together. It’s time you stop waiting for her

and move on! You can’t just hold on to her for the rest of your life!

Do you think she’ll see your heart and reciprocate your feelings?

Sabrina clenched her fists in exasperation.

“Solomon, why are you behaving like this?” She spoke, trying not to sound too harsh. “Is it because I

was cold toward you last time? Fine. I’ll apologize for what I did. I sincerely hope you move on one day

and start your own family. You don’t have to worry about the wedding at all. I will do everything within

my capacity to make sure you have an unforgettable wedding.”

Solomon froze in front of the water fountain.

In his whole life, no one had apologized for how they treated him.

Not only was this true for the Hayeses, but it was also true for everyone else he met after he turned


He did not anticipate that she would care for him so much.

The man teared up, but he quickly collected himself and pushed back his tears.

“Thanks, but I just don’t want to have a family. You know full well there’s only one person I love. I can’t

just disregard my feelings and marry someone else against what my heart tells me. This is unfair for

me and also the other woman. Have you ever thought of that?”

Solomon finally told her what he truly felt.