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The Last Primal

Chapter 204 - 204 - ...with An Unexpected Outcome!
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Chapter 204 - ...with an unexpected outcome!

The dreadful moment, the expected outcome never came, no matter how hard the male clenched shut its eyelids, hoping for the reaper's scythe or in this case, the fist splattering it to bits and pieces.

Although the looming shadow over him did not recede, its instincts were not on high alert anymore, its nerves began to calm down. As it slowly began to flutter its eyelids and open its eyes, its first reaction was to turn around and look for its mate, who was waiting, hiding behind a shrub, waiting for its mate tirelessly. Even though the female was in obvious labor pains, it never left the male hare, stubbornly staying at its side, in relative safety.

Seeing as the female was safe, it turned back and looked up to the towering giant that was about to squish it to a pulp just a moment ago. It stood motionless in place, his hands grabbing a hole in the middle of his chest, as there was a large, bloody gaping hole there. 

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Not understanding this change of events, but feeling no threat from the giant anymore, the male hopped forward, circling around the enemy. A few hops in, the mystery of the hole was revealed, a second giant bipedal creature, albeit considerably shorter and frailer, was standing behind the monstrous being. action

His right hand was discolored with the dark, viscous, oily fluidic substance, his hand was holding a strange organ that the little hare couldn't identify. Although the hare couldn't identify the organ, it didn't really care either, especially when it saw the dark brown colored crystal laying on the ground in front of the second creature. It was covered with the same dark, oily substance as the creature's hand, but it did not matter, the male instantly recognized the object: It was a Core! The precious object of desire of every living being, the quintessence of power of the large dark green evil giant!

Its eyes transfixed on the crystal, he slowly hopped closer, careful not to alert the second creature, slowly closing the distance between him and his object of desire. It was as if the male hare was in a trance, as it got closer and closer to the crystal all reasons and instincts have vanished from its mind. Eventually, it got close enough to the crystal, to hear it's wondrous, melodious humming sound as if calling for its new owner.

As it got next to the crystal, the visible dark, green gaseous energy began to swirl with excitement and crashed against the walls of its crystalline prison. In response, the male hare began to lick, and nibble on the walls from the other side, desperately trying to make its way through it. Although it was never taught, somehow it knew that what it needed was that swirling cloud behind these strong, protective walls.


Holding the now-silent organ in his hand, Aiden was in deep thought. He was unsure if he should directly absorb it now and take on the risk or just store it away in his system's inventory for later. 

His concern was that if he goes from the burst of energy he received from when he absorbed the first human heart, he wasn't sure what sort of effect an even more powerful being's same organ would have on him. Does this towering, robust giant store more energy inside him? Probably. Will he be forced to watch his memories? Will the energy be too much for him to handle? Will he be forced into morphing into these creatures on the spot, just like before?

Many questions, and too many uncertainties. However, on the other hand, he was really curious about trying it. He wanted to feel that surge of power, that increase… that almost cathartic, euphoric feeling… 

'No. Not now. Later, when I have more time and space around me.' He shook his head as reason won over desire. As he flicked his hand to shake off most of the gooey mixture of blood and mushy guts, the creature's blood vanished from his hand, and at the very same time, appeared in his inventory, giving him a name to the creature he just killed with one punch.

As he looked down, to pick up the Tier 1 Monster Orb that he also got from the Orc, he was surprised to see a white fluff of hair next to it, nubbing its walls.

"Heh…" He smiled at the sight, crouching down, and looking at the little critter from a closer angle. 

"You really want this little friend?" He asked with a wide, compassionate smile as he looked at the little bunny desperately clinging to the crystal walls of the Monster Orb, the Core of the creature.

"Alright then, I'm going to leave it to you. I'm sure Lilly would want me to do the same as well…" He said, mostly to himself, as he remembered how much his sister loved these fluffy white beings when she was younger. If she was here, she wouldn't let Aiden steal the little bunny's 'rightful' treasure. 

He could already imagine her stern look, as she waved her little index finger in the air warning her brother not to bother the little being.

"Fine… Fine…" Answering the imaginary silhouette of his sister, he stood up, leaving the hare on its own, and walked over to the dead human body. Grabbing it and lifting the carcass from the ground, he turned around, and with one last smile to the male hare and its new 'treasure', Aiden vanished from sight, only to reappear miles further, outside the forest startling Sarah and the surviving members of the recon team…


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The little hare had no idea that its treasure was just saved by an illusionary being, it was completely oblivious to its surroundings by now. The only thing that mattered was the crystal and its contents.

Even though there was not much progress, it continued to relentlessly nibble at the surface, desperately trying to get closer to the smoke-like energy that kept trying to get through as well. The male even forgot the female who kept watching from the side, afraid to take a step further, even though it also felt that the danger had finally passed. 

The female did not go even though the frequency of the pains started to increase, it did not want to leave its partner alone. Instead, it kept itself hidden in the bushes, it settled in for the inevitable. If it had to give birth to its baby out here in the open, it will do just that, but it will never leave its mate alone.

Eventually, the male managed to make a tiny crack on the surface, that as if a switch was flipped, began to rapidly spread all over the crystal before it burst into tiny pieces in a much more violent manner than it should have. As soon as the hard crystal barrier was removed, the dark green energy swooshed towards the male hare, and through its pores, eye sockets, ears, noses, and even mouths and ears began to ooze into its body, merging with its very soul in a rapid fashion.

The energy as it swirled around the white hare's defenseless body formed a miniature tornado and lifted its body from the ground. For the first time, the little bunny let out a barely audible squirm as it got frightened and clarity suddenly returned to its mind, albeit a bit too late.

The energy continued to whirl and churn around its body violently, tearing its fluffy white fur from its body, revealing its vulnerable pink skin. Small cuts and gashes on its body started to appear on its body, smearing the beautiful skin with dark red blood all over. The pain was too much for the small rabbit to keep it contained, its weak, a high-pitched voice rang around the clearing, that whilst was mostly dubbed by the loud whirring torrentous energy tornado that kept pouring into its body, it still reached its mate's ear, perking its head from the ground. It revealed a worried look, but as it already started to give birth, it was unable to rush forward, it could only cry back to its mate, hoping it would survive the strange phenomena.

As the energy continued to pour into the little critter, the raging storm that surrounded it began to calm down, its pink, furless body that was covered with its own, red blood and cuts and gashes all over was placed back on the ground. Only his rhythmic pulsating body could be seen as it took in large gasps of air.

Almost a full minute passed on like this, as the little hare was doing its best to calm down and recover as much as it could. However, after about a minute, something warm suddenly began to spread from the depths of its body, spreading a strange sensation all over its body, lifting it from its fright and pain in the process as well. Its worried look suddenly vanished, replaced by calm, as it slowly closed its eyes, and traveled to the land of dreams…


On the outside, as the male was drifted to sleep, an ebony-colored thin membrane made of a skin-like material began to form around the little male hare. Creating a fitting cocoon and signaling the arrival of a new creature, a new being, now with its own core providing its body with new energy and abilities.