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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 634
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Chapter 634

Mia’s eyes widened in disbelief as she gazed at the raging Nicholas. Her frustration peaked, and she retorted, “Are

you out of your damn mind? Besides Ceci, we’re all dressed perfectly fine, and nothing of the sort you’re accusing

us of has happened!”

Despite the ambiguous circumstances, she couldn’t help but think that Nicholas was a complete idiot, his mind filled

with nothing but horseshit.

Despite the suggestive circumstances, it was clear as day that nothing had occurred.

Is this guy incapable of using rational thinking to assess the situation?

“Mia, quit your cunning excuses! You two have been gallivanting around without a care. Who knows what mischief

you’ve been up to behind closed doors.” Nicholas’s voice boomed with anger as if he had lost all sense of reason.

“I have no interest in bothering you.”

Mia shot him a glance before shifting her attention to Haylan, her eyes filled with deepening worry.

Haylan’s face twisted in agony. His forehead was drenched in sweat. It was clear that he was suffering from a

torment beyond imagination.

“Haylan, you better hold on tight and make it through this. Don’t you dare let anything happen,” Mia pleaded


Her eyes remained fixed on Haylan’s face, a mixture of worry and anxiety etched on her features.

She swiftly averted her gaze to find Nicholas’s eyes fixed on Ceci. With a subtle change in her expression, she

swiftly retrieved a blanket and draped it over Ceci’s form, shielding her from potential exposure.

Mia fixed a piercing gaze upon Nicholas. “You better learn some manners and respect,” she admonished.

“How come? You can bring that savage man here to ogle at Ceci, but I can’t take a look?”

Nicholas’s eyes burned with anger as he spoke, “I’ve been Ceci’s most devoted suitor for years, and you know it

well enough.

“Why is it that this man gets to have a look and even lay his hands on her while I am not allowed to have a glance?”

“Damn it, let go of me!”

He fought with every ounce of his being, desperate to break loose from the grip of the sword beam.

Yet Haylan found himself helplessly pinned down by the overwhelming might of his sword beam, leaving him devoid

of any means to break free from its unyielding grasp.


At that precise moment, Haylan unleashed a tremendous, earth–shaking roar that echoed through the air, sending

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shockwaves in every direction.

A torrent of formidable vital energy surged from his being, permeating the air with an aura akin to a legion of

razor–sharp blades. With an explosive force, it broke free from the confines of his body, piercing through everything

in its path.

Yet, to everyone’s astonishment, when the sword beams crossed paths with Mia and Ceci, they gracefully

sidestepped, refusing to inflict even the slightest injury upon them.

The sword beams surged with an unstoppable might, rending the earth asunder and etching many sword–shaped

scars across everything within the confines of the mansion’s grand hall.

Nicholas bore the brunt of the sword beams, enduring countless piercing strikes that left him drenched in a gory

display. The searing pain ripped through his body, tearing at his soul and eliciting harrowing screams that echoed

through the air. Following Haylan’s surge of vital energy, the mysterious butterfly tattoos that had taken hold within

his body were forcefully expelled, emerging from his skin as if repelled by his overwhelming might.

To everyone’s astonishment, after being expelled from his body, the mysterious butterfly tattoos continued to hover

in the air, their wings gracefully fluttering as if animated by an unseen force.

“Damn, is this creature truly so formidable?”

As Mia beheld the scene, a flicker of alarm flashed across her countenance, prompting her to retreat from the

presence of these mysterious tattoos swiftly.

To her, those mysterious tattoos were akin to evil spirits, haunting entities that spelled nothing but death and

despair. When entangled by those sinister forces, Ceci was brought perilously close to the brink of death.



Chapter 634

With these entities now detached from the human vessel, their ability to move independently is utterly horrifying,

akin to abominable creatures that defy comprehension!


Haylan’s gaze turned razor–sharp as he moved with lightning speed. The sword beams reverberated, instantly

blanketing the butterfly tattoos and piercing them relentlessly, leaving them riddled with countless wounds.

In the end, the surging sword beams consumed the butterfly tattoos, obliterating them without a trace and leaving

behind ash and dust.


Upon accomplishing all this, Haylan coughed up a gush of blood, his complexion ghostly pale and his visage

displaying an indescribable torment.

“Haylan, how are you holding up?” Mia asked.

“I’m alright.”

Haylan clenched his fist against his chest, his demeanor composed as he spoke in a low voice, “Those evil spirits

may have been peculiar, but they failed in taking my life. The threat has been dealt with.”

As he spoke, a wry smile crossed his face.

He suffered some internal injuries while trying to confront these mysterious tattoos.

While the injuries weren’t overly severe, a minimum of a day would be required for him to recuperate and regain

his strength.

“Let’s bring Miss Lawson back first. She needs to rest,” Haylan said.

“Very well.”

Having witnessed Haylan’s safety, Mia could finally breathe a sigh of relief. She swiftly cradled Ceci in her arms,

intending to carry her back to the bedroom for some much–needed rest.

Yet, her efforts proved to be in vain.

Her energy was too feeble, rendering her unable to lift Ceci.

“Let me take care of it.”

With a sense of resignation, Haylan took a deep breath, channeling his inner strength to subdue the explosive

energy within him. Stepping forward, he gathered Ceci in his arms, holding her tenderly as he made his way toward

the bedroom.

“You son of a bitch! You, Jaber! Keep your hands off my woman!” Nicholas yelled in a fit of anger.

Ignoring him completely, Haylan proceeded into the room, holding Ceci in his arms, paying no attention to

Nicholas’s words.

“Jaber, I’ll make you pay!” Nicholas thundered against the walls, his voice filled with a wrathful rage.

Simultaneously, he exerted himself, employing all available means to break free from the grip of Haylan’s


sword beams.

Alas, Haylan’s vital energy swords were considerable, effectively impaling Nicholas to the wall, leaving him utterly

helpless and unable to make even the slightest movement.


Nicholas, pinned against the wall, seethed with frustration and rage, bellowing in a wild frenzy. With a frantic grasp,

he clutched at the vital energy longsword, desperately attempting to wrench it free.

Regrettably, the vital energy longsword had lodged itself too profoundly, defying all his efforts to extract it.

“What’s the commotion about?”

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Haylan stepped out of the bedroom, his voice unwavering. “Let me be frank with you. Ceci and I have done nothing

wrong. We are completely innocent.”

“You’re right. I can attest that nothing has transpired between us,” Mia stated firmly.

“You deceitful lovebirds, who knows if you’re engaged in some illicit affair, protecting each other like conniving”

accomplices!” seethed Nicholas with burning fury.

Haylan’s face contorted with frustration and disbelief.

“What kind of twisted thinking is this?”



Chapter 634

Jumping to conclusions based on superficial observations and doubting the woman he pursued revealed a complete

lack of trust and a petty, insecure nature.

Mia’s temper flared at his words, and she snapped back, “Nicholas, mind your filthy tongue! All three of us are

innocent and have never engaged in any of the despicable acts you suggest!”

She may have feelings for Haylan, but that didn’t mean she would engage in such shameless behavior of sharing

him with other women!

Nicholas’s thoughts about her were nothing but an attempt to humiliate her!

“What’s the matter? Does it hit a nerve? Is that why you’re getting defensive?” Nicholas sneered coldly. “Have you

two already been in bed together?”

Mia’s eyes narrowed. Wasting no time, she swiftly delivered a forceful slap across Nicholas’s face. “Nicholas, watch

your tone!”

“Let me clarify, I, Mia, have my dignity and self–respect. I would never stoop so low as to be involved in a situation

where two women share one man.”

“If you dare to utter such nonsense again, I’ll rip your mouth apart!”

“You think you can get away with hitting me, Mia?”

Nicholas’s anger flared up as he glared menacingly at Mia. “Do you have any idea who I am? Do you know the kind

of connections I have?”

“I am well aware, but having connections doesn’t give you the right to spew nonsense, nor does it intimidate me in

the least!” Mia replied defiantly.

Nicholas’s eyes burned with even greater fury upon hearing her defiant words. He spoke each word with seething

anger. “Fine, Mia. I’ll remember this. When I return, I’ll find someone to care for you once and for all!”

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