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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 171
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Chapter 171

“You have me, Selene.”

He kisses her deeply, tongue tangling with hers with such ferocity that she has to catch her breath

when he pulls away.

“You will always have me.”

His hips snap forward, the length of his c ock slowly pushing inside her until he finds himself fully



Landon Walker screams out in pain, doubling over as he clutched onto his bandaged waist. The

sudden throbbing in his head and in his heart bringing him pain beyond anything he’d felt before. Like

thousand needles all at once piercing into his skin. He grinds down on his teeth, shutting his eyes

tightly as he tried to take the pain. But its no use. His wolf was spiraling out of control, his body

trembling with agony as he hunches over his bed.

He was resting in his room, trying to heal his wounds faster by staying still. He’d been laying in bed

sleeping when suddenly he felt something piercing his heart. He felt like he was being torn apart. Like

his soul was being ripped into. All he could do was scream, his clawed hands grasping onto the bed

sheets and tearing the fabric in the process. His cries echoed down the pack house that in less than

five minutes Hestia and her mother came barging in with a limping Benicio Dixon.

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Sophie, Hestia’s mother, ran over to his side, unsure of what to do but try to rub his back in comfort but

Landon swatted her away. He growled, dark eyes zeroing in on the female before another wave of pain

hit him.

The others who stood around him were at a loss. Trying to calm him would be futile but what else could

they do? They couldn’t possibly leave their Alpha in pain.

“W-whats going on?”

Hestia asked, wild eyes searching between her husband and parents. Beta Benicio had a solemn look

on his face but he kept calm. He watched over the young Alpha with interest.

“I don’t know.”

The room fell silent except for the cries of Landon Walker. Each passing second the pain progressively

got worse and worse. He couldn’t take much more of this. He knew if it went on he would pass out from

the overexertion of his body as well as the wounds.

“The pain he feels now is what happens when a wolf’s mate finds another.”

The four wolves snap their head to the door. Harrison Walker, the Alpha before his son, walked in with

his back straight, head held high and an infuriated look on his face. Following him was the Luna before

Hestia, Luna Allison with an expression of pure disappointment.

She noticed the blonde staring at her gapingly and glared. All the love and respect Allison had once felt

for her son’s chosen snuffed out once the truth came to be.

འཇའ འ པ ད Hestia flinched from the heat of her glare. It was obvious the Alpha pair heard about the conflict with

Selene and Raizel. There was no doubt in her mind that they were here for that.

Humiliation crept up her skin as her face boiled.

“Harrison, I can expla-”


Chapter 171

“Shut your f ucking mouth Benicio. I’m here to discipline my son, not to hear your pathetic excuses

about keeping such a vital secret from me.”

Harrison’s insults sliced through Benicio. The Beta’s lips tightened into a firm line as he nodded briskly

and lowered his gaze to the floor. His submission did little to appease the elder Walker.

Although his position was gone, his Alpha presence was still prominent.

“W-what do you mean”

Landon grunted, sweat soaking into his shirt as he clenched his fists.

“by ‘finds another”?”

Harrison doesn’t let the agony from his son affect him. Although part of him wants to console and

comfort his pup, the Alpha inside him wants to hold his ground. A father nurtures his young, and that

includes chastising him when he’s at the wrong.

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“Your mate,”

Harrison spat, glaring at Hestia,

“-has moved on.”

Landon sits up, ignoring the protests of his body telling him to do otherwise.


Harrison keeps the same impassive look on his face. His anger and frustration rolling off him and filling

the room. Everyone can feel the tension. The anger radiating off him making the atmosphere almost


“She’s with another.”

Landon’s eyes widen, and so does everyone else’s. There’s no need to specify what he meant by that.

Everyone knew at this point. Landon’s green eyes flash angrily, teeth elongating and claws ascending

further when Harrison all of a sudden backhands him across the face. The sound of the painful hit

rendering everyone silent.

“You will not do a thing.”

Harrison bellows. His wolf surging forward as Allison tries to clam him. She feels his anger, his pain

and his disappointment but most of all, she feels the weight of guilt eat at him. Had Harrison known

about Selene, maybe things would’ve been different. Maybe his pack wouldn’t be at the bottom of

rankings, maybe his son would be happy, maybe his pack would’ve improved had the rightful heir to the

Luna position been given her destiny.

But no, his son had to f uck everything up all because of petty infatuation. He’d told his son countless

times the importance of the mate bond. And although he loved Hestia, she was not his mate. He had

only agreed to the mateship between them because Landon hadn’t found her- or well, that’s what they

all made it seem like.