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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 169
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Chapter 169

“Since day one, you always made me feel loved.”

Raizel feels his chest tighten. He felt so much all at the same time. So much love that he couldn’t help

but utter the three words he never thought he could ever say.

“I love you.”

He laughs a little. The three words that made him feel so light and free.

“Since day one, I loved you.”

Selene’s lips part and she has to force back the mist in her eyes. When was the last time someone had

said that to her? When did anyone ever love her? Did she even deserve it? After everything? She stops

questioning herself. She doesn’t know whether or not she deserves it, but all be dam ned if she didn’t

selfishly take that love for herself.

“I love you.”

She smiles.

“Since day one.”

That’s how Selene found herself withering under Raizel once more.



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She stared up at him, eyes bright and ablaze when his large hands moved down to mold her body.

Firm, sure fingers slim down her sides. Hard calloused skin against her soft ones, she ignored the

tension building up in her lower abdomen and watched him. The tightening coil of arousal almost too

much for her when she whines. The way his eyes narrowed down at her body to take in every little

detail and engrave it in his mind. Or the way his lips part so he could mumble out a cuss during his little


He understood that Selene was more than okay with how things turned out but he wanted more for her.

He thought she deserved more and more was something he was keen on giving her.

He breathed in, letting a small groan rumble from his chest when she ran her hands up his chest. Her

nails grazing over the curves of his hard muscles; appreciating and soaking in the dips of his body. She

feels his pulse under his fingertips. The rapid beating of his heart solely for her. He made it his mission

to memorize every part of her. To imprint every little freckle and scar in the depths of his mind. To sculpt

his image of her in the darkness of his soul so that when the situation calls for it, he’ll have something-

someone he can think of to lead him back to the light. She was his guide. The only thing that makes

sense in his world. So when he needs to remember himself, he’ll think of her.

So that when he thinks back to how it all truly began, he’ll remember this.

His firm hands went to cup her breasts, eliciting a surprised gasp from the woman beneath him. He

waist a second to make sure she’s alright and with a shy nod, he continues. He’s careful in the way he

treats her. Determined to show her how special she was through actions just as much as he tells her

through words.

He dips his head down to her chest, the crown of his head the only thing the blonde can see when she

feels something wet slide over her hardened buds. Her teeth pulled in her bottom lip. Raizel’s hot, wet

mouth takes in her nipple. Sucking and nipping at the bud so teasingly she needs to clench her legs


The area between her legs growing wetter and hotter when he swirls his tongue around the pebble.

She feels exhilaration shoot down her spine, hands grasping onto the bed sheets when he moves his

thigh between her legs. Raizel feels her eagerness and can’t help but smile in content. Her slick folds


Chapter 169

dripping with her desire for him rubs against him. She doesn’t care much about the embarrassment.

They were passed the stage of being shy about it.

He has to withhold a groan when she grinds herself. Her lithe body moving and using him for her own

pleasure. Her hips move back and forth– slow and torturous. He enjoys the way he manages to make

his little wildflower fidget and desperate for him. The way those blazing blue eyes hold him tightly. He

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rolls her nipple around with his thumb, tweaking and pinching the bud.

Selene arches her back, legs spreading wide for him when he moves closer between her thighs.

Replacing his thigh was his hips, his erection pressed snug against her folds. Selene sucks in a

shuddered breath, mind blank and numb to anything but him. His scent driving her crazy and pushing

her further into the lust induced cloud enwrapped around her mind.

The same cloud driving Raizel.

He brings his hand to her face, her eyes looking at him questioningly. Her chest moves up and down

rapidly, heavy breathing the cause of such a reaction.


Her eyes widen by a fraction but experimentally does what he says. She takes his fingers in her mouth,

swirling her tongue around his long digits. Right between his fingers, over and around, she sucks in him

like she’d done before. She knows with the darkened look on his face, that she’s just provoking him into

losing control. And frankly, that was the plan. Her lips pucker around him, tongue flattening at the pads

of his fingers before slight sounds of her lips smacking resonate in the room. Raizel feels his hardness

twitch, eyebrows drawn together in concentration as he forces himself to be patient.


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