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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 371 Spirit Artifacts
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Of course, this was none other than his sister, Kali.

Briefly gazing around Kali, Cain also saw two other youths wearing luxurious, white, classical robes. These two exuded strong Divine auras, on a slightly similar level to those Zhun siblings. But just this wasn't enough to take hold of Cain's interest.

At the same time, the Dark Dragon youths appeared beside Cain's side. When identifying the three youths calmly sitting, their reactions were even more intense than Cain's.

"Huang Kali? And those two...the Sacred Martial Palace?!" Their shock soon turned into suspicions when intently focusing on the Sacred Martial Palace disciples.

Another group like them came down, huh?

Yulong and Lanwei instantly knew their intentions. However, they kept their tongues held considering their current situation.

"Hm?" Promptly when Cain's group arrived, Kali, Wang Lin, and Huo Li all swung their eyes open. Shock soon filled their gazes.

"You?!" All had varying intense reactions towards each other.

The Sacred Martial Palace was stunned at both the Divine Mortal and the Dark Dragon's prime geniuses.

While Kali flicked her gaze onto the Dark Dragon youths for a mere moment, before squarely focusing on Cain.

Kali quickly stood up and walked towards Cain while saying, "Cain, of all places for us to meet up in, to think it would be here. And because you're here, I already know our luck has turned from terrible to dogshit."

Cain wryly smiles in amusement. It felt refreshing to hear how blunt Kali was sometimes. He quickly focused up the next second, asking, "Let's just quickly go over what happened that led us all here. I have a feeling we will have similar stories."

Within a few moments, both groups were quickly acquainted with each other.

The Dark Dragon youths and Sacred Martial Palace disciples felt naturally suspicious of each other. But for the sake of this situation, they kept surface-level politeness and focus up to escape.

No matter their own agendas, none of it will matter if they all end up dead. Or worse, one of the Divine Mortal dying! Teaming together was the best and most logical outcome.

After only a few seconds of using Qi transmission to brief each other, both groups roughly understood each other situations.

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The normally proud Kali couldn't help but have a grave expression while saying, "To think there's something like that demon still out here. Even worse, I feel as if the painting I saw earlier relates to that demon."

"Not just that demon. Who or what the hell is this mysterious hooded person? I don't think I've ever heard of anyone below the Primal Sovereign with the ability to manipulate natural World Source Law to any degree." Yulong commented on some useful information.

By the time one reaches the Primal Sovereign realm, their Martial comprehension would feasibly be high enough to slightly manipulate the very Source Laws fueling the universe.

Achieving this kind of feat below Primal Sovereign would mean that the genius attainment level is at a ridiculously high level. This would also grant that genius prowess practically on the same level as Divine Mortals!

One must not forget that attainment level not only increases comprehension abilities and intuition but also combat prowess.

The higher the attainment level, the more control they have over the Heaven and Earth and the Source Law path. And higher control means one can draw forth more of its power and convert the energies they absorbed into heavily dense properties.

When considering that the mysterious hooded person couldn't instantly kill off Kali's group with superior prowess, the youths felt it was very unlikely that the mysterious person has extreme attainment levels.

In the midst of their discussion, Cain abruptly jolted like a frightened rabbit. His gaze snapped around, settling on a building dozen of meters away.

"Cain?" Kali and the others were equally confused and tense. Even for the ones who don't know Cain very well, they all could tell he's not the type of person to waste any of his moment.

Before Cain could even talk, a terrifying pulsation of energy permeated the atmosphere.

A gleaming crimson line appeared right in front of the building Cain stared at. Space Laws shattered all around the crimson line and it soon opened to the Void Space.

Two figures slowly strolled out of the Void Space, their footsteps making loud cracks that reverberated out for miles.

Just their mere presence caused the air to freeze. A suffocating momentum drilled into the entire area.

Cain, Kali, Yulong, Lanwei Wang and Huo Li all froze like statues. Dread broke out from their souls and warped their mental states.

The people they were warily dreading had suddenly appeared without warning. None of them perceived even the slightest amount of danger moments before.

A toweringly tall demon-like creature and an average height, mysterious hooded man calmly stood before everyone.

The demon looked unconcern with an almost vacant look while the hooded man even had his hands clasped behind his back.

The hooded man swept his gaze over at the huge group of extraordinary geniuses. He then nodded proudly, as if he finally accomplished a tremendous task. 'With all of them, I may even survive the Formation. Now then....'"

The hooded man's hands flashed numerous signs within a moment. A stream of crystal water suddenly blitzed out of his hands and soared at roaring speeds towards the massive group of youths.

At the same time, the Vaiser demon swiped its vile claws, unleashing a giant wave of crimson-colored energy.

Both the crystal water stream and crimson energy ray pulsated with unfathomable power. Visible air distortions appeared wherever the energies attacks traveled.

Space Laws was on the verge of completely collapsing!

Its superimposed aura engulfed Cain's huge group. An unbearable sense of pressure smashed upon everyone's bodies.

The aura pressure from these two full-power combined attacks was simply too immense!  Some of the weaker geniuses could even feel and hear their bones crack apart.

Furthermore, the space surrounding them became tremendously tight. It was impossible for anyone to break out of this predicament.

But while the pressure was immense and Space Laws tightened around, everyone in Cain's group could still move. Each of their dantian or Inner World were frantically gushing every ounce of their strength. And because they all have Inner World's foundation thousands of times denser than even higher realm cultivators, they could alleviate the aura pressure with their own auras.

Still, the genius youths only had a very small window to attack. If not, they all will get instantly wiped off the face of existence.

And at this moment, Cain's powerful voice boomed into their mind like continuous thunderstorms going off all at once.

'Use your Spirit Artifacts!!'

Leading in an example, Cain thrust his hand forward, shooting out a beautiful purple crystal necklace.

The necklace radiated a gleaming purple glow, dazzling brighter than the stars. It was a soul-capturing sight. And not only did the necklace look beautiful, but it also pulsated with tremendous power!

The energy exuding from it caused far more destruction than the crystal water stream or crimson energy ray. Small black lines were torn open around the necklace, showcasing a daunting pitch of blackness.

This endless blackness was the Void Space. Space Laws could not contain the crystal necklace's power.

When the necklace's energy aura washed over the crystal water stream and crimson energy ray, it caused both imposing attacks to even slightly stalled.

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The necklace pressure was enough to not only match two powerful combined might but also very slightly stall the rate of their movements.

During this very short interval, the other geniuses similarly threw out their Spirit Artifacts, all of them in various shapes and forms.

Intense waves of energies rolled out of each Spirit Artifact. Brilliant, gleaming lights filled the skies and crack apart the ground.

Under several Spirit Artifacts, waves of energy flashed in the appearance of a magnificent rainbow ray.

In that moment, the rainbow ray completely overshadowed the hooded man and Vaiser demon's dual attacks.


The rainbow ray smashed right through the unstoppable crystal water stream and crimson energy ray with an unbreakable momentum!

Both previously overwhelming attacks dispersed into nothing but particles of tiny lights.

Although because of how much force need, nearly all of the Spirit Artifacts' intense power was rapidly drained.

Only Cain's and Kali's Spirit Artifacts necklace continued forward at a swift speed and considerable power.

'What?!' The mysterious man completely froze in utter shock.

Those Spirit Artifacts' speed far surpassed the rate of his thoughts. And even if he could react, each of their prowess slightly surpassed his own, practically making it impossible to stop their energy rays.

When seeing two more Spirit Artifacts barreling towards him, the mysterious man started to perform more hand signs.

And while the Vaiser demon showed zero reaction, it also coated its claw with crimson energy and slowly raised it up.

At the same time, Cain and Kali's Spirit Artifacts suddenly stopped, shook with power, and shot out numerous purple energy tendrils.

The purple energy tendrils flew at an instantaneous rate. Before anyone could even blink, the purple energy tendrils already wrapped around both the hooded man and Vaiser demon's bodies, tightly constricting them.

The mysterious man and the Vaiser demon could only react a split second later. By then, all the energy flowing within their bodies had tremendously slowed down.

Neither could no longer unleash swift or powerful attacks. Their prowess was instantly suppressed by over half!

'Just who the hell can make these Artifacts?! This energy clearly is Divine Ruler and yet their prowess and Law comprehension clearly surpass Divine Ruler...'

The hooded man had cold sweat tingling down his back. He always expected the worst, but to think the greatest threat of them all would be Divine Rulers rather than those higher realm folks.