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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85

Loretta’s back broke out in cold sweat as she wondered, “I-Is he really…”

“What? Jonathan, do you know each other?” asked Alan in surprise as he stood at the side. As far as Alan knew,

Loretta was just a third-rate celebrity. Logically, they should have nothing to do with each other.

“Yes. I’ve met her once before,” said Jonathan indifferently.

Loretta’s eyes widened, and her heart almost leaped out of her throat. She thought, “It is really him…. the man

who lives with Rosalie! At that time, everyone in their family suspected the man might have been someone Rosalie

knew from prison.

Who would have imagined that man is Jonathan? Jonathan, who is one of the most powerful people in Strico!”

Loretta almost fainted from shock. “What the hell is going on? Why was Rosalie living with Jonathan in that shabby

rental home?” Loretta wondered.

Calvin looked at Jonathan and Loretta in surprise before asking, “Loretta, why didn’t you tell me that you knew

Jonathan before?”

Loretta trembled and laughed awkwardly before saying, “At that time, I didn’t know who Mr. Youngblood was. Then

she hurriedly smiled at Jonathan and continued, “Mr. Youngblood, there seems to be a slight misunderstanding

between us. I would like to apologize for that.”

Jonathan seemed to ignore Loretta and looked at Calvin. “If there is nothing else, please make sure you don’t bring

along your girlfriend when you meet me. I don’t like seeing this woman.”

Loretta’s face turned pale, but she didn’t dare to say anything.

Calvin’s eyes flashed as if he had thought of something.

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After Calvin and Loretta had left, Alan came forward with great interest and asked Jonathan. “What’s the matter?

Did Calvin’s new girlfriend offend you before?”

Jonathan didn’t respond. Instead, he drained the half glass of wine in his hand.

When Jonathan saw Loretta, it brought back memories of Rosalie. He thought, ‘As long as Rosalie stayed by my

side, she could have a better life. Rosalie doesn’t need to do such dirty work or tire herself out. Plus, she won’t need

to cater to anyone’s whims anymore. Why… would she refuse it?

And even… my touch seems to disgust her to the extreme.

She is just another woman. There is no need for me to care what she thinks about me! Jonathan kept saying that to

himself, but the frustration he felt in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.

Over on the other side, Loretta looked at Calvin uneasily and mumbled, “Calvin… Did I… somehow offend Mr.

Youngblood? He…

“Just don’t show up in front of him anymore,” warned Calvin as he looked at the person opposite him and asked,

“Where and when did you meet Jonathan?”

“It was at my sister’s rental home, but Mr. Youngblood looked different at that time. Because our family was

involved in an argument with my sister, we also had a little conflict with Mr. Youngblood,” said Loretta trying to

undermine the actual situation. She was afraid that Calvin would abandon her because she had offended Jonathan.

Calvin was surprised. He thought, “Rental homes? Loretta’s sister? Is she the woman that Alan mentioned two days

ago? The woman that Jonathan went to save, which caused him to leave Leonard alone on New Year’s Eve?”

“I really didn’t know that he was Jonathan. If this matter affects you, I can apologize to him. Calvin, don’t get mad at

me, all right? I will be obedient after this. I will make sure to toe the line in the future,” begged Loretta, looking like

a fragile young girl. She looked pitiful, with her eyes misting over with tears.

Calvin raised his hand and gently stroked Loretta’s lips. Loretta knew that this was Calvin’s favorite thing to do these


Calvin loved her lips so much. He always said that Loretta had sexy lips, but strangely, he never kissed her on the

lips. Even after touching her lips, he would wipe his fingers with a clean handkerchief as if she were somewhat


Calvin’s contradictory behavior confused Loretta, but she dared not ask him about it.

“There is no need to apologize. You are my girlfriend. You only need to worry about me. Regarding everyone else,

you can ignore them, said Calvin.

Calvin’s movements were gentle as if he was gently touching some precious treasure, contrasting his cold and

distant tone of


Sometimes, Loretta really felt that she couldn’t really understand this man. She didn’t know what he was thinking or

what he wanted.

“All-All right. 1-1 understand, stammered Loretta.

Calvin withdrew his hand and took a handkerchief as usual, wiping his fingers carefully.

Loretta bit her lips slightly and thought, “One day, I will win over this man and become his last girlfriend. In the

future, I will marry into the Gunner family!”

At this moment, Loretta secretly swore in her heart!

The New Year soon passed, and on the eighth day of New Year, Loretta went to work in the Environment and

Sanitation Administration. Apparently, many colleagues had watched the news and knew that someone had thrown

things at Rosalie at the hospital entrance, so they were gossiping behind her back.

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“Rosalie, I hope no one comes to the Environment and Sanitation Administration and throws things at the people

here. Don’t drag the rest of us from the Environment and Sanitation Administration with you into this problem.”

“That’s right. My parents have found out my colleague is an ex-convict and are worried about me working with

her!” “Yvette has so many fans, and Rosalie killed Yvette’s sister back then. I heard Yvette had a great relationship

with her sister. Those fans are all upset on behalf of Yvette. I wonder if there will be any more aggressive behavior

from her fans in the future. It would be terrible luck if we got hurt by accident.”

In the Environment and Sanitation Administration, there was no lack of people mocking and ridiculing Rosalie.

Rosalie put up

with it silently and laughed everything off After all, this job was vital to her. She needed this job to survive. “If 1 get

dismissed, I’m afraid I won’t be able to find another job for a while, thought Rosalie.

Yulissa said to Rosalie. “Ignore those people. They would be glad to see you quit your job voluntarily and leave. But

it’s hard

for anyone to find a new job at this point. Even if you change your job, there is a possibility people will still criticize


“Yes, I understand that,” said Rosalie. She lowered her head and focused on sweeping the road.

At this moment, a man who was rushing bumped into Rosalie suddenly. She staggered several steps back from the

impact and almost fell to the ground.

The man who bumped into her ran away quickly without even apologizing.

“Rosalie, are you okay?” When Yulissa saw this, she hurried over and checked on Rosalie.

“Tm all right,” said Rosalie as she shook her head. Thankfully, although the impact when the man bumped into her

was not small, she wasn’t really hurt.

“What a rude person! Doesn’t he know that he needs to apologize if he bumps into someone!” said Yulissa angrily.