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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 523
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Chapter 0523

My father invited Alpha Mahli to visit. It can only mean one thing. He can’t tell Alpha Mahli about me, but if he is

here, there's a strong possibility that he would see Andra or see her in my eyes. If he didn’t already want me, he

would once he knew | was a Guardian. The threat of being taken by Alpha Mahli, and with my father’s help, was

very real.

As soon as Clint dropsoff at my room, | pack for the weekend. It's spring, but Maine is cooler than Georgia.

I've never been, and I'm excited to see someplace new. As soon as | finish packing. | head up to the roof. I've

becaccustomed to sleeping beside Clint, but even if | wasn’t, | know I'd need him and

Donovan to sleep tonight.

When | get to the roof, he is waiting for me. He pullsinto his arms, holding me. “How are doing. Lily


“Better now.” | told him I'd be honest as much as | could, and so | am. That means opening myself up. making

myself vulnerable and I'm hoping | don’t regret it.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He kisses the tip of my nose. “Con, we need to get ssleep if we're going to be up early enough. to go

catch that flight.”

“Are you sure we won't oversleep?” | ask him. He pulls his shirt over his head, before sitting down and showing

| pull off my night shirt, having beccomfortable sleeping partially naked and skin to skin with Clint. | don’t

know why it's so soothing, but it just feels right, like his skin and mine were meant to touch. | like having my face

and hand touching his chest and his hand on my back. The closeness feels....right.

Donovan and Andra immediately start purring at each other and it doesn’t take long before I'm falling


The alarm wakes us both in the morning and we hurriedly clear up our blankets. “I'm going to take these in to

get washed while we're gone.” He says, grabbing all our blankets. “They should be ready for us

when we get back.”

| go back to my room, taking a quick shower and putting my hair in a messy bun before grabbing my bag and

heading downstairs. Before | take two steps, Clint is there, taking my bag fromand carrying both of our bags

out to the car. | get squick to-go pre-made breakfast sandwiches, heating them quickly and grab some

water, just as | hear Anders and Cali cin from outside.

| put our food and waters in a bag, and all of us pile into the car and head to the airport. “Do we have tickets or

anything?” | ask.

“Dad chartered a private plane, just to be safe.” Anders says. “They are expecting us.”

We arrive at the private hanger, and we park the car in the private parking lot. Clint and Anders grab our


bags and we load onto the plane. I've never flown before so as we take off, | watch as the ground gets smaller

and smaller until we're so high | can’t see it any longer. Then | watch as the sun rises before !

turn to my friends.

“How long is the flight?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“About two and a half hours. We're going to Portland and from there, we have a car to get to Boothbay Harbor,

which is part of the Boothbay Pack’s territory. However, it’s such a tourist area, that it's mostly

humans and only a handful of wolves.” Clint says before turning to me.


“Even though there aren't many wolves, Andra, | need you to be very careful and only push forward when it's the

four of us. Do you understand? If there is any danger, Anders and | will handle it.” Donovan has

pushed forward, wanting Andra to know that he’s just as serious as Clint.

“We understand.” | answer for both of us. And I do, we're on this trip to escape an Alpha that would probably

kidnap me. | don’t need to be on the run so far from hand protection.


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Chapter 0524