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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52

Unable to focus on work, Derek asked his secretary to reschedule all his appointments for the day as he left the

office, and headed hto meet with his parents

He knew that his parents were not going to be pleased with him if he showed up there to beg on Evelyn's behalf

without proof of her innocence, but this had to be done. Evelyn was innocent and he was not going to let her

suffer for this no matter the case.

When he got there, he saw his mother in the living room and after greeting her, he looked around, "Where is


"He's in his study. Is there a problem! Why are you here in the middle of a workday?" She asked curiously.

"I wanted to talk to you both about something." Derek said and his mother nodded.

"Let's go join him in his study then," she said, and as she led the way, she looked at him.

"Did you know that the shameless girl from Empowered is the sgirl your cousin was going to marry?" his

mother asked, and he turned to look

at her.

"How did you know?" Derek asked, wondering when his parents found out about it.

"How else! Michael told us about it last night. Poor Michael. | can't imagine how hard it must have been for him

to watch you work with her, yet he kept it to himself because he didn't want to interfere with her career. Too bad

for her that I'm not as merciful as Michael. | intend to teach her a lesson. She can't publicly embarrass our family

twice and get away with it this time," his mother said as they walked into the study.


Hearing all this, Derek could see that it wouldn't be easy to convince his parents to let Evelyn be. This was

exactly what Michael had wanted.

"Derek, what are you doing at hduring work hours? | hope it's not because you're still worried about us?" His

father when he saw

"I cto talk to you both" Derek said, and his father gestured for him to sit.

"What is wrong?" His father asked after he was seated.

"I heard from the CEO of Empowered that you threatened to file a lawsuit against them if they don't relieve

Evelyn of her job," Derek said, and his mother nodded

"Of course. Although losing her job won't be enough to make up for the damage she has done to this family, but

that is a start," his mother said firmly.

"I asked that they shouldn't fire her, Derek said and his parents exchanged a glance before looking at him like he

had lost his mind,

"You did what!" his mother asked wanting to be sure she had heard wrong

"| asked them not to fire her. | understand how upset you are over this incident and-"

"You understand? No. I'm not sure you do. If you did, you wouldn't ask them to defy our order. Is all of this a joke

to you? Do you have any idea how devastating that article was? His mother asked, looking both hurt and

disappointed, while his father simply stared at him with a stony expression

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“Why di

did you ask them not to fire her!" His father asked quietly

"| found out that she didn't tell anyone about it and neither was she the one that put out the story. | don't think it

is right for her to lose her job over something that someone else did. Derek said and his mother looked at him


"Really? Does that mean you told someone else about it too?" She asked, and he shook his head.

"I didn't

"Then someone overheard you both and published the news? | take it the person cforward to confess?" His

father asked, and Derek shook his head.

"Do you have proof of her innocence? His mother asked.

No, but-

"Then how do you know she isn't behind it? Don't tellyou're taking

word for it," his father said, sounding both impatient and annoyed now,

Although Derek was tempted to tell them about the bug he found in his office, he didn't want to reveal it to them

yet. He knew that if he told them, they would tell Michael about it, and he didn't want that. He didn't want

Michael to know that he was on to him.

Clupter 59

"I can't prove it to you right now, but if you givest| will just don't let them live her. Take my word for

it, she doesn't deserve this. don't want her to suffer for something she didn't do, Derek said and his mother

looked at him sunpiciously

“Let's assthat | believe you and she didn't do this, but still, she hurt your cousin and disgraced our family.

She deserves to suffer for doing that too," his mother insisted.

"| believe she had her reasons for calling off the wedding and she shouldn't be punished for that, Derek said, and

his mother looked at him incredulously.

What has cover you, Derek? How can you take the side of someone like that over your family! Have you

forgotten so soon how devastated your cousin was after she called off the wedding the way she did! What stupid

reason could she have had to be with another man on the day before her wedding! His mother asked angrily.

"Don't tellyou're doing all this because you're interested in her, Derek, his father asked suspiciously.

"Are you?" his mother asked when she saw that he didn't deny it immediately as she had expected him to.

Derek nodded, "Yes, | am. | wouldn't have told her about it if | wasn't interested in her in the first place," he said


"How can you be in love with her even after finding out who she is! That temptress! | can see she approached

you on purpose. Perhaps it was her plan all along. I'm sure she didn't tell you about her relationship with Michael.

Or did she!" His mother asked and Derek sighed

"Evelyn isn't that sort of person, Mom. She didn't even know who | was."

"That is what she wants you to think! You're in love and have lost your senses, but as your mother. | won't let her

do to you what she did to Michael | won't let that evil girl canywhere close to you," his mother said and

picked up her phone.

"What are you doing, Mom?" Derek asked when he saw the determination in his mother's eyes,

"I'm calling Empowered headquarters and asking them to fire her with immediate effect!"

"No, Moms. You can't do that, Please. Dad, talk to her. Evelyn really isn't that sort of person. Please, just let her

be. If not for anything but for my sake, Derek pleaded and his parents exchanged glances. Even though they

were angry that he was intervening for her, they knew they couldn't entirely say no to him expecially since he

was begging them this way!

"Why are you so certain she didn't release the news? Is it because you're in love with her and you don't want to

admit she betrayed your trust?" His

father asked and Derek shook his head

"No, Dad. It's not that. It's far from it. You sawyesterday. | didn't defend her when | thought she was guilty.

But | have tangible reasons to believe she is innocent, trust me. I'm not so stupid to want to defend her if she

betrayedthis way. 1 just need a little more tto prove Derek explained and his father nodded.


"Honey, we should listen to Derek. We've always trusted him, let's trust him too on this one." bis fathe

one, his father said, and his mother sighed.

"We'll drop the case and let her go on one condition. Derek's mother said, deciding to use the opportunity

perfectly well.

"What condition?" Derek asked, knowing he won't like it

"You are to stay away from her and stop all arrangements with her as we previously agreed. Now that we know

she is Michael's ex will let her anywhere near you."

there's no

way 1

'C h ise? | still

an we reacn a compromise? | sti

want her to be the one to do the

interview, especially il all this

0 a

mess, Stedogan't ha to cto

iy bther: anymore or hang around

with me. We will just do the interview

and be done with it, Derek pleaded

and his mother looked at him for

stime. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"Fine. | will let you do that only on one condition," she said and Derek sighed.

"What's the condition!"

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"You will get married to Sandra. To that end, you'll have to go on a date with her. | heard what that heartless girl

did to the poor girl at their family party last night simply because she remained a good friend to Michael."

"Mom, | can't just marry someone | don't even know, Derek said, not liking the idea of marrying Sandra.

Apart from the fact that he didn't like her brause he knew the whole idea of marriage between them must have

been planted in his mother's heart by Michael, he also did not like her.

Although he did not really know her,

seeing her altercation with Evelyn last

night had told i @uldn®Iike

her ellidmt hee to know what had

transpired between them to take

f q q

Evelyn's side. Right now. Evelyn could

do no wrong in his eyes. The content

is on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Chapter 32

"That's why you will go on dates with her and get to know her. She's beautiful and sharp so you won't have a

problem getting along. That is my condition," Mrs Stone said and Derek linked at her for a moment before


Even though he didn't like it, he knew he needed to agree so he could help Evelyn secure her job and the

exclusive interview since that had been the condition for her promotion.

I" : : pa

If that is what you want, | will do it,

he said, hoping that after he is able to

get to the root of what happened,

between Evelynanddichee Six

years abd and prove that Michael had

released the news of his adoption to

3 |

the press, then his mother wouldn't

trust Michael so easily anymore, and

she would change her mind about

Sandra The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"Good then. | believe it is settled. | will text you the details of the date after it's been arranged," his mother said «

with a pleased smile.