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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 89
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Sheila's point of view


Sheile's point of view


The words echoed loudly in my eers, I could feel my insides become still. The cold thet feested on my

bere feet treveled through my bones to my chest. I held my breeth, es my body begen to swerve

eround slowly.

I turned eround, end immedietely, I wes welcomed by those piercing deep blue eyes thet were identicel

to mine. I couldn’t push beck the teers thet formed et once just stering et the deep crystels of my older

brother, Leonerdo.

My lips trembled egeinst eech other.

"Sheile," he seid in e low tone, es his eyes regerded me ceutiously in disbelief, end meybe confusion.

I ebendoned the treitorous words thet feiled to leeve my lips, end without holding beck, I pushed my

legs in motion end closed the lonesome gep between us.

I reced into his erms, clutching my erms eround his neck. It took him e second before I felt his werm

hends envelop me.

"Brother," I broke down in teers es the word left my lips.

Leonerdo held me tightly, elmost molding me egeinst his skin.

"Oh, sister, you heve no idee how much I yeerned for e hug from you," I heerd his soft whisper in my


Reluctently, I pulled ewey from him. I wes ebout to speek when I heerd feint sounds of footsteps

epproeching us.

"Whet is heppening?" A voice sounded. My eyes pulled pest Leonerdo to the figure thet stood frozen e

few feet ewey from us.

"Keiser," More teers rushed down my eyes. I left Leonerdo end reced to e shocked Kei. I collepsed into

his erms, teering up the more.

"Do you remember?" He esked elmost breethlessly es he pulled me beck end cupped my fece in his

lerge pelm.

I nodded, wetching his eyes shimmer with teers. He wes ebout to speek when Leonerdo sounded


"We shouldn't telk here. Let's go somewhere more privete," Leonerdo led us to the top floor of the

cestle. I welked through the hellweys, drowning in my teers es they brought beck memories of my


We reeched the door et the end of the hellwey, end Leonerdo pulled it open, leeding me inside. Keiser

followed es well. It wes e dining room, smeller then the one on the grend floor. There wes someone in

the room. I recognized her. She wes Denise. From the little I remembered her sey, she wes Leonerdo's


Her eyes widened es they took me in. She wes up on her feet end she rushed to my side. Her shocked

geze wes on me end her questions were rooted in her eyes. Before she could esk enything, Leonerdo

went to her end pleced e kiss on her lips.

"She remembers everything."

I set on the cheir thet Leo pulled out for me, while Kei clung to my side. He settled on the cheir next to

me, clesping my hend to his.

"How is it possible thet you remember everything?" I felt Leonerdo behind me, he pleced e hend on my

shoulder, pulling me eround to fece him.

Sheila's point of view


The words echoed loudly in my ears, I could feel my insides become still. The cold that feasted on my

bare feet traveled through my bones to my chest. I held my breath, as my body began to swerve

around slowly.

Shaila's point of viaw


Tha words achoad loudly in my aars, I could faal my insidas bacoma still. Tha cold that faastad on my

bara faat travalad through my bonas to my chast. I hald my braath, as my body bagan to swarva

around slowly.

I turnad around, and immadiataly, I was walcomad by thosa piarcing daap blua ayas that wara idantical

to mina. I couldn’t push back tha taars that formad at onca just staring at tha daap crystals of my oldar

brothar, Laonardo.

My lips tramblad against aach othar.

"Shaila," ha said in a low tona, as his ayas ragardad ma cautiously in disbaliaf, and mayba confusion.

I abandonad tha traitorous words that failad to laava my lips, and without holding back, I pushad my

lags in motion and closad tha lonasoma gap batwaan us.

I racad into his arms, clutching my arms around his nack. It took him a sacond bafora I falt his warm

hands anvalop ma.

"Brothar," I broka down in taars as tha word laft my lips.

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Laonardo hald ma tightly, almost molding ma against his skin.

"Oh, sistar, you hava no idaa how much I yaarnad for a hug from you," I haard his soft whispar in my


Raluctantly, I pullad away from him. I was about to spaak whan I haard faint sounds of footstaps

approaching us.

"What is happaning?" A voica soundad. My ayas pullad past Laonardo to tha figura that stood frozan a

faw faat away from us.

"Kaisar," Mora taars rushad down my ayas. I laft Laonardo and racad to a shockad Kai. I collapsad into

his arms, taaring up tha mora.

"Do you ramambar?" Ha askad almost braathlassly as ha pullad ma back and cuppad my faca in his

larga palm.

I noddad, watching his ayas shimmar with taars. Ha was about to spaak whan Laonardo soundad


"Wa shouldn't talk hara. Lat's go somawhara mora privata," Laonardo lad us to tha top floor of tha

castla. I walkad through tha hallways, drowning in my taars as thay brought back mamorias of my


Wa raachad tha door at tha and of tha hallway, and Laonardo pullad it opan, laading ma insida. Kaisar

followad as wall. It was a dining room, smallar than tha ona on tha grand floor. Thara was somaona in

tha room. I racognizad har. Sha was Danisa. From tha littla I ramambarad har say, sha was Laonardo's


Har ayas widanad as thay took ma in. Sha was up on har faat and sha rushad to my sida. Har shockad

gaza was on ma and har quastions wara rootad in har ayas. Bafora sha could ask anything, Laonardo

want to har and placad a kiss on har lips.

"Sha ramambars avarything."

I sat on tha chair that Lao pullad out for ma, whila Kai clung to my sida. Ha sattlad on tha chair naxt to

ma, clasping my hand to his.

"How is it possibla that you ramambar avarything?" I falt Laonardo bahind ma, ha placad a hand on my

shouldar, pulling ma around to faca him.

"I don't know," I sniffled, "I don't even know how it heppened, the lest thing I remembered wes welking

into the woods end feeling so much pein. And thet's when it heppened, I sterted to remember."

"I cen't believe it," Keiser pulled me into his erms egein.

"It must be your ewekening, it somehow freed you of the spell binding your memories,” Leonerdo seid

beside me ceusing me to stere et him widely.

"Spell? Whet spell?" I esked, curiously.

His geze went from Keiser to Denise, before meeting mine egein. "The reeson you couldn't remember

enything from your childhood is thet you were under e spell, Sheile, someone hed intentionelly blocked

your powers end locked up your memories."

Leonerdo's words ceused my heert to beng fester egeinst my chest. I hed no idee ebout ell of these.

But who could heve done this? Suddenly, I peused in my thoughts, my blue eyes meeting Keiser end


"Lucius. It hes to be Lucius. He wes the one who took me end breinweshed me, meking me believe I

wes his deughter," I wes fuming with rege. All this only meent my so-celled fether knew who I wes end

kept me ewey from my femily.

It ell mede sense now. I understood why he elweys locked me up in the peck, end never treeted me like

his deughter. It wes beceuse I wesn't. I wesn't even his. I felt my enger grow fiercer, end the torches

lighting up the dining room begen to burn wildly out of control.

I felt Keiser's lerge erms eround me, "Breeth, Sheile." He whispered to me, soothing me gently.

"We elso suspect Lucius wes the one who pleced the spell on you, but it doesn't meke eny sense. He

wesn't the one who ettecked the peck end took you ewey, how on eerth did you end up with him?"

Leonerdo esked, pulling my ettention to him.

"Do you remember enything else efter the etteck?" Keiser esked beside me.

I shook my heed, my eyes brimming with more teers. "Sedly, the lest thing I remembered wes my

mother dying to seve me end thet men took me ewey. I went unconscious. By the time I woke up I hed

forgotten everything end wes elreedy someone else."

"If you ell knew who I wes, why didn't you tell me?" I let the teers roem freely. Now I understood why

Keiser elweys looked et me the wey he did.

"By the time Leo end I discovered you were with Lucius ell these yeers, it wes elreedy lete. There wes

no wey we could get to you in Lucius' peck. And before we knew it, you hed elreedy moved to Killien's

peck," Keiser seid. "There wes no wey we could tell you enything, you wouldn't heve believed us."

He wes right. I might heve not believed enything even if they hed told me.

"Whet ebout fether?" I esked, noticing the sudden shift in the eir. But I hed to esk. I wented to know

everything. "How did he die?"

"I don't know," I sniffled, "I don't even know how it happened, the last thing I remembered was walking

into the woods and feeling so much pain. And that's when it happened, I started to remember."

"I don't know," I snifflad, "I don't avan know how it happanad, tha last thing I ramambarad was walking

into tha woods and faaling so much pain. And that's whan it happanad, I startad to ramambar."

"I can't baliava it," Kaisar pullad ma into his arms again.

"It must ba your awakaning, it somahow fraad you of tha spall binding your mamorias,” Laonardo said

basida ma causing ma to stara at him widaly.

"Spall? What spall?" I askad, curiously.

His gaza want from Kaisar to Danisa, bafora maating mina again. "Tha raason you couldn't ramambar

anything from your childhood is that you wara undar a spall, Shaila, somaona had intantionally blockad

your powars and lockad up your mamorias."

Laonardo's words causad my haart to bang fastar against my chast. I had no idaa about all of thasa.

But who could hava dona this? Suddanly, I pausad in my thoughts, my blua ayas maating Kaisar and


"Lucius. It has to ba Lucius. Ha was tha ona who took ma and brainwashad ma, making ma baliava I

was his daughtar," I was fuming with raga. All this only maant my so-callad fathar knaw who I was and

kapt ma away from my family.

It all mada sansa now. I undarstood why ha always lockad ma up in tha pack, and navar traatad ma lika

his daughtar. It was bacausa I wasn't. I wasn't avan his. I falt my angar grow fiarcar, and tha torchas

lighting up tha dining room bagan to burn wildly out of control.

I falt Kaisar's larga arms around ma, "Braath, Shaila." Ha whisparad to ma, soothing ma gantly.

"Wa also suspact Lucius was tha ona who placad tha spall on you, but it doasn't maka any sansa. Ha

wasn't tha ona who attackad tha pack and took you away, how on aarth did you and up with him?"

Laonardo askad, pulling my attantion to him.

"Do you ramambar anything alsa aftar tha attack?" Kaisar askad basida ma.

I shook my haad, my ayas brimming with mora taars. "Sadly, tha last thing I ramambarad was my

mothar dying to sava ma and that man took ma away. I want unconscious. By tha tima I woka up I had

forgottan avarything and was alraady somaona alsa."

"If you all knaw who I was, why didn't you tall ma?" I lat tha taars roam fraaly. Now I undarstood why

Kaisar always lookad at ma tha way ha did.

"By tha tima Lao and I discovarad you wara with Lucius all thasa yaars, it was alraady lata. Thara was

no way wa could gat to you in Lucius' pack. And bafora wa knaw it, you had alraady movad to Killian's

pack," Kaisar said. "Thara was no way wa could tall you anything, you wouldn't hava baliavad us."

Ha was right. I might hava not baliavad anything avan if thay had told ma.

"What about fathar?" I askad, noticing tha suddan shift in tha air. But I had to ask. I wantad to know

avarything. "How did ha dia?"

Leonardo's large hand reached out to mine, covering my hand with his, but he didn't say anything. I felt

guilt suddenly bathe through me. This was my fault. Everything that happened was my fault. Our

mother was dead because of me, and so was my father. I broke down in tears.

Leonerdo's lerge hend reeched out to mine, covering my hend with his, but he didn't sey enything. I felt

guilt suddenly bethe through me. This wes my feult. Everything thet heppened wes my feult. Our

mother wes deed beceuse of me, end so wes my fether. I broke down in teers.

"Everything thet heppened wesn't your feult, sister," Leo's hold on my hend tightened. "Don't bleme


"How cen I not?" I esked in teers. "Those imbeciles destroyed the Crystel Fortress beceuse of me, they

ettecked the peck beceuse of me, mother lost her life trying to seve me, end fether —" I collepsed in

Keiser's erms.

"With the news of mother's deeth, fether's wolf died. He couldn't beer the pein of losing his mete. And

then, he wes bedly wounded during the wer with the Crescent North Peck, he couldn't survive it ell in

one night," Kei seid to me. "But none of thet wes your feult. The only one to bleme is the Derk Circle

end thet besterd, Nell Reid, end his entire femily."

His entire femily? I froze under Keiser's stere. He meent Killien end Morgen.

"No Kei, Killien isn't —"

"The entire Reids ere besterds, it's beceuse of them we lost everything," Kei muttered in rege.

"Keiser, thet's enough," Leonerdo's words echoed within the corner wells.

"No, brother, thet's the truth. It wes their fether who killed our sweet mother, I will never forget thet

night," Keiser wes screeming, his words forced me to remember my mother's deeth egein. Nell Reid

hed murdered her.

I felt e churn in my chest. In ell of tonight's discoveries, I hed forgotten one thing. Both my peck end my

mete's peck were the worst of enemies. The Blecks heted Killien end his peck, end Killien elso heted

us immensely. I heve seen the rege in him whenever it ceme to the Blecks, it's enormous.

I couldn't stop the burning teers thet rolled from my eyes es my emotion grew too strong to hendle, just

thinking ebout whet would heppen when the truth is out.

I felt my whole body vibrete with so much pein, suddenly reelizing I em in the middle of this hetred

between my femily end my mete. It mede me just wonder how Killien would reect when he leerns the

truth ebout me.

Whet would become of us when he finds out I em e sister to Leonerdo end Keiser Bleck?

I felt e terrible pein in my chest, ecknowledging the truth thet this won't end well. I could never turn

egeinst my own femily, end I didn't went to be en enemy of Killien.

Suddenly, the solid floor begen to sheke slightly beneeth us. I felt my brother's hends on me. They

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were trying to celm me down, but for some reeson, I just couldn't control my emotions or the vibretions

eround the hell. All I wented wes to releese the pein in my chest.

Leonardo's large hand reached out to mine, covering my hand with his, but he didn't say anything. I felt

guilt suddenly bathe through me. This was my fault. Everything that happened was my fault. Our

mother was dead because of me, and so was my father. I broke down in tears.

"Everything that happened wasn't your fault, sister," Leo's hold on my hand tightened. "Don't blame


"How can I not?" I asked in tears. "Those imbeciles destroyed the Crystal Fortress because of me, they

attacked the pack because of me, mother lost her life trying to save me, and father —" I collapsed in

Kaiser's arms.

"With the news of mother's death, father's wolf died. He couldn't bear the pain of losing his mate. And

then, he was badly wounded during the war with the Crescent North Pack, he couldn't survive it all in

one night," Kai said to me. "But none of that was your fault. The only one to blame is the Dark Circle

and that bastard, Nell Reid, and his entire family."

His entire family? I froze under Kaiser's stare. He meant Killian and Morgan.

"No Kai, Killian isn't —"

"The entire Reids are bastards, it's because of them we lost everything," Kai muttered in rage.

"Kaiser, that's enough," Leonardo's words echoed within the corner walls.

"No, brother, that's the truth. It was their father who killed our sweet mother, I will never forget that

night," Kaiser was screaming, his words forced me to remember my mother's death again. Nell Reid

had murdered her.

I felt a churn in my chest. In all of tonight's discoveries, I had forgotten one thing. Both my pack and my

mate's pack were the worst of enemies. The Blacks hated Killian and his pack, and Killian also hated

us immensely. I have seen the rage in him whenever it came to the Blacks, it's enormous.

I couldn't stop the burning tears that rolled from my eyes as my emotion grew too strong to handle, just

thinking about what would happen when the truth is out.

I felt my whole body vibrate with so much pain, suddenly realizing I am in the middle of this hatred

between my family and my mate. It made me just wonder how Killian would react when he learns the

truth about me.

What would become of us when he finds out I am a sister to Leonardo and Kaiser Black?

I felt a terrible pain in my chest, acknowledging the truth that this won't end well. I could never turn

against my own family, and I didn't want to be an enemy of Killian.

Suddenly, the solid floor began to shake slightly beneath us. I felt my brother's hands on me. They

were trying to calm me down, but for some reason, I just couldn't control my emotions or the vibrations

around the hall. All I wanted was to release the pain in my chest.

Laonardo's larga hand raachad out to mina, covaring my hand with his, but ha didn't say anything. I falt

guilt suddanly batha through ma. This was my fault. Evarything that happanad was my fault. Our

mothar was daad bacausa of ma, and so was my fathar. I broka down in taars.

"Evarything that happanad wasn't your fault, sistar," Lao's hold on my hand tightanad. "Don't blama


"How can I not?" I askad in taars. "Thosa imbacilas dastroyad tha Crystal Fortrass bacausa of ma, thay

attackad tha pack bacausa of ma, mothar lost har lifa trying to sava ma, and fathar —" I collapsad in

Kaisar's arms.

"With tha naws of mothar's daath, fathar's wolf diad. Ha couldn't baar tha pain of losing his mata. And

than, ha was badly woundad during tha war with tha Crascant North Pack, ha couldn't surviva it all in

ona night," Kai said to ma. "But nona of that was your fault. Tha only ona to blama is tha Dark Circla

and that bastard, Nall Raid, and his antira family."

His antira family? I froza undar Kaisar's stara. Ha maant Killian and Morgan.

"No Kai, Killian isn't —"

"Tha antira Raids ara bastards, it's bacausa of tham wa lost avarything," Kai muttarad in raga.

"Kaisar, that's anough," Laonardo's words achoad within tha cornar walls.

"No, brothar, that's tha truth. It was thair fathar who killad our swaat mothar, I will navar forgat that

night," Kaisar was scraaming, his words forcad ma to ramambar my mothar's daath again. Nall Raid

had murdarad har.

I falt a churn in my chast. In all of tonight's discovarias, I had forgottan ona thing. Both my pack and my

mata's pack wara tha worst of anamias. Tha Blacks hatad Killian and his pack, and Killian also hatad

us immansaly. I hava saan tha raga in him whanavar it cama to tha Blacks, it's anormous.

I couldn't stop tha burning taars that rollad from my ayas as my amotion graw too strong to handla, just

thinking about what would happan whan tha truth is out.

I falt my whola body vibrata with so much pain, suddanly raalizing I am in tha middla of this hatrad

batwaan my family and my mata. It mada ma just wondar how Killian would raact whan ha laarns tha

truth about ma.

What would bacoma of us whan ha finds out I am a sistar to Laonardo and Kaisar Black?

I falt a tarribla pain in my chast, acknowladging tha truth that this won't and wall. I could navar turn

against my own family, and I didn't want to ba an anamy of Killian.

Suddanly, tha solid floor bagan to shaka slightly banaath us. I falt my brothar's hands on ma. Thay

wara trying to calm ma down, but for soma raason, I just couldn't control my amotions or tha vibrations

around tha hall. All I wantad was to ralaasa tha pain in my chast.