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The Alpha Chose Me by Missy Elliottxo

Chapter 174
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"He should mellow out once you are mated. Not long now". She smiled. "How are you feeling?".

"Scared as hell". If he brought his wolf to the table I was a goner. "He scaredtonight and what made it worse was I had no control. I was completely submissive, the control he has overterrifies me". "That's normal sweetheart. It used to driveinsane when Jacob played that card. It won't always be like that though". She filled our cups passingone.

"Thank you". I brought the cup to my lips taking a sip.

"I'm worried about him". She frowned. "Jake's always been Jake but the way he's been acting is out of sort. Maybe we shouldn't have allowed those wolfs to join our pack".

"But they aren't here to harm anyone. They just want another chance". Rocco and his family shouldn't have to suffer because Jake was jealous.

"I know but I'm scared someone is going to get hurt".

"I left his clothes on the back porch but he's no where to be seen". Alanna joined us. "He's out of control Mom". She took the seat next to me.

"He's jealous". Both of them looked at me. Sparagraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this on .net. Visit to read the complete chapters for free. "He's letting the jealousy control him. He thinks Rocco is going to steal me. Sees him as a threat". It was ridiculous really. I didn't see Rocco in that way.

"He sees everyone as a threat". Alanna said. "But yeah more so Rocco because he's a wolf".

"Despite everything that he does and how he reacts I can't stop the way I feel about him. Doesn't he know that I'm falling in love with him?". Shit did I just say that part out loud.

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"Maybe you should tell him that sweetheart. Girls I'm heading to bed. Leah are you staying?".

"No I'm going to head home". I needed a littletime.

"Okay honey we'll speak soon. Alanna you better be at school tomorrow. I had Mr Gregg on the phone today". Her eyes narrowed.

"Yeah yeah I'll be there the rest of the week". She smiled.

I showered quickly and couldn't wait to get into bed. I couldn't wait for today to be over and done with. I just hope he was in a better mood tomorrow.

After showering and brushing my teeth I turned off all the lights before going into my room.

He was sat on the edge of my bed.

"You really need to stop breaking into my house". Could say I was used to it by now.

"You should start locking your doors".

"Or you could try coming over at a reasonable time". I took a seat at the top end of my bed making sure there was sdistance between us. "It's not late princess".

"Why are you here?". I asked.

"Wanted to make sure you were okay". He turned slightly his eyes locking with mine.

"I'm fine".

"I don't want to scare you".

"You don't-...".

"I heard you talking to my mom and Alanna".

Well damn.

"You shouldn't be scared of me. I would never intentionally hurt you Leah".

"I know that but you scaredtonight. I-I don't want to feel that way especially with you". He was meant to protect me, makefeel safe. Not do the complete opposite. "I lost most of my control tonight but I managed to get it back the minute I shifted".

"We can't keep going on like this". I whispered.

"You're right". He moved closer but still leaving a small gap. Taking my hand he turned it over examining my wrist.

"Nobody is going to takeaway from you". I brushed my fingers against his.

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"You knew about Rocco didn't you?". He asked.

"He toldbefore I chere. He didn't know that you weren't aware. He's really not a bad person".

His eyes locked with mine.

"When it comes to you baby I have to protect what's mine. He's a strong wolf, maybe a beta, have to show that you are mine. I have to make sure he knows that".

"I'm pretty sure he knows that. They don't want no trouble Jake and if you actually take the tto get to know them you'll see that". "Aye babe I wish it was that simple".

"Why isn't it that simple?". It wasn't a competition, Rocco wasn't asking for a fight. He wanted a place to call home. "I better let you get ssleep". He let go of my hand as he got to his feet.

I guess that was the end of the conversation.

"Bye". I turned my attention away from him. I wasn't asking for the world. I was asking him to try and be reasonable.

"I'll try Leah but I'm not making any promises". He kissed the top of my head before he left.

It tooka while to fall asleep but the last thing I heard before he did was a howl.

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