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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 176: Throwing Mandrakes
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Since the beginning of Hogwarts, Albert's school life is back on track.

He doesn't stay up late every day, goes to bed on time, and wakes up at seven o'clock in the morning.

On rainy days, I occasionally slack off in bed.

Yesterday, the weather finally cleared up, and this morning it started to rain again. Well, he is definitely not making excuses for his bedtime.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Albert went downstairs to dine with his friends. Gryffindor’s long table already had plenty of oatmeal, pickled herring, and sliced ​​bread, as well as plates of golden fried eggs and fried bacon.

The pickled herring has not been fermented. After frying in a pan, the meat is hard and slightly salty. It is suitable for oatmeal.

Of course, the premise is that sugar and milk are not added to the oatmeal.

"Good morning. Have you heard about the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" Angelina picked up a bowl of oatmeal with milk and sat on the chair opposite Albert.

This topic quickly aroused the interest of the surrounding students. The Defense Against the Dark Arts class has always been a popular course at Hogwarts.

"What's the matter?" Albert asked.

"According to the Ravenclaw students, our first class is learning how to deal with Bogut." Angelina was adding sugar to the oatmeal.

"You mean Roger? I just heard it. He's still talking about how he dealt with Bogut." George curled his lips in disdain. "As everyone knows, Bogut is basically not a threat. The worst case is Was taken aback."

"Bogut will become a creature that others are afraid of. It is said that with more people, it doesn't know what it should become." Albert recalled it, it seems that Lupin only talked about how it was when Potter was in third grade. Deal with Bogut. However, considering Lockhart’s scam, he didn’t use "Dark Force: A Guide to Self-Defense" to lecture the entire semester, so it’s not hard to guess that the progress is behind.

"I suddenly looked forward to what I was afraid of?" Albert took a bite of his homemade salted fish sandwich, thinking about what he was afraid of.

"Fail the exam?" Shanna said, raising her eyebrows.

"I think he has never worried about this kind of problem." Lee Jordan took a bite of the slice of bread and said slurredly, "I think he has no money, that is, he has become a poor ghost, um, yes, he has become Poor ghost."

"I like money, yes, but I'm never afraid of becoming a poor man." Albert said irritably. After all, it's easy to be a wizard and have a system to make some money.

"I think it's because I don't have a book to read, or I'm an ordinary person." Fred said without hesitation, "I bet on Nat."

"Then you must have lost." Albert smiled and stretched out his hands at Fred. "A Nat, who else wants to bet?"

Fred slapped Albert's hand away and complained dissatisfiedly, "I haven't lost yet."

"No, you are determined to lose." Albert said with a smile. "After all, what am I afraid of, how could I not know?"

"Are you kidding?" Fred pretended to be shocked, causing everyone to laugh.

"I think it's busy work." George said: "After all, Albert has a better life than anyone else. I definitely don't want to be busy with work in the future."

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"This..." Albert touched his chin, shook his head and denied: "If I am rich, I don't need to go to work, so I don't need to worry about busy work. Why do most people work? It's not for money. There are very few people working with interest in reality."

"So... George, Nat bring it." Fred said with a smile.

"Ahem, by the way, when shall we take the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" George gave a dry cough and changed the subject.

"Don't change the subject." Fred dissatisfied.

"I didn't say that I would bet." George protested, "You misunderstood."

"How can I get it wrong, we are twin brothers, what are you thinking, don't I know?"

"The first session of the afternoon is the Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Angelina took out the class schedule from her schoolbag. "However, I am a little worried that this professor will teach soon."

"That's for sure. The smarter professor quit his job before finishing the Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Albert said naturally. "No one wants to get a curse and bring himself a bunch of bad luck."

"What the **** is this curse?" Shanna asked curiously. "do you know?"

"You want to know?" Albert gave a malicious smile. "I've heard some rumors."

"Let's talk about it, don't sell it." Angelina urged.

"I heard it has something to do with mysterious people." Albert whispered.

"The mysterious man put a curse on that position." Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, "You can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

"How did you know?" Li Qiaodan asked curiously.

"It's all rumors." Albert pretended to be mysterious. "There are still many rumors about mysterious people. Do you want to listen?"

"Let's talk." Fred is also very curious. He knows that Albert has a wide range of friends, and it is not surprising that he will know a lot of messy things.

"Well, don't you guys don't tell the story." Albert said pretendingly mysteriously:

"The mysterious man is rumored to have stolen Ravenclaw's crown."

"It is rumored that a mysterious person can communicate with snakes. It is Slytherin's great, great... grandson."

"It is rumored that mysterious people are immortal."

"It is rumored that a mysterious person once opened a secret room."

"It is rumored that the mysterious man once served as the chairman of the Slytherin student union."

"It is rumored that the mysterious man was expected to take the position of Minister of Magic."


"It feels like you are getting more and more ridiculous as you talk." Shanna interrupted, "Go, don't be late. The morning herbal medicine lesson will be with the students of Hufflepuff."

"Fifteen minutes left is enough." Fred said without hesitation. "We can still play the wizard card."

While Albert was watching the two playing cards, Charlie walked towards this side and specifically exhorted, "There will be a Quidditch selection this afternoon, don't forget."

"I see." Everyone said in unison.

Charlie greeted everyone and left in a hurry.

"You haven't bought a broom, right!" The Weasley brothers looked at Albert together.

"Even if you order, it's not that fast." Albert spread his hands helplessly.

After Fred and Li Jordan played another round of wizard cards, everyone went to the greenhouse together. Their time is just right, and Professor Sprout is opening the door of the greenhouse. As for the Hufflepuff students who arrived before them, they were exposed to the rain for a while outside the greenhouse.

Albert followed the crowd into the greenhouse.

"Today we are going to change the Mandela grass." Professor Sprout brought a large paper box with more than 20 pairs of earmuffs of different colors. She looked around and asked, "Who knows why we need These earmuffs?"

"Hearing the cry of mandela grass will kill people." Albert saw that no one answered, and he took the initiative to say, "Of course, the young mandela grass will only make people coma for a few hours."

"Very good, Gryffindor adds five points." Professor Sprout nodded in satisfaction, and continued to ask, "Now, who can tell me the characteristics of Mandrake?"

She swept towards the students in the greenhouse, and finally fell on Albert.

"Mandela grass, also known as mandela grass root, is a powerful restorative," Albert simply recited the content in the textbook, "used to treat people who have been deformed or cursed Restored to its original state. It is still an important part of deploying most antidote. Of course, mandela grass is very dangerous. It is said that a wizard used mandela grass to defend against a dark wizard who invaded his courtyard because he threw it What came out was mature mandela, which directly led to the death of the dark wizard on the spot."

"Exactly correct, plus ten. As Mr. Anderson said, Mandrake is dangerous, and its sound is lethal." Professor Sprout saw everyone's anxiety and comforted: "Of course, we The mandela grass here is still very small, and I was unconscious for several hours at most when I heard its cry."

"Did you eat the book in your stomach?" Lee Jordan joked, he sometimes envied Albert's mind.

"I was actually seen by you." Albert pretended to be surprised. "Well, would you like to try it? Dip it with soy sauce will taste better."

"No, thank you, my appetite is not as good as yours." He said grimly.

The twin brothers were laughing next to each other.

"Well, everyone will come over to get a pair of earmuffs." Professor Sprout said to everyone.

Everyone flocked to Professor Sprout's position, and Li Jordan also helped Albert grab a gray earmuff.

Albert took the earmuffs and said thank you.

"Now, I suddenly understand why Professor Sprout's card effect is throwing mandela grass at the enemy." Li Qiaodan murmured, "However, your effect should be changed. Maybe it should become an appearance. Later, it is more appropriate to kill the audience directly."

"You are destroying the game balance." Albert couldn't help rolling his eyes.

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"When I tell you to put on your earmuffs, you must cover your ears tightly. I don't want anyone to faint because of not wearing earmuffs." Professor Sprout said with two thumbs up and continued. : "When it is safe to remove the earmuffs, I will put up two thumbs up, like this."

"These green and purple plants in front of you are mandela grass seedlings. Your task is to change pots for them." She pointed to a row of deep-bottomed plates and said, "Okay-now all wear earmuffs. ."

After Albert put on the earmuffs, the outside sound was inaudible.

"I don't know if there is a tape recorder in the magical world." Albert looked at the mandela grass seedlings in front of him, and muttered in his heart, "If the mandela grass can be stored, it will definitely be an invisible killer. It’s better than shock bombs."

In the magic world, there may be people who will guard against wizards with wands, but absolutely no one will care if you are holding a grenade.

Of course, no one will care if you are holding a tape recorder.

"Or, find an opportunity to ask."

Professor Sprout had put on his earmuffs, rolled up his sleeves, firmly grasped the leaves of the mandela grass, and pulled it out of the basin.

There was a scream in the classroom.

Of course, because they all wear earmuffs, no one hears others screaming.

What was pulled out of the soil was not a grass root like a beet, but a light green-skinned baby whose head was being held by Professor Sprout.

As soon as the little guy was pulled out, he yelled.

Now everyone knows what Albert said about the "cries" of mandela grass.

Professor Sprout took a larger flowerpot, stuffed the mandrake in, and quickly buried it with damp compost and soil, leaving only the leaves exposed.

She patted the mud on her hands, gave everyone two thumbs up, and then took off her earmuffs.

"I emphasize once again, you must wear earmuffs later." Professor Sprout reminded loudly: "I don't think you will want to miss this class. A group of four-there are many more here. Big flower pot-the compost is in the bag over there."

Of course, Albert was a group of four. After everyone had put on their earmuffs, Professor Sprout signaled that everyone could start.

Pulling out mandela grass from the soil is a physical task, not as easy as Professor Sprout did.

This is even more difficult than pulling radishes in the field~www.mtl.com~ and the mandela grass is still unwilling to be pulled out of the soil.

Li Qiaodan wasted a lot of energy but failed. In the end, Fred helped to pull it out. The worst thing is that this guy was reluctant to go back after he came out. He twisted his body, kicked and waved. With a small fist, it's like a living person who doesn't want to be stuffed into a coffin.

"It's funny, isn't it?" Fred smiled and poked Mandela grass in the cheek, only to be bitten on his finger.

Fortunately, he wears dragon leather gloves.

George couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

Li Qiaodan didn't smile, he was competing with the mandela grass that was blocking the mouth of the basin with his feet and didn't want to be stuffed into the basin.

As for Albert, he directly used violent means to squeeze the mandela plant into the flowerpot, and quickly buried it with damp soil and compost, successfully completing the first repotting.
