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Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 81
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81 Marcel Was Beginning To Scare Her

Arianna ran the fastest she had ever done in her life, pushing away shrubs in her path and standing up each time she tripped over roots.

She needed to get away from Marcel, but was it worth it? The question suddenly hit her and she stopped.

Looking down, she was dressed in the costume that made her look no different than a hooker. Even if she escaped from here, she didn’t know the neighborhood at all, and anyone who attempted to help her could in the end be working for Marcel and drag her back to this hell hole.

Aside from that, how would she survive the cold with this flimsy material on her body? In her haste to escape, she might die on the streets, her dreams forever gone and short-lived.

Finally, let’s say she successfully escaped, what life does she have left? She can’t go back to her uncle’s family. They would chase her out and willingly hand her over to Big Joe before he even comes to capture her.

Mimi would hide her – without a doubt – but that would put her in danger and she can’t afford to put her best friend into this.

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For the first time, Arianna realized she was alone. Even Elijah left her, what more can she hold on to? Her life? What was its worth?

To her chagrin, the closest thing to a family, no, a companion, was Marcel and his underbelly of corruption. He put a roof over her head, food to eat – speaking of food, she hadn’t taken anything throughout today.

Although she loathed him, Marcel was the only beacon of light she had now. And she can’t lose that – especially when he comes back and discovers she’s gone.


“Oh no,” Arianna gasped and retraced her steps immediately.

Marcel can’t know she tried to escape else the little bit of trust she had managed to build between them this night would vanish to nothing and their relationship returns to level zero. Back to the first stage when they couldn’t stand the sight of each other.

Arianna didn’t know how deep into the Meadow she had marched on till now. She kept praying that somehow Marcel doesn’t realize she was missing until she makes it out on time.

Her lungs burnt and she thirst for water, Arianna didn’t give up. Her life was on the line here. How stupid could she have been to think that she could leave here safely without internal or external help?

Perhaps God was on her side because she made it out and to her relief, Marcel had not arrived or so she thought, because she saw his figure in the distance and he was running.

“Father Lord,” Her heart skipped a beat as she bent down and covered traces of her stepping into the Meadow.

Arianna at once bent and pretended to be examining a pretty flower. Even though she looked calm and collected, her heart was pounding so hard she thought it would jump out of her chest.

She couldn’t betray her emotions else he would figure her out in one glance. Marcel was smart and cautious and her absence must have already given him the idea that she escaped. She had to be smart about this situation.

As soon as she felt his presence, Arianna looked up and feigned surprise at his sudden arrival. However, his dark gaze still made her heart skip a beat, her hands felt clammy.

You can do this, Arianna willed herself. You didn’t do anything wrong, neither can Marcel read your mind so he doesn’t know you thought of escaping.

With a smile on her face, Arianna took a step forward, “You took off all of a sudden. I couldn’t keep up with your speed and I decided to wait for your return here. And here you are,” Surprise! she added mentally.

Arianna chuckled at the end of her explanation to ease the tension his presence brought along but Marcel didn’t respond nor did his gloomy expression relax a bit and that made her uncomfortable.

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The way his gaze bored into her seemed as if he was looking deep into her soul, searching for answers about her escape.

No way, she would not admit to escaping. He would have to force the answer out of her mouth if he needed it badly. For now, she would be ignorant – shamelessly ignorant.

“Marcel?” Arianna called out his name, her brows furrowed as if she was confused.

Then she sighed, “Look, if you’re angry with me that I couldn’t catch up with you, then I’m sorry. But you can’t expect me to be as nimble as you are on your feet. I brought you here to loosen up, to get some air into your head because you seem like you needed it, not for you to put me through some sort of rigorous – Ahh!”

A scream left Arianna’s lips when he suddenly came in front of her with three angry strides. The fear in her eyes was visible, what now? She did not run off in the end yet why was he looking at her like she committed a heinous crime.

“Marcel?” She called his name carefully, “What are you doing?”

Arianna swear Marcel’s mood swings were beginning to scare her. Anyway, she brought this on herself. She should have let him be even when it looked like the weight of the world was killing him. He was not worth it. It was not worth the pain.

Then his hand went to her hair and clutched a fistful of it, a startled gasp left her lips.

His hold was not as painful as she thought it would be, however, she knew he could cause her pain if he gripped a little harder and that was why she did not dare to speak. Arianna didn’t want to offend him.

However, her neck that was tilted to the side was beginning to hurt. So she said almost breathlessly, “Marcel please,” Her gaze pleading.

He looked at her with that apathetic face and before she could even guess it, his lips came down on her neck.

Oh no.