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Supremacy Games

Chapter 1512: Aborting The Mission!
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1512 Aborting The Mission!

'Sh*t!' Godfather Hephaestus' expression turned for the worst.

He was forced to accept that his master plan had already failed and there was nothing he could do to save it.

The divine shield was the only thing protecting him from Lord Hades' true terror and if he lost it, he may never return to the eternal kingdom again, being held a prisoner in the spirit realm for eternity!

That's a fate he could not afford.

'It's time to bail! Now or never!'

With a decisive gesture, Godfather Hephaestus summoned his law powers and conjured a multitude of stars from the celestial expanse!

These stars, each a miniature sun of cosmic proportions, blazed with incandescent brilliance.


In a spectacular display of celestial might, he hurled them toward the immense black hole that had captured the heavenly plane.

As the stars hurtled into the abyss, they were subjected to the black hole's overwhelming gravitational pull and they started their inner collapse.

Godfather Hephaestus accelerated their absorption, increasing the size and pulling force of the black hole exponentially with each star devoured!

The consequences were swift and profound, not leaving room for Lord Hades to interfere.

The heavenly plane, still reeling from the earlier shockwaves and destruction, now found itself subjected to an even more powerful gravitational force!

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"What the hell!"

"I can't control my body!"


Thud! Thud!! Thud!!

Spirits on the heavenly plane struggled against the relentless pull but to no avail as the majority were left hugging the ground without a chance to even sit on their knees!

"What's going on?!" Nebula expressed agitation as she watched law enforcers and angels falling to the ground akin to poisoned flies.

"The gravitational pull is too much, such a powerful pull can only result from supermassive black holes," Seraphel remarked with a deep frown, using her telekinesis powers to keep herself afloat.

It wasn't long before her theory was proved right...The supermassive black hole appeared over the horizon as a small dark dot and it kept doubling in size with each passing second until it was visible to everyone across the entire heavenly plane!

As the celestial realm continued to be inexorably drawn toward the gaping maw of the black hole, the spirits and law enforcers found themselves getting closer and closer to the event horizon.

But what truly stunned and bewildered them was the surreal sight that awaited as they drew near the black hole.

There, on two opposite sides of the cosmic abyss, stood Lord Hades and Godfather Hephaestus, their cosmic forms dwarfing the massive black hole itself.

Godfather Hephaestus, the embodiment of fire and heat, stood as the sole star, lighting up the entire area and allowing their mortal's eyes to feast on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Some spirits weren't able to handle such a godly sight and passed out immediately, their brains short-circuited.

"Now choose! You either capture me or save your people." Godfather Hephaestus utterly coldly.

If it was up to him, he would have already opened a portal and established the connection to his divine shield...Alas, he could not do this in front of Lord Hades as he would easily stop his attempt.

So, he had to create a distraction to facilitate his escape and the only solution he came up with was this.

It seemed like his plan worked as Lord Hades was forced to lower his hand and think his options through.

'I can let the heavenly plane get devoured and rebuild it again after reviving everyone on it. But, to revive such a large number of spirits in my current state will take a heavy toll on me and I still need to reinforce the seal on the spirit realm to block another invasion.' Lord Hades thought with a deep irritated look.

If it wasn't for the risk of a second invasion, Lord Hades would have no issues with leaving the plane to get eaten by the black hole and everyone on it.

After all, they would still remain as wisps and he could revive them later on. It was a fair trade when considering he would be capturing Godfather Hephaestus and have him as a decent bargaining chip against the eternal kingdom.

Alas, the seal had to be reinforced, and to make it happen with his weakened state, he had to focus all of his powers on it until the punishment ended and his strength returned back to normal.

"Don't let me see your face here ever again."

In the end, Lord Hades turned his back on Godfather Hephaestus and focused on saving the heavenly plane.

"This isn't it over Hades, as long as you keep your spirit realm locked from us, we will keep coming at you nonstop." Godfather Hephaestus left a sinister declaration, a reminder, that his mission would never die down!

Without waiting for a reply, Godfather Hephaestus disappeared into a safe area and decreased his size to match the small portal he had opened.

Then, he went through it with a disgruntled expression, not bothering to glance backward even once or think of the angels he left behind him...

However, he thought of a single person...Felix.

'The day you fall in my hands will be the day you shall understand what true agony and pain is...That's a promise from a god.'

His bone-chilling promise sounded more like a prophecy with the kind of intense emotions buried within it.

Felix had no idea what he had done or what people he screwed with by ruining the spirit realm reclamation's mission.

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Before he even stepped into the eternal kingdom, he had already made a decent number of enemies and right now, not a single thought about it was coursing on his mindless wisp.

Meanwhile, Lord Hades picked the least energy-consuming method to save the heavenly plane.

It was none other than transporting the entire heavenly plane into a different area in the boundless empty spirit realm.

As for the black hole? He left it be, knowing that it wouldn't affect the wandering spirits at all and there were no other physical planes besides the heavenly plane for it to threaten.

The moment the heavenly plane switched its location, its gravitational level was back to normal.

Everyone was finally able to sigh in relief after being saved from such a horrific way to die.

"Now, where were we?" Nebula sneered as she cracked her knuckles while walking towards a squad of terrified angels.

They had witnessed with their own eyes how their godfather had abandoned them without an ounce of hesitation.

"We...We surrender!"

"We surrender!"

So, cornered, abandoned, and without a real figurehead in command, the angels' surrendering chants resounded across the entire city.

"Take their weapons and handcuff them."

The law enforcers high inspectors ordered their troops to accept their capitulate even when many law enforcers seemed against it.

"This is ridiculous! They were slaughtering our defenseless inhabitants left and right and now that they realized their lives are over, they can capitulate just like that?" Nebula retorted, not liking the command as well.

Her leader patted her on the shoulder to ease her anger and uttered coldly, "Their death is more merciful than letting them live in our realm as war prisoners."

"He is right." Selaphel commentated while wiping her dirty glasses, "Who do you think will reconstruct the devastated cities?"