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Supremacy Games

Chapter 1424: Filmed in 24K!
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1424 Filmed in 24K!

'I hope this beasts' batch is going to yield us some new rare variation. Too many orders have to be covered and we haven't been getting lucky in the previous months.'

Sir. Azravan complained telepathically as he sat alone at the back of the vehicle while having Emeric drive him.

'I have a good feeling about today.' Emeric responded with a fake smile.

'When has your feeling ever been right?' Sir. Azravan kicked the driver's seat with an irritated expression, not too pleased with his servant's reply.

Emeric was too used to his sudden outburst and didn't react much, keeping his deadpan eyes on the road. But his thoughts were extremely dark.

'If only death was possible, I would have nosedived into the ground and took him with me.'

Such a reaction was understandable as Emeric had spent more than a century with Sir. Azravan and not a single week went by without him getting bullied, abused, cursed, and vented on by his master.

It took him an entire century to gather some courage and report him to Miss Sanae. Now, he felt like that was a bad decision as he kept worrying about Sir. Azravan finding out.

Unbeknownst to him, Miss Sanae had recruited the best person to rescue him as he would stop at nothing until he solve the incident and get paid!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!...

As the five vehicles sped by the farm fields, forests, rivers, mountains, towns, and such, Felix was getting more and more antsy about his situation.

'I can't remain invisible forever, how much distance is left?' He frowned, sweat covering his entire body from the heat produced by the nearby jets.

It's been more than half an hour now since he latched himself under the vehicle and his energy was being exhausted steadily.

He could feel that he had merely fifteen minutes or less before he pass out...This wasn't optimal at all since Felix wanted to save the rest of his energy for the detective work.

'He must be going to a different place, this wasn't part of the file.'

Felix assumed that Sir. Azravan was going to the same business meeting, which was merely ten to fifteen minutes away from the city.

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So, he latched on to the first vehicle, thinking that there wouldn't be an issue with it. Now, his decision came biting him in the ass.

But, Felix was never without options or solutions.

'I have to latch into the last vehicle to cancel my invisibility and leave only a senses blocker.'

Felix looked behind him at the four speeding vehicles in one line and then locked his eyes on the last one, which was hidden behind the rest.

He knew that it wasn't going to be easy to make the transaction, but he had to go for it.

After creating the best scenario to pull this off, Felix took a deep breath and then...He pushed himself away from the vehicle to avoid the jets!

Fortunately, spirits could fly at command, making him able to stay near the vehicles instead of nosediving into the ground.

Still, the speed difference between them fake Felix to get swiftly passed on by the second and third vehicles before he could even balance himself.

'Sh*t, no time to waste!'

Knowing that his window was closing in to latch into the last vehicle, Felix concentrated with great difficulty at the bottom of the last vehicle and then he used his most reliable ability from his previous life.


In the blink of an eye, Felix found himself merely a few inches away from the bottom of the vehicle!

Still, it wasn't over as his hands had yet to latch into anything, so Felix utilized his telekinesis to create an invisible chain and link himself with it.


Only then did he get hold of the hot metallic tubes and canceled his telekinesis chain and invisibility to save on energy.

This entire sequence took less than two seconds to perform and the spirits inside the vehicle hadn't felt anything, which spoke volumes about Felix's smoothness.

Now that Felix was at the last vehicle and without using his invisibility, the only thing he was still irritated about was the heat produced by the metallic tubes.

Though to avoid having his palms burned to a crisp, he fulfilled them in chilling water and a thin telekinesis glove.


Fortunately, Felix had made the right decision as Sir Azravan's convoy journey lasted an additional half an hour, going previous more than three main cities and countless towns and farms.

This kind of distance left Felix perplexed and a bit doubtful about Sir. Azravan's motive from this outing.

'Based on the heavenly plane's map, the majority of the southern side is considered the spiritual beasts' kingdom. For them to be traveling for this long, this might not be any normal meeting with the hunters.'

Felix had studied the entire heavenly plane's map and understood that it was split into five zones.

The southern area was packed with dangerous unexplorable and inhabitable areas, where spiritual beasts and unique creatures consider their home.

For one to begin hunting those spiritual beasts or explore those areas, they needed a permit from the government and it wasn't easy to obtain one in the slightest.

As for the northern side, western, and eastern sides, they were populated areas with cities, towns, farms, and such, just like the center area where the capital was situated.

Luckily for Felix, his struggle was coming to an end as the five vehicles finally began to slow down while approaching a small town that was in front of a mystical blue forest.

The forest shimmered in ethereal blue hues, where every leaf, twig, and trunk radiated a luminescent glow, making the woods seem like a dreamscape plucked from the pages of a fairy tale.

Felix wasn't in the mood to admire it as he swiftly used his invisibility ability and detached himself from the vehicle.

He flew down alone and landed on the roof of a wooden house, then watched as the vehicles began to park right on the main street like they own the place.

'I haven't received any notification that this town is the private property of anyone, so it must be an abandoned public town.' Felix reasoned.

Felix had to make sure that he wouldn't step inside any private area belonging to Sir. Azravan since he would be notified about his intrusion.

Soon, Sir. Azravan and his people came down from the vehicles and walked toward the biggest building in the town...It resembled a massive horse stable.

As they got inside, the gate closed behind them and all the guards brought in the convey were spread out around the premise of the stable, guarding it from all directions...Even the roof was covered.

Felix didn't seem too fazed about their protection as he floated in an easy-going manner towards the stable and went through a wall akin to a ghost without anyone detecting his presence.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The moment he looked inside, he was taken aback by the sight of rows upon rows of cages housing an array of spiritual beasts and creatures.

Luminescent wings, multiple eyes, and ethereal auras contrasted starkly against the cold metal confines.

Their innate grandeur was stifled, muzzles securely fastened around their snouts or beaks, ensuring that not even the faintest of growls, chirps, or whistles escaped, casting a heavy silence that belied the magic contained within.

Felix had identified many of those beasts as they were considered pretty common in the beasts' kingdom.

'Nonwinged Devil Bat, Icy Feathers Eagle, Black Ingora Lion...This.'

They left him quite confused as he thought that with all this secrecy, protection, and long travel, Sir. Azarvan would be hiding here the rarest types of beasts.

Soon, he switched his vision to Sir. Azarvan and Emeric.

They were standing in front of three red-hued spirits from different races; one was a blue ogre, one was a green goblin, and the last one seemed to be a normal human.

It looked like the human was the boss as he was wearing a tight-fitting suit and was displaying an air of elegance...He was holding a brown suitcase in his right hand.

'Those can't be the hunters.' Felix was certain as he could not feel an ounce of bloodlust from them.

'They must be already speaking telepathically.'

When Felix noticed the emotions appearing on their faces, he knew that he was missing the chance to pull off his plan.

Without an ounce of hesitation, he got closer to them and noticed that the beasts seemed to have noticed them as they had grown antsy and more agitated.

This had attracted Sir. Azarvan and the others' attention, but when they noticed nothing there, they returned to their conversation, believing that it was nothing but one of their tantrum episodes.

After there was a mere five meters between Felix and his targets, he extended his hand and released an invisible mist that went through their minds.

A moment later, mouths began opening up as Sir. Azarvan asked out loud without a change of expression, "How many fruits have you brought with you?"

"Eleven, you were lucky we managed to harvest an additional fruit." The human replied.

A pleased smile appeared on Sir. Azarvan as he praised, "This is why our partnership is solid Mr. Zannir, you take care of me, and I take care of you."

"Of course, of course."

'And action.'

Unbeknownst to them, a camera was situated merely a few meters away from them and was capturing their faces and voices in 24K, a level of clarity even the dirt inside their pores was visible!!