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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 592
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Chapter 589 Her Innocence

Howard's expression turned grim when he noticed the reporters' attention diverted from the main topic.

Tamara had entrusted him to send Bailey to jail. He would be dead meat if he could not complete that task.

“All right, everyone. Stop chattering. Let's all take two steps back. If you want to conduct an interview, please wait

for us to finish our business.”

With that, he called over the officers standing at the side to maintain order.

The officers soon cleared away the reporters crowding in front of the building.

Howard looked at Zeke standing at the top of the stairs. He calmly said, “Mr. Shurmer, Bailey's identity as the

daughter of the Shurmer family is indeed distinguished. However, she committed a crime and should be punished

according to the law.”

Zeke took a step forward and pulled Bailey to stand behind him. He looked down at Howard from above and flashed

the latter a smile. “Did you not hear what my sister said, Mr. Lewis? I don't mind repeating it to you. She said to give

her some time. She'll find proof of where the funds went to. Besides, the balance showed a hundred twenty billion,

but the donations from the public were only around seventy billion. Where did the other fifty billion come from?

Don't you think it's obvious?”

Howard was at a loss for words.

Zeke did not press on further when he noticed that Howard was silent. Instead, he looked to the cameras held out

by the reporters and casually said, “Everyone knows that my sister is talented in various fields such as medicine,

design, literature, racing, programming, fashion design, and more. She has accumulated tens of billions of wealth.

Despite that, she lives in a three-bedroom apartment in Hallsbay and leads a humble life. Aren't you all curious

where the money she earned has gone to?”

The square suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

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Howard sneered. “Mr. Shurmer, are you trying to say that she donated to charity by transferring all her money into

the foundation's account?”

Instead of answering him, Zeke asked, “Do you not think so? If not, where did the extra fifty billion in the account

come from? Were you the one who donated it? It looks like government officials in Dellmoor are quite wealthy. They

can donate fifty billion in one go. Mr. Lewis, you must have hundreds of billions of net worth, huh?”

Howard frowned. “Where would I get that much money to donate to the foundation? Mr. Shurmer, please mind

your words and don't spout nonsense.”

“Oh? It wasn't you who donated it? Then who was it? Can they step forward and admit to it?”

Howard was rendered speechless.

Zeke's expression darkened. Raising his voice, he went on, “Out of the one hundred twenty billion in the

foundation's account, fifty billion was donated by my sister. She donated the money she earned in the past few

years to charity. If you have any conscience left, you should stop forcing her to admit to something she hasn't done.

She's already given her everything to help those in need. All of you should be treating her with respect. As for the

thirty-eight billion that was found to be missing, it was originally my sister's money anyway. How did it turn into her

embezzling the charity's funds?”

He paused momentarily before continuing, “Plus, she's already expressed that she would investigate the details of

the expenditure and give everyone an explanation. Is there even a need for you to keep forcing her like this? I,

Zeke Shurmer, will make it clear to everyone today. If she's unable to find anything related to the missing funds, I'll

cover that thirty-eight billion.”

Tears welled up in Bailey's eyes as she stared at Zeke's back in a daze. She felt safe as she stood behind him.

God had treated her well. Although she had suffered a lot, got laughed at, and encountered many obstacles

throughout the years, God had gifted her the two most important men in her life.

One was Artemis, and the other was Zeke. She felt safe and loved with them by her side.


Zeke trembled and could not help but turn to look at her. Grabbing her hand, he whispered, “Don't be scared. Even

if the sky falls and the world turns against you, you'll still have me by your side.”

Just then, several students dressed in casual clothing hurried toward Zeke and Bailey.

One shouted, “Mr. Shurmer, thank you for protecting Ms. Bailey. However, we don't need you to fork up that huge

sum. What goes around comes around. I'm sure Ms. Bailey's kindness will move the Heavens.”

Several people shifted their gazes to look at the newcomers. They saw a few university students that looked a little

over twenty walk over.

“University students? What are they doing here?”

“They're being so respectful toward Bailey. Could it be that Bailey had helped them?”

“If you put it that way, then I think I get it. Do you think Bailey could've used the money to help poor university

students from rural areas?”

“Now that I think about it, that's possible too. Wasn't there a news report on this two years ago? They said a

philanthropist supported many poor students and helped them achieve their dream of attending university.”

“If that's so, then Bailey is really...”

“How generous. Nowadays, capitalists are all blood-sucking creatures. It's rare to see people willing to support poor

children out of their own pocket. Plus, there isn't any historical precedent of such a thing happening. If Bailey did

use all her money to support these children, I'd be truly impressed with her.”

Howard paled at the comments from the reporters. He could sense he was at a great disadvantage in that


At that moment, he could no longer rely on himself to turn the tables around. He needed a diversion.

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“Officers! Get them out of here! We're on official business. Why did you let them get in?”

The officers heard Howard yell and hurriedly made their way toward the students, wanting to block the students

from getting too close.

However, the crowd had had enough of the nonsense. They came forward and blocked the officers by forming a

circle around the university students to protect them.

“We're not stupid. Anyone with a brain can analyze the situation, so don't you dare treat us as fools and try to shoo

us away!”

“That's right. We must get a clarification on the matter regarding Bailey's embezzlement of the charity's funds. If

she did commit the crime, we'd denounce her together. However, if she's innocent, then none of us should continue

to accuse her of it.”

“What are you youngsters doing here?”

A girl took out a big stack of documents from her backpack. She was panting as she replied, “These are remittance

certificates that show that Ms. Bailey sponsored us to enter university. She used an overseas account to transfer

the money to us. Hence, Mr. Lewis couldn't find anything from his investigation. However, that doesn't mean Ms.

Bailey has never supported us.”

Another teenager added, “That's right. Ms. Bailey supported more than thirty thousand university students and

spent close to forty billion to make our dream of going to university come true. She should not receive any

accusations from this corrupt government official. This is only a portion of the certificates. Our classmates are still

handling this matter overseas. They'll return with the remaining certificates within three to five days.”

Several people from the crowd that had previously studied abroad took the certificates from the female student

and flipped through them. They nodded after confirming that those certificates were legit.

“They aren't lying. These indeed show the transfers from Bailey's overseas account to the basic savings accounts in

the country. Each transaction is worth millions.”

Howard's assistant stared at the “evidence” of the embezzlement in his hands, suddenly realizing it was a hot


F*ck! Aren't I just asking for a slap in the face by taking these fabricated pieces of evidence to show that Bailey had

committed a crime?