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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70 Grayson POV 2 POV | had been gone from her for four nights now. Sleeping without her was hard, hoping she and the baby were safe but staying focused was harder.

They had an encampment hidden between my land and the Waxing pride pack, Darren and | decided to cat the from both sides and work our way towards one other.


“Weapons check,” | called out. | grabbed an axe.

Most of my men used guns right now. Sof them preferred to be shifted. | wanted something a little more medieval.

Quick and easy deaths didn’t cto those who hunted children. Especially my child.

They checked their battles, and their bows, they sharpened their claws and we headed out. Inching our way closer and closer to the camp.

The silence echoed in my ears every settling of dirt, the pounding of my heart., Enzo circled in my head.

I'll let him lose eventually, give him the joy of dwindling their numbers. He was just drooling at the chance.

Before | have the order | closed my eyes and reached for her across the land finding her in the h| built.

““I'll ch “Grayson ready?” Darren askedthrough the coms.

“Ready,” | sent back “Move out!” “Move out!” We ordered.

The fifty warriors | had withran out of the woods and we enclosed them.

They were surprised and unprepared.

| didn’t rush and | stalked forward taking out those who were running. One stalky man was tuning straight atand | swung the axe through his arm like butter.

Another grabbed my back and so | rammed myself into a tree. They seemed to findas a target because just after two bum-rushed me. | swung the axe flat on one’s head as hard as | could mama he’d and broke his n*eck.

The other stilled in horror before | tossed him into the ground like a rag doll.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

1/5 Chapter 70 Darren wasn’t far | could sense him. A man flew pastas well only Darren had the strength, but then it clicked.

Her littlest brother was already covered half in blood. Eyes bright yellow and crazed. He wanted blood and | gave it to him.

Matt and Leon were at the pack defending my wife, | need more strength and James needed an outlet.

Two of their wolves ran from him screaming and crying. One lept for a gun and | ran for him but James punched him before he got there. His claws stabbed into the back of his prey.

He turned onand | felt as if I'd have to fight him but only for a second before he tackled someone behindripping her throat open.

| looked around sniffing out any Alpha blood I didn’t know.

They still hadn't shown their faces.

“You all truly follow a man who won't fight beside you!” | goaded them.

They like minnows took the bait eagerly, “Don’t speak of our alpha!” One of them shouted as he ran atcrazily. | punched him and he went down in one blow.

An arrow flew pastand someone else dropped behind me.

“Grayson watch your ten,” Darren called kicking another wolf in the ribs. “Had to aggravate them,” he shook his head- at me.

He grabbed the axe from my hand and threw it at a transformed wolf that was crouching down on one of his warriors.

“They'll fight worse. You know that” | scoffed and grabbed the wolf nipping atby their jaw and it popped as | dislocated it.

Enzo growled and | got a whiff of a higher-ranking wolf. Not the alpha still, | walked around waiting him out.

It was their Delta.

He circledfor a second or two. He was not a big man. Not at all, but he certainly felt he was.

“You think you're so high and mighty. You'll fall,” he told me.

He swung atand | dodged him, he was slightly crazed. He seemed to take what | said about his previous alpha to heart.

“I'll leave you gutted like | did that sigma,” | spat at him.

A pack without morals, | had no sympathy for them.

He swung again with his claws extended. | punched his arm he shook it off.

2/5 Chapter 70 “Gray!” Darren tossedthe axe.

The wolf nipped atmenacingly drooling with anger and adrenaline.

| squared off with him. He kicked his leg up atand I sliced his hip. He spun and swung his farm arm at my head and I cut his chest. 1 He lunged atand his knuckles screwed on side of the axe. | lunged at him swinging and dragging the axe down the left side of his chest.

We danced and | cut him here and there until he was bleeding out. He panted and he dropped to his knees.

He knew he was a dead man now. He spit out a shot of blood at me.

Is it worth it?” | asked him. “To fall for a man you know is a tyrant?” He laughed. “Better than an idiot,” | swing the axe out his head gone in one sweep.

James ran pasta woman cried out in rage and charged me. The Lang of guilt knowing the Delta I'd just liked meant something to her personally. D James jumped on her and dislocated her arm before he ran off again..

| heard a howl and they started leaving. Our warriors started chasing them off making sure they went a long way before stopping.

| looked around. Things were on fire, broken, shattered. | didn’t know where my brother-in-law was.

“You toyed with him,” Aarron cup towith a black eye and held his ribs.

“I did,” 1 did not hide it.

“This is where we are then? Playing with our prey because of the threats of smaller men?” He challenged me.

“They're threatening your Luna and heir,” | stepped up to him tightening my grip on the axe.

“You never would have acted this way before,” he changed his tone as if to reason with me.

“I defended our pack. | defend one of the women on our lands and they retaliate. Speak toas if I've lost it one more tand find out what happens,” | raised my chin at him daring him to make a move.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He turned away stomping off to look over the wounded.

I'm sure he was insulted still that | had questioned him, but | think the worse wound was that ofquestioning Elizebeth. Aarron loved his wife, my doubting her had soured him againstfor now.

She was with my wife, Elizebeth had refused to leave her Lunas side while | was away. She knew | hadn't been person | had done my duty to question everyone when a leak was found.

3/5 Chapter 70 Aarron had seemed to forget that.

“They didn’t leave much,” Darren told me. “But they've definitely got their tails between their legs right now,” he smiled broadly.

“Thank you for helpingdefend my family,” he shook my hand.

“The offer still stands. Now that your babe is here if you wish to send your wife and son to my Lunas hpack for safety I'll fly them on my helicopter,” | reminded him.

She won't hear of it. I'd do it if she'd let me, but | wouldn't say a word if it to Taylor,” he forewarned me.

“Noted,” | nodded smiling at the similarities in our wives.

That young one needs to learn control by the way,” he looked over at James who stood off dazed but smiling.

“He’s got the alpha blood I'm learning it’s a blessing and a curse. Annette says it’s hard to explain but at times it’s as if your mind turns against itself. He seems to be struggling immensely with it,” | told my fellow alpha.

“I suppose it would be. Perhaps a helping hand would guide him,” he commented.

“I think he’s beginning to trust me,” | hoped aloud.

“James!” | called over to him. He cright away no ire in his eyes at all.

“Help go over all the warriors and then we'll pack up what we need. Thank you for help today,” | nodded to him.

The way he behaved was concerning but he seemed proud of his defensive abilities.

“I'm doing this for her,” he told me.

“That | understand,” | clapped him on the back and we headed off.

**We're both safe Author's note: | do not think that | can explain to you all how my head cannot wrap aorund the attention this book has gotten Is till am acting like only 20 people have seen this | am so gretaful for this and everyone who reads this book the fact that continue to do so is wonderful, thank you all so so much.
