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Snatched A Billionaire To Be My Husband by Shabi's pen

Chapter 988 Could There Be Some Family Skeletons?
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Chapter 988 Could There Be Some Family Skeletons?

Chapter 988 Could There Be Some Family Skeletons?

"Cora, everyone eventually meets their right person in this world. I'm so glad that I met you and chose

you all those years ago. Time felt so damn stretched out, long enough for me to fear not being able to

clearly see your face. The future seemed too damn far, making me worry about not being able to hold

onto you in time. Meeting you in this lifetime is the greatest stroke of luck for me. I've always wanted to

tell you that I had already made up my mind about you a long time ago, and I want to spend the rest of

my life by your side. I love you, will you marry me?"

Byron expressed with deep emotion, his gaze locked intently on Cora, with only her in his eyes.

The depth of Byron's affection made it seem as if his world could only accommodate Cora.

He was so focused and full of passion that it led the bridesmaids and groomsmen to cheer and

exclaim, "Marry him! Marry him!"

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However, Cora didn't lose herself amidst the cheering crowd. Instead, she earnestly asked Byron,

"Before I answer your question, can you answer one for me?"

Harry, anxious to help his good friend succeed, chimed in, "Save your questions for a private moment

tonight. For now, just say yes to marrying Byron!"

The others also echoed.

Byron firmly held Harry back, insisting, "Hold on, go away. Right now, I only want to hear from Cora."

Harry grimaced, "I don't think I can even stomach another drink. Your lovey-dovey display has killed my


The rest burst into laughter, but Byron continued to fix his affectionate gaze on Cora. "What question do

you want to ask? Speak up."

The tenderness in his deep eyes could move everyone.

After everyone's cheer subsided, all eyes turned to Cora.

They all presumed that Cora would ask a lovey-dovey question.

Something like, "If both me and your mom fell into the water at the same time, would you save me or

your mom?"

In fact, Nora had already specifically instructed Byron to save Cora if she were to ask such a question.

Nora added, "I can swim, and even if I couldn't make it, dying is dying. I've lived long enough to be

content with that. Don't worry about me. I won't be unhappy."

Nora's amusing remark had the groomsmen roaring with laughter.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone believed that Cora would ask the question as Nora instructed,

eagerly anticipating Byron to reveal Nora's answer.

However, what they did not anticipate was Cora's response.

"That year, at the traffic light intersection near the medical school, there was a madman who randomly

attacked people with a knife..."

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As Cora posed this question, Byron's gaze suddenly froze, and he visibly became rigid.

Noticing the unusual reaction, the onlookers sensed that there was more to this question.

"What's happening?"

"Oh no, could there be some family skeletons?"

The crowd engaged in murmurs and discussions, while Harry too grew somewhat flustered.

"I hope nothing goes awry at this crucial moment. If Byron fails to marry today, he will surely lose his


However, Efren reassured them, stating, "Just watch and relax. With their high anticipation for this

wedding, they will ensure its smooth continuation."

Despite Efren's reassurance, Harry remained somewhat uneasy. Georgia was so nervous that she

gripped Efren's suit tightly, inadvertently causing wrinkles on his impeccably tailored attire.

Sally was anxious as well, holding her breath, with a lingering anticipation that whatever Cora was

about to reveal at this moment would be far from simple...