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Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 119 119: Killing Intent
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'So this is the Ancestor of the old man, one of the two strongest beings of the Multiverse.'

This thought went through Corey's mind as he looked at the Defying Paragon with a calm gaze, though internally, he was struggling to not kneel due to aura that was subconsciously released by the Paragon Ancestor.

As he looked at the eyes of the Paragon Ancestor with a calm gaze, he noticed that the eyes of the Paragon Ancestor was just like that of the old man's.

The Paragon Ancestor had three golden triangles in his eyes with the base of the triangles facing each other, making it to seem like the three triangles had formed a circle.

The sclera of the Paragon Ancestor's eyes were not white like that of humans, they were silver.

As Corey was staring into the eyes of the Paragon Ancestor, he saw the three triangles in the Paragon Ancestor's eyes rotate for a second.


A curious expression appeared on his face seeing the triangle movement and just as various thoughts were about to appear in Corey's mind, he heard the Paragon Ancestor murmur:

"Well this is interesting."

Hearing those words, a confused expression appeared on Corey's face but before Corey could respond in any way, the Paragon Ancestor continued speaking:

"Normally, if a challenger of the Paragon trials could defeat my little pumpkin, which is an extremely difficult feat and normally, should never happen, he or she would face me and have to defeat me for the next stage of the trial."

The Paragon Ancestor paused his words and although Corey found a slight fault in his words, he decided not to speak out and wait for the Ancestor of the Paragons to finish his words.

"Actually, the part about defeating me, this tier 0 avatar, to pass the trial is actually not entirely true."

Corey tilted his head slightly hearing the words spoken by the Paragon Ancestor.

"What do you mean?"

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Corey asked and the Paragon Ancestor had a small smile on his lips hearing Corey's question.

"If we fought, I'll be the one to determine if you passed the third stage of the trial because you can never defeat me."

With a calm expression and a tone that showed immense confidence and pride, the Ancestor of Paragons replied, causing Corey to frown slightly.

"What do you mean by, I can never defeat you?"

Corey asked with a slightly displeased tone and raised brows.

Despite the fact that Corey was more indifferent towards almost everything, he still had his pride, and the words spoken by the Paragon Ancestor displeased him due to his pride.

Meanwhile the Paragon Ancestor raised his brows with an amusing smile.

"I'm saying you can never defeat me, now and even in the future.

If you think that your talent skill, Record can help you to defeat me, now, or in the future, then you'd be sorely disappointed."

Hearing the words spoken by the Paragon Ancestor, Corey was shaken, then rooted to the spot with his eyes widening slightly in shock.

Although the Paragon Ancestor noticed Corey's state, he ignored it and continued his speaking:

"Even if this body is tier 0…"

He paused then tightened his right fist and pulled his fist backwards slightly.

Corey who was looking at the Paragon Ancestor's right fist with a confused and curious expression, felt something around his neck and just as he was about to touch his neck, the thing around his neck tightened and Corey's eyes bulged out and in reflex, he tried to remove the object which was restricting the airflow around his neck.

This struggle continued for a few seconds and much to Corey's frustration and anger, whenever he tried to reach the Paragon Ancestor who was obviously at arms reach, Corey could not reach him, no matter how much he tried.

Just when Corey was thinking that the Paragon Ancestor was truly going to kill him, he felt the object around his neck loosen then it disappeared.

Cough! Cough!

For at least seven seconds, Corey coughed out violently as he tried to regain his breath.

A few more seconds passed and just as Corey's breathing had stabilized slightly, the Paragon Ancestor's voice reached his ears.

"One of the reasons you were able to defeat my little pumpkin and the third generation Paragon you faced, was because I forbid them from putting their void webs around any challenger's neck at the beginning or throughout their battles.

One of the teachings I try to instill into Paragons is that whenever they meet an individual they don't fully trust, they should wrap their void webs around their necks.

As you can see, if they did that, you'd have died at the beginning of the match."

With a calm expression and folded arms, the Paragon Ancestor spoke and Corey who was still on his knees had a deep frown due to him realizing that the Paragon Ancestor's words were mostly true.

His talent skill, Record could not analyze the 'Void Web' ability of the third generation Paragon and it almost killed him.

If the third or the second generation Paragon used the void webs just like the Paragon Ancestor said, then he would most likely have lost the trial before he could even put up a fight.

But despite the Paragon Ancestor's words which were true, Corey was still not fully convinced about the Paragon Ancestor saying that he could never defeat him.

"You still don't fully believe me when I say that you can never defeat me?"

The Ancestor of Paragons guessing correctly what Corey's thoughts were, asked as he crouched and looked at Corey at the same level.

Corey looked at him but didn't say anything in response.

The Paragon Ancestor sighed softly then with a soft grunt, he stood.

"I'll show you one of the reasons why you could and can never defeat me in this trial."

As the Paragon Ancestor spoke, Corey felt his heartbeat increasing in intensity and pace slightly.

A drop of sweat appeared on his forehead and just as Corey was wondering what was causing this reaction, his pupils constricted just a second later when he saw the immense change that occurred in his surroundings.

"What the?"

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Corey exclaimed as he saw numerous flowing saber lights all around him.

He looked to his left, to his right, up and even down.

All around him, no matter where he looked, he just saw numerous flowing saber lights!

"You don't even know what an intent is so how do you expect to defeat me?"

With an indifferent tone and expression, the Ancestor of all Paragons spoke and just as Corey turned to look at him, the Paragon Ancestor waved his right hand softly and before Corey could react, the world spun in Corey's eyes.

'Huh? Did he just kill me?'

Corey thought with an extremely baffled mental tone.

Just as Corey was wondering why in the world the Paragon Ancestor would kill him, the world spun in front of Corey's eyes and to his confusion, he found himself in the same position he was in when he was looking at the golden triangular pupils of the Paragon Ancestor.


Corey looked around with a slightly disoriented and baffled expression.

Meanwhile the Paragon Ancestor who had his arms folded, spoke with a light grin.

"Although everything that happened after I spoke the words, 'Well this is interesting' was an illusion, they also happened, but at the same time, did not happen."


With an extremely confused expression, Corey made a 'Hmm' sound but the Paragon Ancestor waved his hand softly and spoke with a dismissive tone:

"Explaining it would take too much time, besides, we have to continue with the trial."

"The trial?"

Corey muttered subconsciously while looking down, then he looked at the Paragon Ancestor with slightly furrowed brows and spoke:

"Just like you said, I can't defeat you, so what sort of test are you planning on giving me?"

Although Corey felt uncomfortable admitting that he could not defeat the proud Ancestor of Paragons before him, he knew his limits and right now, he definitely could not defeat him.

Meanwhile, the Paragon Ancestor after hearing Corey's question, unfolded his arms and a slightly cold and serious expression appeared in his eyes.

"Just survive a fraction of my killing intent and you pass."