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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 54
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Chapter Fifty-Four

All eyes turned to them as they entered the dining hall. Phoebe’s cheeks warmed but Jason tugged her close. He didn’t mind if they looked

as long as they didn’t come between them

“Mommy! Daddy!” Emma greeted running up to them

Jason scooped her up letting Phoebe nuzzle her before they reached the main table. Patting Blake's head he ignored the stares. It was

unprecedented for an alpha to adopt pups and every time he was with them it stirred whispers but he didn’t mind. Emma and Blake were

not only precious to Phoebe but they had firmly lodged themselves in his heart as well. Lobo offered no disagreement and the pups’ scent

was almost as soothing as their Luna's

Aserver brought a tray of champagne. Jason offered one to Phoebe before taking one for himself. It was human-made so he had no fear of

it harming her. Standing close to her as Blake stood up on his chair Jason raised his glass drawing the attention of their guests though most

were already watching them

“Friends,” Jason announced. “We are here to celebrate an extraordinary she-wolf, the most extraordinary one I have ever met. She came

into my life just when I was on the verge of giving up. I spent one lonely night after another cursing the fickleness of the Moon Goddess,

wondering what I did to incur her wrath and be punished in such a cruel way as year after year I endured without my mate, my Luna

“But now I understand. It wasn’t a punishment. It was a trial, a trial to prove myself worthy of this amazing, kind, gentle she-wolf. She

completes me in ways I am still discovering. The piece of me I was missing, she

Chapter Fifty-Four returned to me. And for the first time in all my years my heart and life are full. To my Luna.”

Jason raised his glass and all others followed suit. Phoebe felt her face warm at the praise. She didn’t dare look at anyone in particular as

Mani swelled with pride

“It's about time we were appreciated.”

Phoebe couldn't help but chuckle at her wolf's satisfaction. The last five years had been rather frustrating for her wolf. Phoebe always

thought it was odd her wolf continued to hide in the back of her mind refusing to assert herself until Jason's arrival. Odder still was how

quickly her wolf became comfortable with expressing itself now. Was it because they finally found their fated mate? If Jason had also

rejected them would Mani have remained silent?

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“You're thinking too much,” Jason's voice fitted into her mind as his arm slipped around her waist

Phoebe blinked, startled as he pulled her close

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“Anything wrong?” “No. I guess I'm just expecting myself to wake up and find this is alla dream.” “If this is a dream I hope we never wake

up,” Jason kissed her

temple, “because a life without you is a nightmare.”

Phoebe rested her head on his shoulder. She agreed. If this was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up either

Taking their seats they settled in as the kitchen staff served up dinner: roast beef, steamed vegetables, potatoes, a variety of casseroles and

salads. There was more than enough variety for just about any pallet though it was clear their guests were a little surprised

Chapter Fifty-Four w

It wasn't uncommon for packs to spend ludicrous amount on more expensive fare all in an effort to impress their honored guests. Lobster,

caviar and rare delicacies were the usual expectation. However, Phoebe surprised the staff by insisting on a heartier meal. Despite Norah

and Lucille’s dismay she stuck to a more moderate food budget. But it wasn’t just the pack’s finances she was concerned about. In truth she

didn’t care for such extravagant meals. They were pointless and she wanted everyone to enjoy their meal

Though the guests were surprised by the food choice they certainly weren't complaining and eagerly asked for seconds. Even Blake and

Emma stuffed themselves until they were ready to burst. Phoebe didn’t complain when Jason snuck more servings onto her plate in his

campaign to get her to eat more

He was still preoccupied making sure she ate enough. Mani often nagged her to eat more but it wasn't always easy to muster the


Perhaps that was by she enjoyed cooking for the pups so much. She ate more when they ate together

Since meeting Jason her appetite had been gradually increasing and she already put on several pounds. Jason was determined to take

advantage and kept adding more food to her plate. Phoebe could only shake her head as Mani also pushed her to eat more. She had a

sense that Mani was trying to prepare for something

In the past her lack of appetite hadn't hampered them as they rarely shifted. Now Mani seemed to want to build their strength. Phoebe

wasn't certain what her wolf was expecting. Surely they didn’t have to be afraid of rogues in their new pack. Blue Moon was considerably

larger and maintained patrols of its borders

Yet Mani continued to act as if there would be trouble and they had to

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Chapter Fifty-Four

be ready. It made Phoebe anxious but she tried not to think about it in case Jason sensed her unease. He was certainly sensitive to the bond

and she didn’t want him to worry given her wolf's silence when it came to


As the night progressed Emma struggled to remain awake and not fall asleep in her potatoes. Jason chuckled as she jerked awake yet again

before reaching over and pulling her into his lap. The pup didn’t offer a word of protest cuddling into his chest and falling asleep instantly.

He nuzzled her, kissing the top of her head and earning more than a few looks from the others

Those who had gotten close to the orphaned pair noticed they definitely carried Jason's scent. They were initiated into the pack witha blood

oath but that alone wouldn't have affected their scent. The only reason they would carry his scent was if his wolf fully accepted them as his


The others watched as he cuddled the sleeping pup with a mixture of confusion and admiration. Lunas in particular were quite envious at

the care he showed the pups not to mention how he showered his attention on

Phoebe. It seemed he couldn't go a minute without at least kissing her hand

Alphas who had taken chosen mates couldn't understand his obsession as they had no trouble leaving their lunas for days. Their lunas

served a purpose providing balance to their pack’s as well as heirs but they were nothing special. Certainly s*x was enjoyable but for the

most part they were content to ignore them

On the other hand, alphas who had their fated mate remembered their own early days with their lunas. Watching Jason spurred them to

renew their romance and recapture that feeling whether they had been

Chapter Fifty-Four ~ mated a year or ten

“Here, let me take her,” Norah chuckled, coming up to Jason with open arms. “I'll put her to bed.”

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Jason was loathed to give up the little one but eventually acquiesced and handed Emma to his mother. Norah struggled to make the little

one comfortable in her arms before looking to Blake who was also fading

“Come along,” Norah tussled his hair. “Time for bed.”

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Blake frowned but was too tired to argue. Phoebe gave him a good night kiss before sending him off. Jason grasped her hand and kissed it

earning more jealous stares as she smiled at him. Glancing at her plate Jason was satisfied to see she had not only polished off her first

serving of roast, potatoes and vegetables but also the second helping he added. He would have liked her to have one more but decided to

let it slide for now

As the night progressed they mingled with their guests. Jealous stares followed Phoebe wherever she went as Jason kept a protective arm

around her at all times nuzzling and kissing her as if to ward off anyone thinking of taking her from him. The envious stares might have

made her nervous if not for Mani's contentment

“Jason!” William approached with his arm around Lily and seemingly unaware of the protective aura surrounding Jason and Phoebe, “I've

been meaning to ask you..that challenger tonight..you clearly had him outmatched. Why did you send the pups inside? It wasn’t as if they

were in danger.”

Jason hesitated, “Because he as their former alpha. I didn’t want them to have to watch their old alpha and their new one fight to the


“Meaning..you didn’t want them to fear you,” Reed surmised as he joined them. He stood close to his sister to appear non-threatening as


Chapter Fifty-Four wy

luna was not with him

Jason grimaced. It was true. He did worry about how the pups perceived him. Every time Emma called him daddy and ran up to him stirred

protective instincts he didn’t know existed and brought him a joy he really couldn't describe. He didn’t want that to change. He couldn't

bear the thought of the pups suddenly being wary of him

“You mean to tell me, the mighty Alpha Jason is just a big softy?” William chuckled

“He is and I wouldn't have it any other way,” Phoebe said leaning into him as his embrace tightened

“Whatever my Luna wants, she’ll have,” Jason whispered. He would deny her nothing