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Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

Chapter 114
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On that day, I had promised Her Highness Remia .

“I will definitely help Her Highness when you’re in a crisis” .

And for that purpose, a way to inform the crisis was necessary . Yes, for example, a communication device, a communication device, or a communication device…

Therefore, I installed it immediately .

Since it’s not installed on a tiled roof, it does not require that much technology . Her Highness Remia called some craftsmen, so I gave some simple instructions and let them temper with the wiring themselves after I secretly transferred the remaining parts . Hence, the work was completed relatively quick .

Well, my alibi on using the transfer was around the matter of 「making a sudden visit to the Royal Palace for a few hours」but at any rate, it was obviously strange to them, so I just let them be . Just in case, I gave them some hush money, though .

And Sabine-chan is explaining to Her Highness Remia how to play Othello and Shogi over the radio, such as 「2-D, white」, 「5-G, silver」, and so on .

No, if you do that, the battery will run out and we won’t be able to use it when we really need it, you know…

After explaining how to operate the radio, as expected of Her Highness Remia, she understood it all in one shot… .

Not only did she remember the order in which I pressed the switches, but she also understood what it meant, therefore it should be okay if she accidentally touched the switches unless there was a breakdown and if the regular communication once every three days was delayed for more than 24 hours without prior notification, it was decided that an emergency case has occurred .

At first, I suggested making regular contacts every week, but Her Highness said, 「One week is too long . At least make it once in three days」 . Thus, making it just like what she suggested .

……Her Highness’ goal is not for safety confirmation, definitely . Because it’s a hassle, I threw the role to Sabine-chan! Fuhahahaha!

Sabine: “Neesama, compensate me properly, okay?”

Eh…… . ?

When we were about to go home, we were once again detained by Her Highness .

Remia: “Tonight, we’re going to hold a welcoming Othello tournament for everyone . The female officers and maids is aiming for the prize items with bloodshot eyes . If I cancelled it at this point of time, it will become a trouble…”

Ah~… We can’t go home if it’s like this…

We finally escaped on the next day evening .

Tonight, I have reserved a course for 12,800 yen per person at a French restaurant, so Sabine-chan and Colette-chan can’t miss it .

(TL Note: Equals to $117 . 02 or 1043 . 68 Norwegian Krone)

We went straight home immediately after leaving Her Highness Remia who was making a small play by chewing a handkerchief while in tears .

Sabine: “We’re back~!”

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The three of us properly came back from the Royal Capital gate .

The gatekeepers, as well as the royal guards were dumbfounded .

Like so, that was the first words that Sabine had let out after going to the King’s room .

King: “S-Sabine!? H-How…? Where’s Viscount Yamano? What about the delegation members?”

Mitsuha: “Ah, we are also together with her . ”

Colette-chan and I rushed into the room after Sabine-chan to meet the surprised king .

King: “Viscount Yamano! What happened to the delegation and Earl Covemainne!?”

Mitsuha: “Ah, we’re the only ones who returned first . If we went alongside the main party, it will take a long time to come back home…”

King: “Ah… Speaking of which, the Viscount has 『Bigu Lorrey』 if I recall? I will pay back all the necessary expense that you had spent…”

Mitsuha: “Oh, that, umm… ahaha​​…”

Yes, Big Lorry was quite expensive, so I billed it separately as a necessary expense from my part . Because I bought it on Earth, the exchange rate will also be quite expensive . Hence, the Big Lorry is explained in some detail .

And the king couldn’t oppose as it’s for Sabine’s safety and living environment .

King: “So you disregard all of the reception on the way home, huh…? The people who regretted on belittling the Viscount before would have probably waited to make it a good experience for you on your way home…”

Mitsuha: “Well, I told you that that’s the reason why force our way through!”

The king gave a bitter smile as if saying that he already knows at least that much .

Huh? But, the king was surprised to see us, so that means he hasn’t received any reports from the Earl yet?

There’s no reason to attack the delegations that will return after finishing their roles, and in the unlikely event, they will make an urgent contact . The person in charge is always stuck to the radio in the Royal Palace…rather, in Sabine-chan’s room, and no matter how suddenly it got attacked, it won’t be something like a rocket was shot from a long distance, so there will be enough time to make a contact as they will sight the enemy first . Then that means…

Maybe they haven’t given up hope that they will still be a able to catch up and meet us somewhere in some city and think that we continue to sightseeing here and there on our way back while staying at some place for a few days . That’s why, they didn’t report that we completely separated from them along the way?

Sorry, that possibility is zero .

Mitsuha: “Your Majesty, when you get in touch with them, please let them know that we are already in the Royal Capital . ”

Yup, I will feel guilty if there’s something happened to the horse if they still hold that extra expectation and keep trying to catch up .

……Yes, to the horse .

Ah, I have to go and see Silver who I have left to someone’s care . As one would expect, it would take a long time, so I left him at a stable in a ranch instead of the orphanage and he’s probably lonely right now . Though, the carriage itself is kept at the orphanage . At any rate, they are probably polishing it every single day… If you overdo it, it will worn down easily!

(TL Note: I legit can’t remember this “Silver” horse… . Care to enlighten me…?)

Alright, because it’s troublesome, let’s make Sabine-chan be in charge to receive the report to the king .

Every important things will be reported properly over the radio, and even if she’s an active and cheery girl, Sabine-chan is still 10 years old . So, she needs to be with her parents and sibling after a long time, right?

And so, we left from the Royal Palace, leaving Sabine-chan, and went to Colette-chan’s village .

Since she has been working continuously for a long time, I will give Colette-chan a vacation . Therefore, I sent her directly to the village . Colette-chan is younger than Sabine-chan and has just turned 9, you see .

Colette: “Father! Mother!”

Colette’s Parents: “”Colette!!””

……While I’m at it, let’s go to Earl Bozes’ place…

After that, I went to my manor, tidied up various topics, moved to the 『General Store Mitsuha』 in the royal capital, opened the store for the first time in a long time, and listed various things that has piled up while tending the store .

Yeah, a lot of things that I have kept are starting to ferment . If I left this untreated, this place will become a brewery .

I need to do this first, I guess .

It’s a very important matter that will risk my position in Japan if I do this poorly .

Mitsuha: “I’d like to ask for this… This is my first time so I don’t know a single thing about it, so please take care of me . ”

Civil Servant: “Ah, yes, I will call the person in charge, so please wait right there . ”

This is my town’s tax office and what I showed to the receptionist auntie was a report for opening a business .

I have used a lot of money left by my parents as an initial investment in the other world . As for captain’s place, I paid the mercenary organization, 『Wolf Fang』 in Japanese yen before switching to gold…

That’s why, I want to exchange some of the money deposited in my foreign account to my Japanese account by converting some dollars into yen . I want to return it with the same amount of deposit, but if I do it carelessly, it will become a huge problem .

Yes, 「Tax」 and 「Tax Office」 are scarier than demons .

Therefore, it’s necessary to say that it’s the「Japanese, Yamano Mitsuha」’s hard-earned money .

Auntie: “No . 16, please!”

When I was thinking while waiting for my turn, my ticket number got called by the receptionist auntie .

Mitsuha: “It’s Yamano, please take care of me . ”

When I introduced myself and bowed my head, an uncle who was around 40 years old who seemed to be in charge of me, had a surprised face .

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……Yeah, I’m used to it .

Mitsuha: “At the age of 18, I graduated from high school and became the head of the family . Thus, I started working as a private business owner . ”

Uncle: “Ah…aah, f-forgive me, this way please . ”

The uncle realized that he thought I was a child and that I was aware of it . Although it seemed a little awkward, he then led me to a place where there were many seats for consultation where each seat is divided by a partition .

Mitsuha: “It’s like this…”

The uncle received the A4-sized paper which I submitted .

It’s a piece of paper that I searched and downloaded from the internet and filled in with handwritten items . It’s an extremely simple application form that takes less than a minute to complete by only filling in your name, address, shop name (company name, pen name), etc . , and just hand it over after finishing it . And, what a surprise! By doing just that much, a private business owner will be born . It’s super easy!

Well, 「Becoming a private business owner」 and 「Application documents for tax payment」 are two different things, though…

Uncle: “The business is sculpting and the name of the store is 『Colette』, yes? Regarding the income tax return, which one do you want? White or blue?”

Mitsuha: “Ah, I plan to take the blue one . I don’t really understand about it, so I’m going to ask a tax accountant . ”

“Then that’s a relief, yes . There isn’t any particular problem with this document, so I’ll receive it just as it is . I’ll copy this and give it back to you, so please wait a moment . ”

Saying so, the uncle stood from his seat .

…it hasn’t even passed 30 seconds! I was worried for nothing!

I thought I will be questioned a lot and stared with scary eyes, but in reality, he was being polite and gentle .

I see, they are only strict to those who evades taxes, but kind to ordinary people, huh…

Thus, I became a 「private business owner」 in just 30 seconds .

Shop name? Well, if I had use my real name, there can be a problem in terms of conserving information, so I thought that writing a shop name on the document would be better . And I’m sorry to say this but, it’s also because 『Colette』 sounds cuter than 『Sabine』 .

……if Sabine-chan knew why I decided that for the shop name, I can see that it won’t be settled easily…

“Do I have enough sculpture talent to sell something?”, you said?

Of course not .

It’s obviously “that”, you know? “That”!

I will bring things from the other world by using transfer . A secret technique, 『die-cutting』!

The quality of the work and artistry doesn’t matter .

……Because, the one who will buy it is none other than someone who has another nationality and name, the other「Me」 .