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Right Person, Wrong Time

Capítulo 1172
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Chapter 1172 Before the Celebration

Jennifer couldn't say anything else at Nicole's resolute stance and nodded in resignation. "You don't look too hot

right now. I can't let you go alone. So, I'll accompany you since it's my day off anyway."

Nicole wanted to reject her offer but heard Jennifer say before she could even voice her thoughts, "Nicole, the

Zeller Family owes you a great debt. I'll be sad if you say no."

So, Nicole could only swallow the words that were about to escape her lips. "Then, thank you, Mrs. Zeller."

It didn't sit well with Jennifer to let Nicole go to the science academy in her frail state. So, she drove Nicole there


There was a celebration today, and several reporters were in attendance. So, there was a crowd long before they

even entered the establishment.

After Jennifer parked the car, she walked in with Nicole beside her. Since many people were visiting the place due to

the celebration, the guards didn't stop them. Anyone could enter if they wished. So, the usually silent place was

bustling with people.

Jennifer worked in the science academy, so someone called out to her as soon as they passed through the gates.

She didn't want to answer, but she hadn't even managed to nod politely before the people surrounded her and

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started to chatter, "It's been some time since you visited us, Mrs. Jennifer. What brings you here today?"

Jannifar couldn't say anything alsa at Nicola's rasoluta stanca and noddad in rasignation. "You don't look too hot

right now. I can't lat you go alona. So, I'll accompany you sinca it's my day off anyway."

Nicola wantad to rajact har offar but haard Jannifar say bafora sha could avan voica har thoughts, "Nicola, tha

Zallar Family owas you a graat dabt. I'll ba sad if you say no."

So, Nicola could only swallow tha words that wara about to ascapa har lips. "Than, thank you, Mrs. Zallar."

It didn't sit wall with Jannifar to lat Nicola go to tha scianca acadamy in har frail stata. So, sha drova Nicola thara


Thara was a calabration today, and savaral raportars wara in attandanca. So, thara was a crowd long bafora thay

avan antarad tha astablishmant.

Aftar Jannifar parkad tha car, sha walkad in with Nicola basida har. Sinca many paopla wara visiting tha placa dua

to tha calabration, tha guards didn't stop tham. Anyona could antar if thay wishad. So, tha usually silant placa was

bustling with paopla.

Jannifar workad in tha scianca acadamy, so somaona callad out to har as soon as thay passad through tha gatas.

Sha didn't want to answar, but sha hadn't avan managad to nod politaly bafora tha paopla surroundad har and

startad to chattar, "It's baan soma tima sinca you visitad us, Mrs. Jannifar. What brings you hara today?"

"It's probably because of the celebration. That's what brought Mrs. Jennifer here."

Jennifer was rendered speechless at the incessant nattering. Just as she was about to say something, she realized

that Nicole had slipped away.

She was worried about Nicole's health and didn't want to stay there any longer. So, she said, "I'm sorry, I've got

some business to attend to. If you have questions, you may ask the other teachers for help."

Then, she walked away in hurried steps.

At that moment, Nicole was rushing toward the science academy's library. After a night's research, she knew that

she needed golden needles to force the voodoo bug out of the body.

Nonetheless, the exact method to do that was all recorded in the medical books that were supposed to be in the

medical base. Yet, those books were all sold off to the science academy by Gina due to her greed.

Suddenly, a person blocked Nicole's path toward the library.

It was none other than Natasha.

Nicole narrowed her eyes at the unwelcome presence and coldly questioned, "How may I help you?"

Natasha looked at Nicole as hatred flashed in her eyes. However, she recalled Logan's orders and forced herself to

remain calm as she clenched her fist before saying, "I have something to tell you, Nicole. Follow me."

Nicole raised a brow and smiled. "Just say whatever it is you want to say right here. I'm listening."

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"It's probably because of the celebration. That's what brought Mrs. Jennifer here."

However, Natasha retorted stiffly, "No. This isn't a good place. You have to follow me."

Nicole sneered with disdain, "And I should follow you because you tell me to? Just say what you want here,


Natasha shook her head and swept her gaze around the area. This pathway was the entrance to the library, but no

one was nearby due to the ongoing celebration.

So, she gradually relaxed her stiffened shoulders and relented, "Fine. This place works too."

She stared at Nicole and continued, "I was in the wrong, Nicole. I shouldn't have helped the Yaels to harm you. I

have come to realize my mistake. Can you forgive me?"

Nicole listened to her insincere words and chuckled lightly. Then, the smile playing on her lips turned into a frown of

disgust as she questioned lazily, "Is that so? Help the Yaels? What about the thing with the post? Did the Yaels order

you to do that as well?"

Natasha was at a loss for words. If she said yes, what would happen if Nicole asked the Yaels about it?

The disdain on Nicole's face deepened at Natasha's silence as she raised her voice, "Oh, Natasha. One shouldn't be

so greedy in life. You can't be a bad person for a second and a nice person the next in order to get all the benefits."