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Returning from the Dead: His Secret Lover

Chapter 1335
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Chapter 1335 Jealousy

The people outside Solomon’s office, including Ichika, went home about ten minutes later. Sabrina stayed back and

waited at the company’s main entrance to talk to Solomon.

“Do you want to take some time off? Go to Jetroina, maybe?”

“No thanks.”

Solomon already had one leg in his car when he replied to her curtly.

Sabrina looked at him quietly as he got into his car and drove off.

She went toward her car right after and took out her phone to text her brother in Jetroina.

I just saw him. He looks much better after seeing Dr. Kaye. I asked him to take a break but he outright said no.

On the other side, Sebastian was not that surprised when he saw Sabrina’s message. He knew Solomon would

behave like this.

Besides, Dr. Kaye had contacted him earlier. She had sent him Solomon’s health report after having a session with


He wondered if Solomon’s childhood trauma was the trigger that made him do what he did, but he had no time to

dwell on that question because there was someone else he needed to tend to.

The bandage around Sasha’s eyes was removed in the evening. Her vision was still blurred, but she could see

vague outlines of people moving around her. She turned toward the direction of the sound when she heard

someone moving around.

What is he doing? Is he making me food?

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She squinted her eyes, trying to focus her vision. It seemed to her that the man was busy making something with

his head low and his hands working assiduously, so she waited patiently.

As she expected, the person soon approached. He did not speak but held out something toward her. She felt

something cold and sweet touching her lips.

“What is this? Chilled peach?”

Her clear eyes lit up in excitement when she saw Sebastian nodding his head.

“You’ve always wanted peaches, haven’t you? You even threw a fit when you were still going through your

treatment because I didn’t let you have it.” Speaking, Sebastian took some cut peaches with a spoon and put them

near her mouth.

Sasha smiled in embarrassment at recalling that incident. She quickly opened her mouth and ate the sweet


She had no idea what had gotten into her two days ago. She just felt an insatiable craving for something cold and

sweet. She even got angry with Sebastian when he refused to let her have it.

Now that she thought about it, it was unreasonable of her to lash out at him.

They started talking about Solomon after Sasha finished her chilled peaches.

“According to Dr. Kaye, Solomon was covered in wounds when your mother picked him up at the train station.

There were cigarette burns and knife scars all over him. The most painful one, she said, was the wound on his arm.

Someone bit off one whole piece of flesh.”

Sasha gulped at the sound of the atrocities committed against Solomon. She almost vomited out the peaches she

just had.

Burn marks and knife scars? Someone even bit him?

Wait… He was only eight when his mother faked her own death and had him sent to us, right?

He was just eight…

Glints of anger shone in Sasha’s eyes. She clenched her fists so hard red marks started appearing on her palms.

“Yancy Young, that evil b*tch! She’s an animal! How could she do that to her own child? He was only eight!”

Sasha was distressed when she learned about the truth. Tears rolled in her eyes when she thought about Solomon

going through all that pain.

Her reaction was understandable.

Although Solomon was not related to her by blood, Sasha was a mother herself. Making a child go through so much

hurt and pain was simply unimaginable to her.

Her own children were just a year older than Solomon when he had to go through all that harrowing suffering. Her

children’s lives were so much better compared to his.

Likewise, Sebastian was disconcerted when he found out what had happened to Solomon.

He almost threw his phone away in anger when he first heard about it, but he told himself that Yancy had already

paid for her sins when she died.

They ended her life. This, in a way, was a form of retribution for her.

The only thing left for them to do now was to make sure that the person she hurt and tortured was compensated.

They had to make sure Solomon lived the rest of his life to the fullest, enjoying every moment knowing he was


Sebastian took out his handkerchief and wiped away Sasha’s tears.

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“Come on, don’t cry. You just had eye surgery. You’re not supposed to tear up too much.”

“But this is just so infuriating!”

“I know, but you don’t have to worry. I’ve arranged for the best doctors to help him get through this. The fact that

he refused to leave Hayes Corporation means he still doesn’t want to face his trauma head-on. We should give him

some time and just arrange for Sabrina to stay by his side,” Sebastian explained his plan.


Sasha was not fully comforted to hear that. Sabrina could be a little thoughtless sometimes.

Sebastian spotted her expression. “Well, you can call him if you’re worried. I won’t mind,” he said in a detached


Sasha looked at him from the corner of her eyes. Things suddenly became tense. Sasha wiped her tears, thinking

about what she should say next.

He must be angry. I’d better not do anything right now.

She dipped her head and continued eating.

Karl came in after half an hour.

“Mr. Hayes, we’ve found the people who abused Mr. Solomon all those years ago. Should we bring them to


“Ask Haruto what he thinks.”

Sebastian decided to let that man have the final say.

Sasha looked up in horror when she heard Sebastian.