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Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System-Novel

Chapter 82 I Felt Like It
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Aliya continued with her explanation.

"Although I said all that, my experience is limited to the understanding of fire, so the only ones that would directly benefit from this lesson, will be Leslie and Michael… the rest of you might find some inspiration on it, but it will be up to your comprehension talent, to reach the "concept" level".

There was no official name for what Aliya discovered or at least there was not on in the Wonder Myriad stellar chart, so she named this level of comprehension "concept", Evangeline on the other hand was listening to the lesson and she sighed.

"Stupid limitations of the system, if it weren't for them, I could just tell Daimon about a lot of things… on the other hand, I can't influence him, his path has to be created by himself, or it will crumple apart", she thought.

"Besides the change in the color, what other changes will our elements have if we reach a deeper level of comprehension?", asked Yvonne in an interested voice.

Aliya shook her head.

"The change in the color isn't important, the Jolbaris for example, their "beast lightning" is yellow instead of the normal purple color of those who have lightning affinity, and still, it isn't superior to normal lightning on any aspect".

She rose two fingers before continuing with her explanation.

"Higher destructive force and a more precise control over it, I don't know if it would be the same for other elements, but regarding fire those are the changes my flames developed, the change in color was a result of the first since my fire burns at a higher temperature than others".

Daimon was also quite interested in this "concept" thing, Aliya was teaching them, because he probably already experienced something like this without noticing, or it would be more accurate to say he didn't pay too much attention.

He looked at his right hand which was now covered in little bolts of electricity.

"The color is purple", he said to himself, Daimon perfectly remembered that in the state of core synchrony, his lightning wasn't blue… it was a combination between silver and purple, Aliya's theory opened the path to a lot of new possibilities.

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For example, according to Aisha the lightning she used back when she was an Archmage was silver colored, but in her current state her lightning was purple, so she thought the reason of it was that her lightning was affected by her domain which combined both metal and lightning elements.

But now Daimon more or less understood how the thing worked.

"Mom reached the "silver lighting" after gaining her domain, even when she was in the early stage of the Archmage realm, she could easily cross levels and defeat opponents above her stage… in other words she had a battle prowess that surpassed her actual realm".

"She lost her powers as an Archmage, but everything she learned is still there, and when I activate core synchrony, I get a part of that "comprehension" which results in that mix between silver and purple… but if that's the case why mom's lightning isn't silver? What am I missing?", he thought.

Daimon's eyes light up for a second before he said.

"Highly destructive spells require the caster to have a decent physical condition, that's why even when it's not the main focus, once we surpass the star ranks, our bodies get reinforced, the same happens to the Arch ranks, but the change is on another level… so if we advance in this concept thing would it not put a lot of tension in our bodies?".

Aliya smiled, she was getting more and more impressed by Daimon's way of thinking, "others would only focus in the benefits, but he wasn't blinded by that and instead thought about possible side effects", she thought.

"I was about to get to that part, think of it like this, you have a homemade bow but a high-level arrow, you might be able to shot the arrows but the bow would get easily worn out, the same applies for this, although you don't need to be a knight, your physical constitution would need to be strong enough to withstand the use of a higher destructive version of your element".

Daimon nodded, "That resolves the mystery", he thought, in his "normal" state his body is already abnormal, when he uses core synchrony it goes beyond that, and yet his lightning is purple because his comprehension isn't high enough, unless he activates core synchrony.

Aisha on the other hand is the other side of the coin, she has the comprehension but her body isn't strong enough to withstand the silver lightning, which results again in the normal purple lightning.

Aliya was happy to see her students interested in her theory, Daimon wasn't the only one, the others also seemed to be contemplating things, "that's good, think outside the box… if we keep doing the same things how can we expect to improve", she said to herself.

Aliya decided that it was enough contemplation for one day.

"Before Calvin's brain melts, we will stop here for now, but you will have homework during the rest of the year, I want you to go the library of the academy and select books about your own elements, read them, augment your comprehension… it took me nearly ten years to learn my concept, but I didn't have anyone to guide me, so I believe you will be able to get some results in only one year".

Now it was time for the combat lessons, so everyone stood up, Boris was already waiting for them outside of the classroom so they all went to the training grounds, unlike yesterday this time they went to the private facilities that were designated for the elite class.

Daimon was expecting to see Alexander and his lackeys there, but apparently, they were also assigned their own facilities to avoid, "unnecessary" conflicts, but even then, there were some people waiting for them at the entrance of the facilities.

One of them which left as soon as they appeared was wearing the badge of a vice principal, the feathers on his hair identified him as a member of one of the many clans which conformed the Risha family.

Since that guy left, everyone's attention focused in the ones that stayed, they were clearly separated in two groups of two people, a black-haired man which looked a bit haggard along with two old men which looked similar, they both had white hair and a cunning smile on their faces.

The other group was formed by an old man with beard and mustache, in comparison he didn't look as old as the other, instead he was quite tall and had a muscular complexion, and finally the last one was a black-haired woman… which resembled Yvonne.

Daimon mentally shook his head, "that was faster than what I expected", he thought, his supposition was confirmed a second later when he heard Yvonne saying.

"Mom, grandpa, what are you two doing here?".

The woman smiled, she approached Yvonne and hugged her.

"I was going to pay you a visit anyway… but we have something to deal before we can have a proper conversation", the old man didn't say anything but he still stood a couple of steps in front of the Yvonne and her mother.

Boris frowned his eyebrows.

"Ferdinand Risha… it's been some time since I saw you, so tell me why are you interrupting my class?".

Ferdinand whose eyes seemed to be on fire a moment ago when he was looking at Yvonne, heard Boris's voice and he snorted.

"Ogien, I didn't expect you to be in charge of the elite class, it seems that the Wild Claw academy has lowered its standards for tutors nowadays, however I'm not here to waste my time talking with you, this time I came to punish my rebellious daughter for causing me problems".

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He then looked at Yvonne with an anger filled expression.

"Do you know how much trouble you caused this time? Not only you lifted the curse without the permission of the clan, you caused me to suffer deviation and wasting a priceless magic herb, do you have anything to say in your defense?".

Yvonne shrugged, she noticed her father was truly angry this time… and she was quite happy for it.

"Why is it my fault that you suck as an Archmage, in any case, we both know who was the one that requested such an irrational punishment in the first place, so I don't understand why I'm suddenly the one in fault".

Ferdinand felt his blood pressure rising, he gritted his teeth and then shouted to the two old men that were standing beside him.

"Law enforcing elders, you heard this little girl's disrespectful answer, as the clan head I ask you to take her under arrest for interrogation, we need to find out who was the one that helped her dispel the curse, that spell was developed by our ancestors and no thanks to her its composition might have been exposed to outsiders".

Irina saw that things were going south and she was about to use her domain when the voice of a man interrupted the conflict.

"That curse was an eyesore for me, so I asked a "friend" to remove it, do you have a problem with that?".

With the exception of Aisha, all the other people turned to see the origin of the voice, a black-haired young man with mesmerizing violet eyes, which was Daimon of course.

Ferdinand frowned his eyebrows, but when he realized the one interfering was a "mere" one star ranked mage, he shook his head.

"Kid who do you think you are, watch your tongue when you are talking to an Archmage… why did you help my daughter to lift the curse, you will have to compensate for this crime, which family do you come from?".

Daimon smirked; his next words made everyone speechless.

"My surname is Licht, and the reason as to why I helped to erase that trash curse was… because I felt like it".

Boris sighed, he immediately lifted his guard, "These brats are going to kill me someday", he thought.