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Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System-Novel

Chapter 406 Meeting At Night (Part 1)
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After Daimon gave each girl a couple of tubs of the three-colored water, they entered Vincent's mansion for a well-earned rest.

Leaving aside the fact that everyone was all smiles right now, there were still some important things to do, but some preparations were in order for that.

"I'll go prepare the reunion, you all have ask Mina to prepare a meal and then have some rest", said the queen as she left Daimon and the others at the living room of Vincent's mansion.

Speaking of Vincent, he and Aurora also left as they had their own thing to do, in preparation for tonight.

And so, Thea was left in charge of Daimon and the girls, or more accurately, Lina and Karmandi were the ones guarding the fort, since the Empress ordered some snacks and then dragged Daimon and the others to their room, to have a few drinks and celebrate their crushing victory over the geniuses of the kingdom.

Of course, that was in part an excuse for her to try the idea she got earlier, she mixed a few drops of three-colored water with her drink, and then took a sip of it and her eyes sparkled.

She was perfectly sober, she then turned around and gazed at Daimon as if she was looking at some kind of priceless treasure.

"Say Daimon, don't you want an ascension, how about you aim to take Karmandi's position, the general rank is merit-based after all~", she playfully said.

Karmandi bitterly smiled at the thought of being replaced due to some drinks, of course Daimon just took it as a joke, but he was sure his "tribute" will probably be increased later on.

He also noticed that Marlene was looking at him, as if she was looking at a delicious dessert, it's been like that since he called the torrents of three-colored water earlier, it was like that even after he gave her a tub of the three-colored water, so that wasn't her target.

Ignoring the drooling Marlene, Daimon threw himself on the bed, though he recovered immediately from using Core Synchrony, courtesy of Sanctuary, the thing with the three-colored water left him strangely tired.

It was strange, he didn't use stamina, nor mana, battle aura or even vitality and yet he was a bit torpid, his instincts told him that the best solution was for him to take a nap and rest.

'It might have something to do with ordering the gem-like water from the Northern Sea, which is the core of the three-colored lakes… you better be quite amazing after causing this much trouble, you little thing', thought Daimon as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The girls who were enjoying snacks and chatting with Thea and Marlene, saw Daimon fell asleep and they were surprised, it's not a secret that he has an abnormal amount of vitality, so for him to get this tired is quite something.

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"Don't worry, he'll be fine after a couple of hours of sleep, we have some more important matters to tend to, like for example Yvonne's daring actions earlier~", playfully said Aisha.

"Ahhh, don't make me remember that!", said Yvonne as she covered her face with a pillow, once she returned to normal, the fact that she wanted to jump into Daimon's arms, remained in her mind and she was dying out of embarrassment, so much that she cursed her cheeky self.

Besides some laughs and giggles, the rest of the noon was pretty much uneventful, just as Aisha said, Daimon remained deeply asleep until the sun was setting down and it was time for the second event of the day to start.

Daimon's eyes slowly opened, the first thing he saw was Aisha's pretty face from below, she placed his head on her lap, while he was sleeping.

"Are you feeling better?", Aisha tenderly asked, to which Daimon nodded, he also looked at the many "!" symbols on the log of the system and chuckled, besides the completion of the mission, there was another surprise there, but he left that for later, still he explained Aisha why he fell asleep.

"My stupid magic core pulled a fast one on me earlier, I forgot I also have water affinity, so the torrent of three-colored water that rained upon me was in part absorbed by it", mumbled Daimon.

He extended his hand and to Mellie and Thea's surprises, they saw a large amount of water mana coming from all over the place, to Daimon's hand, before a single drop of black water condensed in front of him.

The reactions varied, Mellie who was the only one in the room with water affinity was beyond surprise, her little mouth was slightly open as she felt the suppressive sensation coming from that small drop which Daimon now had in his hand.

The other one who had some kind of reactions towards that drop of black water was Thea, she pushed Marlene who was sitting in front of her, throwing her from the bed as she flashed towards Daimon, with a serious expression on her face.

Daimon ignored the fact that the Empress was floating just a few centimeters above him, with a small frowning expression on her pretty face, to ask.

"Is there any problem?".

Thea remained silent for a moment, she observed Daimon and then the drop of black water, and then alternated between them for a couple of minutes but ultimately, she shrugged.

"Sorry, for a moment I thought you were wielding water from the cursed current of the Maelstrom Sea, but on a close inspection this is different… luckily, or everyone here besides me would have all melted into puddles of liquid", she said with a tone of relief.

Daimon raised an eyebrow, this water might have a dark color, but it doesn't have any corroding effects, though it is indeed not the regular water affinity, that the natives of Neptune have.

Also, he wouldn't have summoned such a dangerous thing in the proximity of the girls, but the confusion was understandable, since the black water had a certain ominous feeling to it.

Leaving that little scare Daimon caused the girls aside, he got up from the bed and then took a quick shower, before he put on the Hollow Suit again, assuming Gabriel's identity, since he had a meeting to attend.

The queen as well as Vincent and Aurora and someone who hasn't appeared in some time, the head maid of the queen, Martha, was also accompanying them.

Daimon gazed at Annete who then explained why Martha was here.

"She is the one in charge of my information network, unlike Mina she works in the shadows".

Martha slightly bowed towards Daimon as she handed him a report which consisted in a few pages, listing the names of the noble families that were found to frequent Blaktr, as expected most of them were middle ranked nobles, earl level families and a couple of marquesses, which though technically were part of the upper echelon, were about to lose their high ranked nobility to become earls, over the lack of merits in the recent generations of their families.

"As one would expect of that scheming bastard, they are the perfect bunch to organize a rebellion, has anyone suspicious attended Blaktr in the recent days, you know besides the usual guys?", he asked to the head maid Martha, who nodded as she took out a compact mirror plate from a secret pocket in her skirt.

"All those who have gone to the main location of Blaktr have been restricted already, and just await being taken under young master Gabriel's command, with the help of lady Thea, but this man has gone quite a few times and just observed without ordering any "service", we couldn't evaluate his prowess, so we didn't try to confront him, to keep up the act", she said as he handed Daimon the mirror plate which showed the image of a tall slim guy, using a bandana to cover his lower face and neck.

Daimon nodded, Annete was quite efficient with the task she was given, all the guys who went to Blaktr to either have some fun, or meet and just trash talk the queen, or the high ranked nobles in general, were ambushed once they entered the private soundproof rooms, by the subordinates of the queen and a few trusted men from the army, which Vincent sent as reinforces.

Being caught red-handed they were given the choice of submit or die, since all this happened underground, if they died, the investigations would not proceed, and so they choose to submit, increasing the forces of which the alliance could dispose, the restrictions they got were temporal though, and that's why Daimon and Thea will be meeting them later, so that they an be fully controlled through her contract ability.

But before that, there was someone they had to meet, well now there were two of them, Pablo's mother which is the leader of Black Wave in the Mermen Sea, and the guy in the image Martha showed Daimon, which he could bet was involved in all this.

"So how are we going to do this?", asked Thea.

The girls weren't going to actively participate in this operation since there were Stellar ranked involved, but they couldn't be left alone in the mansion, in case someone tried to play some tricks.

"Miss Thea and senior Aurora will come with us to Blaktr, we'll take care of bringing Black Wave under our flag, I leave the Delphini Duke to old Vincent and the queen, capture him in secret and take it to a secluded place for interrogation", said Daimon.

The queen brightly smiled, happy that she was given the task of dealing with one of the guys she hated the most.

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"I have the perfect location for that, but I want to witness the interrogation later~", she said.

Daimon chuckled, but he nodded, in any case the interrogation will be left for Horals, so he didn't need to be there, the queen probably had her own questions to do or maybe she wanted to close the mystery of her mother's death, and he could respect that.

Like saying goes, the right person for the right job, if they wanted to kidnap a Duke which is also a Stellar ranked in secret, the best one for the job was none other than Vincent, as for why Daimon chose Aurora to come with him, he had the hunch that her light affinity was perfect to deal with creatures like the one that was impersonating the Blackfin Duke's subordinate.

Thea on the other hand could keep Pablo's mother and her subordinates who will be returning in a few minutes, in check, just in case she tried to do something desperate to save Pablo.

"We'll gather here in two hours, if something happens, you know what to do", said Daimon.

The others nodded and then, the two teams parted ways, Vincent transported Annete and the Valas Duchess with him, while Thea used her spear to open a portal that led to Forest Fang town, where the headquarters of Blaktr were located.

Daimon and the girls entered through the portal Thea opened, since they had two Stellar ranked, the girls would be safer going with them.

Forest Fang town was closer to Warhammer city, than Arc city, so they only took a couple of minutes to arrive at their destination.

Everything was prepared beforehand, since Daimon ordered Pablo to tell them every update his mother gave him regarding the upper echelon of Black Wave's return, so they arrived around half an hour prior to them.

With Thea's ability to ignore space barriers, they easily bypassed Blaktr's security, and appeared inside the VIP area, where Pablo and his subordinates were already waiting for them, the queen's subordinates and well as the reinforces sent by Vincent were sent outside to not alarm the soon to appear guests.

On the other hand, it was crowned with "clients" which were all nobles that had already submitted, and so the trap was prepared.

Pablo saw that every little detail was already taken care of by the silver haired masked youth, that was now his master, and he felt a shiver running down his spine.

'To have the support of the magic beasts from the Maelstrom Sea, the Matriarch of the Light Palace, the queen and the army… what a terrifying fellow', he thought.

Even if Pablo was considered a lavish second generation, how could he not recognize one of the few Maximum Stellar ranked that exist, as well as Thea who is the known ruler of a section of the Maelstrom Sea, as for Annete a she came here in person, after the nobles were restrained to deal with the aftermath, imagine Pablo's expression when he saw the last person, he wanted to meet in the Clear Water kingdom, casually strolling around Blaktr.

They were now on the backstage of the scenery which was once used for the girls that worked here to entertain the clients, but was now under "reparations", in any case none of the nobles that were present, were in the mood to seek carnal pleasure, since the queen had put leashes on their necks.

"We'll be waiting in the main VIP room, you know what to do, if you try anything funny, death will be the last of your worries", said Daimon as he used the secret passages exclusive for Blaktr executives to spy on the clients, to go to the room where Pablo will lead the executives for a "meeting".

"I wouldn't dare", said Pablo in a hurry, the last thing he wished for his mother was to fall in the hands of the queen, who is rumored to have a private prison somewhere.