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Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System-Novel

Chapter 396 The Fourth Round (Part 7)
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Back at the maze Aisha immediately noticed that more traps were appearing on her path and she smiled.

Though she indeed felt like going in serious against the glassed scholar, because she recognized her determination of helping Lance, since she would have done the same for Daimon.

Aisha naturally had her own role to fulfill, Daimon already expected the Minister will not play fair, so he asked her to draw some attention, since he will become a bigger target as she picked up the other girls across the maze.

So that even if the Minister increased the traps that came their way, he will be forced to divide his attention on both of them, with Vincent and Aurora as well as the queen sitting near the Minister, the latter will have to keep his cheats to a certain level, because if he oversteps, they won't let him go.

Unfortunately for the Minister the limit he had was nowhere near to suppress either Daimon or Aisha, so besides praying his grandson and the others to arrive faster than Aisha and Daimon to the throne room, there was nothing else he could do.

In other words, they had the Minister grabbed by the balls right now, though Aisha found some other minor enemies along the way, none of them were even ninth star ranked, so she didn't need to use Lightning Empress to finish them quickly.

So, she waited until at least a vice-captain popped up, and the glassed scholar presented herself in the best moment.

'Humph, a trash like you wants to get in the way of my time with my darling, know your place!', thought Aisha as she took out her sword and deflected some arrows that were shot from all directions.

Little metallic sounds echoed through the corridor as Aisha continued advancing, ignoring all the obstacles the Minister was sending her way, if her calculations were right, then she should be arriving at the throne room soon.

At the other side of the maze, Daimon who felt Aisha using Lightning Empress smirked.

'I told her to draw some of the old bastard's attention, but she went all in, I guess blood is indeed like a drug for vampires', he thought.

'More accurately you are the addictive to your soulmates~', jokingly said Evangeline, making Narasha laugh.

'Eve is right, I feel happy when I fight alongside Daimon, what a shame that sword was too weak', added Narasha.

Daimon bitterly smiled, that was a Half Emperor ranked magic treasure, it's not that it was weak, but it was Disaster which is too fierce instead, well he also played his part, since he swung a sword which weights forty tons and can cut everything so far, with a physical strength of forty tons, plus the acceleration he gained due to his movement martial art.

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It would be strange if the other sword didn't break, unless it was a treasure made by the best artisans and magic smiths, the result was obvious, at least in a clash in which the arrays engraved on the weapon couldn't be powered by the user, the fight resorted to the old good muscles and the quality of the materials used for the weapon, like a pure knight confrontation.

'I didn't expect Disaster to devour the properties of the sword and to destroy the arrays though, since when the thing is so well behaved?', asked Daimon.

'Mm, it's not exactly devouring, it simply deprived what the other sword had, as a way to declare "I'm stronger", it fully destroyed the defeated opponent, or something like that', said Narasha, she was having fun too, so she didn't reprimand Disaster in this case.

'…', Daimon was speechless for a moment.

'What a capricious sword', he thought, destroying a treasure just as a way to prove its superiority.

"Whatever, I had to do it for the mission anyway", mumbled Daimon, to become a novice swordsman he had to defeat ten sword users, if he wished to, he just needed to go out there and destroy some nobodies to complete it.

But with overscore being a possibility, why shouldn't he take advantage of that to get a better result, everyone tried to prove that their sword is the best, so by not only defeating but thoroughly crushing even the sword of the enemy he expected to get a better reward.

Daimon came returned to reality when he heard, Cassy speaking.

"I feel a similar element as mine flooding one of the rooms ahead, it should be miss Tessa".

Daimon nodded, his eyes glowed and his sight ignored the walls and any other obstructions to see through a door that was about three hundred meters away from them.

"Damn it, why did I have to find another positive nature affinity bitch, just when I was trying to get away from another one!", yelled Ezequiel's strategist.

Earlier when she saw Cassy's sword, she tried to ambush her to take her down as soon as possible, but her attack was parried by Jasmine's spell, so she immediately turned around and escaped.

Every element has a positive and a negative aspect, take fire for example, fire can be good and provide warm to nurture life, but it also can destroy life and destroy everything in its path, a part of the reason as to why despite people having similar elemental affinities, doesn't mean they are the same, is that division.

Ezequiel's strategist fire is negative oriented, since it is focused in burning too much oxygen to suffocate the enemy, that's how she dealt with her opponent back at the third round of the tournament, so easily, unfortunately for her positive nature is her counter, since that is the only element that can not only resist her flames but make up for the lack of oxygen.

She can't even use it to increase the propagation of her fire, since it is imbued with the mana of the caster, in this case Tessa.

"Uwah, you shouldn't have said that", said Femi who was using her hammer to hit the ice shell of one of Walford team members, it was actually a ninth star Knight, and yet with a single hit of Femi's hammer the ice shell cracked and was almost destroyed.

But right now, that wasn't the most eye-catching thing happening in the room, the usually calm and gentle demeanor of the Alfear princess was nowhere to be seen.

To begin with unlike the elves from the myths back at earth, the alfear weren't fully kind and gracious, they were just any other races, some had short tempers and so on, Tessa is a princess so she had learned noble etiquette, as a proper young lady, she knows how to behave.

But if there is something she hates is being insulted, Femi knows it and that's why in her heart she was praying for Ezequiel's strategist.

Another curious thing about Tessa, is that unlike most of the highest ranked noble Alfear and each and all of the direct descendants of the royal family, she doesn't use a bow, but a staff, since she focuses in the mage path.

Tessa made her staff roll on her hands and then raised on the air as she chanted.

"Guardian Vines".

The ground trembled a bit before dark green vines raised from the ground surrounding her.

"Humph, go talk with trees and die", Ezequiel's strategist snorted, she used practically almost her mana in her anger, since her plans were hindered by two nature affinity women in a row, then she was going to at least take one of them down, not to mention her fire had another "surprise" hidden.

"Hellstorm Meteor!", a huge fire ball appeared above Tessa, the whole room was illuminated due to the fire and the temperature raised enough for the ice shell which Femi was about to casually break, to start melting.

Naturally, Ezequiel's strategist didn't even care about her own subordinates, who she left behind, right now she only wanted to destroy the woman in front of her, so she couldn't care less to drag down the temporal "tool" she allied with.

Tessa softly snorted and pointed her staff towards the meteor, and the vines followed her command.

"Boom!", the vines started slapping the meteor repeatedly in frenzy, until the meteor exploded in a bunch of smaller flames that fell all over the room, losing the impact that the meteor would have caused, but still turning the room into a hell of fire.

Ezequiel's strategist maliciously smiled as she retreated behind the resulting fire, there was a second effect to this spell, though it consumed practically all the mana she had when she used it, the resulting flames could still be controlled at her will.

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"Those vines are quite strong, not having turned into ashes immediately, but they are useless now, so in the end you still… aghhhh!", the woman couldn't finish her sentence, when a vine that sprouted out of nowhere slapped her body sending her flying.

Tessa snapped her fingers and vines sprouted from all the places which had fire burning on them, the fire was put out and the vines then moved.

"Pah-Pah-Pah!", the result was a sea of vines that were slapping Ezequiel's strategist all over the place, this continued until the life-saving array deemed the situation life-threatening and activated transporting the woman outside of the maze, but at this point her face was all swollen.

"The tree of the royal family can use any kind of mana to regenerate and produce other plants… only him is an exception", she mumbled as the image of a smiling silver haired youth appeared in her mind.

The battle wasn't over yet though, Femi who had already destroyed the first ice shell casted by the ninth star mage, saw that a second and third ones appeared in her way and she sighed.

"I also take pride in my defense, but you are being a bother", said Femi, her body shone in dark gray light and then she smashed her hammer against the ice shell, a large magic circle was casted once the hammer touched the ice

"Gaia Smithing!".

The ice shell crumbled on the spot and what followed was the painful screams of the ninth star mage, who was now being stabbed on all his limbs by metal spikes that actually appeared out of his own ice.

Femi retrieved her hammer once she saw the life-saving array activating to protect the mage, and she turned to see her friend to complain.

"No fair Tess, your opponent was better than mine, this guy couldn't even withstand a single spell, whatever let's get going, our dear captain won't pay us if we take too long", she said with her usual carefree voice.

At that exact moment a purple flash arrived at the spot, taking both the Alfear and Dwarf princesses by surprise, not because Daimon was moving so fast, but because of the strange scene of a lot of girls holding onto him.

"Get on you two, Aisha arrived at the throne room so we have to speed up a bit", said Daimon.

The princesses looked at each other and sighed, as they approached Daimon and both held onto the sides of his coat, they were surprised to see that their hands weren't actually touching his clothes, but an invisible layer of battle aura that was surrounding Daimon.

'T-This is solidification, he is not even a knight lord yet and he can already solidify battle aura outside of his body!', screamed Femi in her mind.

Tessa noticed the shock in her friend's face, but honestly, she wasn't better than her, in fact all the other girls were the same at first, besides the Risha sisters who at this point have come to the conclusion that anything is possible if Daimon is involved.

He was using the small domain he had over battle aura to solidify just a bit of it around all of them, that's how he was able to move as a "whole", making the girl's bodies to follow his exact instructions when he moved, to avoid the traps.

Naturally such a thing required monstrous reflexes and thinking speed, but he is a lightning affinity user, so there was no problem in that aspect.

The Alfear and Dwarf princesses remained silent while Daimon initiated his martial art once again, he only needed to find Mellie, Daphne and Chris next, before reuniting with Aisha, who just arrived at what seemed to be the throne room.