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Reincarnated With A Glitched System: Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 1100 Finishing The Job
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"[Yggdrasil's Gardener Divine Domain]"


My Domain of Yggdrasil Gardener expanded as we fought. The golden sands were swiftly covered by complete greenery. Trees, bushes, flowers, herbs, and all kinds of other types of plants grew one after another, constantly overflowing with spiritual energy. I absorbed this power as the Domain expanded, my sword channeling a golden and green Aura. Utilizing this power, I slashed through the air, a wave of emerald and golden power surging.

"[Yggdrasil Knights Swordsmanship Arts]: [Nature's Wrath]"


The entire domain shook before this power, the firebirds nearby were instantly covered on slashing attacks once the long-ranged slash hit them, like a domino effect, several other firebirds behind were blown away by the consecutive explosions, and swiftly taken down as the domain moved on its own. Giant arms made of sand and plants making sure they would stay dead.

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I kept moving, hoping in midair and maneuvering with my dragon wings. I helped everyone with their own hunt and killed as many of the firebirds as we could. They were big bags of EXP, and I seriously needed sof that after having spent so much on the new System Seeds.

This was my second tusing this power belonging to my new and upgraded Class, but I was already getting used to it quite well. I could add inputs to the Domain, and it would move and attack accordingly. It was quite easy to use, and that might be a result of its powers being assimilated into the System.

Eventually, there were only so many firebirds we could hunt, and once we were done hunting everything we could. The entire desert went back to its awfully quiet yet relaxing atmosphere.

"Phew… Well, that's that… Oh." I noticed my Domain ended creating a huge jungle surrounding the entire pyramid. And once the domain effect deactivated itself, the jungle stayed. "Oh yeah, this happens."

When I used it before in the grasslands, the sthing happened. It seems this Domain can just spread a lot of plant life anywhere, everywhere once activated. And they stay even as the domain's powers deactivate, and I can't control the forest anymore.

Yet for sreason, I can still feel ssort of connection to the forests and huge areas of vegetation I leave behind. I wonder if they're ssort of Territory type of thing similar to the Dungeon.

"Hey Alice, are these forests… Somewhat connected to my Civilization System?" I asked her.

"Hmm, so you do feel a strange connection as well." Alice nodded. "Yes, there's something odd about it all… I believe it has to do with the Civilization System and the Dungeon System somehow affecting the other skills in ways I cannot properly detect."

"Interesting, so these forests…" I said.

"It could be, yes, they might be connected to your Territory somehow…" She nodded. "So you feel a connection to it, right?"

"Yes, a strong one at that." I walked towards the huge jungle, touching the tree barks.

Their life and spiritual essence all slowly flowed back to me, and I could also feed them with my endless mana, helping them grow stronger and healthier. It madewonder for the first thow much I could also affect this world's nature and environment.

I've heard a lot that the Demon Continent is a harsh place, called a wasteland by many. Where tribes have to either hunt or starve most of the time, unless they belong to the large cities at the coasts, which have formed peace pacts with the human and elven continents.

Maybe if I can develop this power more, I could spread greenery and nature to those wastelands, and ways for people to thrive through the fruits, seeds, and herbs that these forests produce. But maybe that's just wishful thinking more than anything.

"Will these die off eventually?" I wondered.

"Maybe, or maybe not." Alice wondered. "As long as they keep their connection to you, they can drain Mana in times of need and might continue growing larger. It could very well beca huge patch of greenery in these desolate sands."

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"Sounds kind of cool if that really happens." I giggled. "Anyways, let's go back with everyone else. Oh! Let's quickly pick up the corpses too. They're treasure troves of precious materials! The hard as metal feathers must be amazing for armor, especially lightweighted armor. Their bones were super tough too, their metallic beaks and claws as well! And I bet they don't taste bad at all. The stronger the monster, the tastier it usually is."

"It must be due to the amount of mana they possess concentrated inside of them." Alice explained. "I believe everyone in this world is born with special sensory organs for mana, which are shared with all of your senses. Therefore, things that are rich in mana tend to feel much more flavorful."

"Oh, I see…" I nodded. "That does makes sense." I kept picking up the corpses as I made my way back to my friends. They were all flocking around Luck who had unlocked his newest Divine Beast Spirit.

"Amazing! You beca bird man for a second there, Luck!" Laughed Lara. "You looked weird but cool at the stime."

"Hahaha." Luck laughed a bit. "I do feel much stronger now… It was an incredible feeling! Although a bit painful at first."

"It feels almost unfair you got those powers… But I guess that's a Hero for you." Zack shrugged. "I'll have to just keep working harder to catch up with a monster like you."

"You'll have to try really hard though." Luck felt really proud of himself. "You better work really hard under Arafunn's tutelage!"

"Sure, I won't lose to you!" Zack's competitive spirit flared up.

"It sure was something else to see him transform." Aquarina nodded. "Is he going to transform with every transformation?"

"I think so." I said, stepping in. "Congrats, Luck!"

"Sylphy! If I wasn't for your equipment I wouldn't have been able to do it though! Thanks a lot!" Luck said.
