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Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 576 Taste Your Own Medicine
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Shi Publishing.

It was at that moment when Zhan Yahui realized the source behind Guiying's arrogance. 

Chen Zixin.

He came up to her, his cold gaze shining at her with threat. To others, his countenance simply exhibited a lack of any particular emotion, but Zhan Yahui clearly felt the hostility emanating from his aura. Her hand in mid air was stopped in an awkward position by his entrance.

Zixin looked at it and quietly said, "It's in your interest to lower your hand."

The animosity building up inside her heart was unimaginable at this point. A man like Zixin who had completely lost his memories and who should have been like a stranger to Guiying now faced her as an enemy. 

I had made sure that the accident would render him incapacitated in regards to his relationship with Guiying! Then why… Who is he?

Just a mere online identity who chatted with Guiying? Just a fan who followed her work? Such a fragile relationship should have already ended the moment he forgot about her!

Yet Zixin stood by Guiying's side with his full support as if the accident never happened or as if he never lost sight of Guiying at all.

"Mr. Chen," Shi Zhelan smiled and greeted him. 

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He simply glanced at her for a second but was quick to focus his attention back on 'Guiying.' 

"Are you okay?"

The stress in his gaze was evident. "I told you to wait for me outside, didn't I?" 'she' folded her arms.

"I was worried about you and…" his alarming and icy black orbs looked at Zhan Yahui with a threat, "rightly so."

Zhan Yahui trembled as her agitated voice sharply echoed in the room. "So he is behind all this, isn't he? I was wondering how you could reach up to this point, but it's all clear now," she angrily laughed, "You fucking used his power to gain everybody's favor here! He pressured the board to act like you wanted, didn't he!?"

'Guiying' cocked her brow in amusement. "What proof do you have, dear? Also, do you think that your intentions or methods were any purer than me?"

'She' took a step closer, her eyes narrowing but her lips turning into a sneer. "I like you a lot, Zhan Yahui. I have worked with you for so long. That's why I will let this go. Otherwise, I can file defamation charges against you."

Zhan Yahui stared at her. Those were the exact words that she spoke to 'Guiying' when she came to confront her. But the die was now rolled, and it was 'her' turn to give Zhan Yahui the taste of her own medicine.

'Guiying' shook her head. "Since when do people accuse someone of corruption without any proof? Zixin is only here because he was too anxious to leave me alone. It's my first time facing such a meeting after all. How is there any connection between him and the board? If you don't have the answer to the questions, then all your accusations are useless."

"Stop with your act, Cai Guiying!"

"I feel hurt, Zhan Yahui. I was only trying to help you with the best of my capabilities. I just thought it would be so burdensome for you to handle all this. But you took the wrong meaning behind my goodwill."

Her expression was distorting in pure fury. It was only a few days ago when she acted calm and in control of the situation, and 'Guiying' crazily shouted her accusations at her. But now 'she' threw the same words back at her face with a force even deadlier than Zhan Yahui had. She felt that hard slap on her cheek without any physical contact.

'Guiying' was extremely pleased with the turn of events. Seeing their places switch where Zhan Yahui was now infuriated just like 'she' was, was a victorious moment for 'her.'

Seeing 'Guiying' beaming with joy and satisfaction made Zixin blossom with happiness too. 

Yao Guo quickly said, "N-Now that everything is clear, can we end this meeting?"

'Guiying' naturally understood where he was coming from and smiled. "As the new CEO, I have to address my company leaders, right? So please be seated."

He stiffened, his gaze filled with jitters.

'She' looked back at Zhan Yahui and said, "Oh dear you are still here? Since you aren't a CEO anymore, this will be a confidential meeting for you. You are not allowed to be here."

'Guiying' inwardly snorted.

She is so stupid. Even if it wasn't me, Liu Jun would have come for her instead. The result would have been the same. Now that he knew everything, did she really think that he would have let her wander around freely to keep ruining our lives any longer?

Zhan Yahui breathed hard, her face reddening. She could see all her carefully laid out cards collapsing one by one. Every plan was failing left and right.

My revenge…My revenge…I need to be here. I need to ruin Liu Jun!

I cannot lose here…I cannot lose…

"I cannot lose here!!" She almost grabbed 'Guiying' in an act of violence but Zixin who was already alert pushed her away in time.

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"Stay back," he coldly ordered.

"Get the fuck out of my way!!!" She roared at Zixin, furious at his interference.

Shi Zhelan, Shi Shuren and the rest of the board were stupefied to see her act this way. Zhan Yahui had always carried herself with poise and elegance. She never showed any signs of distress or losing her calm in any situation.

Which was why Shi Zhelan hated her because it felt as if there were a lot of malicious things cooking behind that harmless smile. But now her entire demeanor had taken a one-eighty degree turn.

Shi Shuren anxiously wanted to reach out to her but she wasn't in the state to listen to anybody and violently dismissed him too.

Shi Zhelan gritted her teeth. "This woman has turned crazy! Who knows how many people she might hurt! Take her away right now!"

"Guiying you fucking bitch! How dare you come in my way!? You had no business in messing up with me!"

At that point, the guards arrived to secure her out of the company.

'Guiying' wanted to slap her, but 'she' refrained.

She has some nerve to say that after using Guiying as a puppet for all this time and hurting Zixin too. How I wish I could scratch her face!

Zixin patted her shoulder. "Don't be disappointed. I will fulfill all your wishes."

Is he a mind reader? 'Her' mouth twitched.

Zhan Yahui burst into an eerie laughter watching them flirt when she was in a dire situation herself. She exclaimed as she struggled violently with the guards. "Don't fucking act arrogant, Cai Guiying! You must think that you are so lucky, right? But do you think that this happiness will remain for long? You are just living in illusions because Chen Zixin will discard you the moment he will know about your split personality!"

'Guiying' froze.

"Why only him? The whole world will abandon you because you are nothing but just a crazy woman! An abnormal woman with two people living inside her!" She laughed in mockery. "A pitiful, mentally ill person whom even her own brother steered away from. That is your sorry existence, Cai Guiying!"