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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 382 Special Mechanic Ability- Virtual Hacking!
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Konot IV, Vic Tech Mech Museum…


There was an awkward silence in this luxurious museum as 2 Mechanics observed the bunch of powerful machines that were on display.

This Mech Museum mostly displayed war mechanic suits that had already served their use to their owners, raked in a lot of battle merits and legends, and due to wear and tear or the death of their owners, they were retired here.

Standing together, the tall and skinny man looked like an awful misfit against the beautiful and perfectly shaped lady who stood beside him.

She suddenly pushed her long red hair to the side with her right hand.

"Won't you say anything…?"

She barely asked when he pointed at 1 of the mechs and spoke.

"That is the Mach Anthony III".

"It is one of the rare retired machines of a Grade A Battlefield Mechanic". He turned to look at her. "The Mach Anthony III is one of the most famous and legendary mechs in Konot IV, it has won a lot of battles alongside its pilot".

"One of it's greatest feats is stalling an enemy fleet singlehandedly for an hour, buying the time that the Konot IV navy needed to regroup and fight back".

"That is just one of it's many legendary feats".

"It is even more fascinating and legendary when you know it's created by the same Mechanic who rode it to war".

"Most Battlefield Mechanics in Konot IV leave the work to the Technicians like you, but this was an exception, this guy made this legendary mech himself".

"Do you know who I'm speaking of?"

"…" Ella was speechless.

The next moment, she scowled. "You…!"

"Of course I know the Mechanic who created it, I know him since I could read, how can I not know him? Who the hell does not know him?"

Her face soon turned into a fearsome frown. "We've not met physically for over a year, we finally meet due to you deciding not to run away like a rat anymore, and this is what you say? Is that the best you could come up with?"

"Uhh…" John scratched his head.

"We're married". She said through gritted teeth.

John shuddered.

"Shhh!" He shushed her while placing a finger to his lips as he looked around like his life was suddenly in danger. "Your father may hear".

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"But we're marr…"

"It was simply a contract marriage!" John grabbed her and hissed.

"You scammed me. You paid me to marry you so you could call off the arranged marriage that your father prepared. It worked, I got paid, you didn't marry a jerk, we both won and I thought we could go our ways".

"Why are you tormenting me?"

"Why are you following me like a Shinigami?" His voice lowered, it seemed he would cry any minute as he looked at her eyes, searching for an answer.

Ella was caught a bit off-guard at first, but she soon huffed and placed her hands on her hips. "It's the duty of the wife to torment the husband of course".


'Did you hear anything I just said?' John cried in his mind.

'I knew it was a huge mistake to seek her out!' He lamented.

Despite the difficulties, John was finally able to placate her with time.

This was when she spoke. "I saw your message, you intend for me to follow you to this foreign planet to get the blueprint together?"

"Yes". John pleaded with his eyes.

"You've always wanted to build your own style of Battleships but your father is intent on indoctrinating you in the family ways. With this outlet, you can let your passion flow, become the Shipwright and Mechanic you always wanted to be".

"As for me, I get majority of the Arcanite metal".

"You're happy, I'm happy, it's a win-win mission to me".

"Hmm…" She rubbed her chin. "So, this strange planet, you've not told me much about it, where is it and what's the name?"

"Planet Darvis". That is all I can tell you.

"Seriously? You can't tell your wife more?"

John rubbed his temples, he felt like he was going crazy. "You'll understand everything after we arrive there".

She finally nodded reluctantly.

After going to a dark hidden alley, both Mechanics suddenly disappeared.

Ella widened her eyes after she discovered the truth from John and the strange Summoner as she looked at her universe tracker.

[BEEP! You're in uncharted space!]

She looked at John. "Are you…, for real?!"

"Yeah". He rubbed his cheeks in a cheeky manner.

"Count me in!" She yelled. "Building Battleships, secret galactic gatherings, a planet stuck in a ruined star system, a cataclysm, damn, John you actually wanted to enjoy all this adventure without calling your wife?"

"I would have killed you on our first night!"

"You're lucky!"

"…" Legolas was speechless.

He expected a lot from Ella but not this. She was far different from what he expected, yet, his greatest shock of all was that she was a Grade C Technician Mechanic, this woman was a literal force of nature when it comes to creation.

Since she already showed interest, everything else was easier. After explaining everything to her, when night came, both Mechanics wore black.

Silently, they infiltrated the base of the Nak Navy in Planet Darvis.

Infiltration was not easy, but this time, the Nak's knowledge was used against them. Knowing that only 3 main classes were available in Planet Darvis, all their detection methods were focused on stopping means from these 3 classes.

They never expected enemy Mechanics to suddenly appear in Planet Darvis.

With the help of Ella's machines, the infiltration was smooth as they arrived at the core of Captain Chan's war fortress. There, John finally had access to the server. With Ella covering his back, John cracked his hungry fingers.

'It's been long baby'. He kissed his fingers.

'Let's show what we're capable of in another planet'.

"Special Mechanic Ability: Virtual Hacking!"

His eyes glowed with power.

The next moment, his fingers roared away at the virtual floating keyboard.

Despite the complicated programming of the war fortress' main server, John bypassed all the precautions, flexing his specialty as a Virtual Mechanic who mostly hacked enemy spaceships as he hacked his way into the server.

[Access to Database Gained!]

[Extracting Data…, please wait…]

Once he was in, everything else was easier.

John easily got the blueprints of all the Spaceships that were currently in Planet Darvis, not just that, he got additional information as bonus.

When he was satisfied, he finally disconnected from the server.

He didn't just disconnect; he filled his pathway into the server with redundant elements that would effortlessly wipe off all traces of his access here in case the Mechanics of the Nak Navy were competent enough to check to here.

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This was John's specialty; he did an excellent job.

"Good job". Ella commended him as they both made their way out.

They were not caught; they effortlessly made their way out of the base.

Inside the strategy room of the Core Protection Alliance, Daemon had an amazed look on his face as he looked at the blueprint that was being projected.

"So, this is how a Battleship looks like on the inside".

President Shanks and all the other Superhumans were also amazed.

John and Ella's competence shocked them, but what shocked them more was Legolas' ability to bring Mechanics from an entirely different Planet.

Hearing it was one thing, seeing it was another thing entirely.

Their Favorability for him rose again on the spot.

Legolas turned to look at Ella. "So…, can you build a Battleship for us".

She looked at the blueprint as a professional look came over her face. "Using this as my inspiration, I can but it will be much harder than normal".

"Why?" President Shanks asked.

"This is not my Planet where I have hundreds of assistants from my father's company, in this Planet, I have only John to assist me who has little to no knowledge about building Spaceships".

"Essentially, I am working alone on this project".

"I can build a Battleship for you but it will take time".

"For my first building run, I project 3 years if every condition is met".

"My subsequent constructions can be reduced to 2 years or even a year".

President Shanks looked at all the other Grade C Superhumans before focusing back on her. "Do it".

"Something is better than nothing".

"Ok". Ella's voice became excited.

"John, set a state-of-the-art Mechanic Workshop for me".

"Huh? Why me?"

"Do it!"

John sighed and went to work.