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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110

“What kind of shindig was that, if even the mutts were invited.” | gripped Caleb’s arm, my voice low and serious.


gaze sharpened in an instant, his eyes alone enough to send chills down one’s spine.

Sure enough, Kyle, who'd fasted Caleb’s wrath before, coughed and nudged the person yapding beside him.

“Knock it off, will ya? Piss off a madman, and he could take you out without batting

an eye.

The guy swallowed hard, shutting up immediately.

“Good dogs don’t stand in the way.” | said, deliberately tripping Kyle as he walked by

Caught off-guard, Kyle face-planted into the ground, a classic face-first fall

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| turned around with a laugh. “Oh dear, why such a grand gesture for me?”

Fuming. Kyle clenched his fists and shota glare. “Crazy witch...”

He thought | was crazy as well.

Kyle glanced at his cronies. “I didn’t react last time, but are you tellingwe can’t take down one lunatic if we

team up? Let's get him!”

As Kyle's group seemed ready to brawl, Mrs. Thompson panicked and rushed to intervene. “What are you-

“Mrs. Thompson, let’s step aside and have a chat. Let them sort it out. They're all grown-ups: they won't really

fight,” Melody said through gritted teeth, ushering Mrs. Thompson away with a few classmates. It was clear she

was allowing Kyle and his gang to make a move on Caleb.

Caleb was alone, but they had numbers.

And Dexter sat aloof, watching from his perch, silent, condoning their actions.

turned to Kyle. “Heh... snever learn, a dog can’t change its tricks. Looks like it wasn’t you who nearly got

beaten to a pulp last time.”

One of Kyle's guys charged with a beer bottle aimed at Caleb. Instinctively. | moved to shield Caleb who was

standing there looking clueless.

Suddenly, he pulledinto his arms and grabbed the bottle with a swift backhand, his cold eyes dancing with

madness. He snatched the bottle and smashed it over Kyle's head.

“You were the ones who started this,” | said, frowning at Kyle and then at Caleb. “He asked for it, hit him.”

Kyle looked terrified, Caleb's presence was indeed... terrifying.

“Alright.” Caleb’s obedience was striking; it seemed he'd do whatever | said. He released me, shielding me

behind him, and lunged at Kyle with another bottle in hand.

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Chapter 110.

Perhaps to preventfrom getting hurt by the flying glass, he stood protectively in front of me. Caleb’s attacks

were brutal; Kyle and his buddies were no match for him.

Even | started to panic. | was just running my mouth, but Caleb seemed dead serious about taking Kyle out.

“Enough!” Dexter finally interrupted with a cold command.

Caleb paused, holding Kyle by the collar, glanced back at Dexter, and then, with a scoff, threw another punch.

“Colin...” | stepped forward, wrapping my arms around his, truly scared someone might get killed. “Stop, please


“Con, cut it out, enough already!” Several classmates pleaded from the sidelines, tool scared to step closer,

while James, who'd been managing the party, hid behind them, not daring to intervene.

Dexter's face darkened with anger as he was about to step in when suddenly, there was a shout from the crowd.

“Dexter, Melody’s fainted! There's blood on her dress!”

“Dexter, Melody’s passed out!”