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Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 962 The Cursed Knight's Incredible Powers
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Maria's countless arms and fists fused into a titanic fist she unleashed towards the black knight, shining with silver moonlight and hyper charged with lightning, it struck him at point-blank!



Eustace's armor broke almost in half, revealing his skeleton beneath, covered by a thin layer of black and purple crystals.

His empty eyes shone with black light, flames pouring out of the eye sockets. His entire being was left shocked and shaken as one of his arms blew into pieces, half his armor was destroyed, and hiss word was cut down into two.

"Dark… Pest… Bastard… YOUU…!"

As Maria saw him fall torn to shreds, she suddenly noticed he had survived that hit, his malicious curse seeping deeper into his body and soul, letting out all the skills, abilities, and techniques this Knight had accumulated through his life as an Awakened.


With a furious roar, the black knight fell into the ground and then started overflowing with darkness, which started to repair and regenerate his armor, now looking even larger, his whole size increased by five times, and his sword regrew anew, now full of crimson eyes.

"You survived that…" Maria said. "The curse set into your Origin… It is probably similar to the effects of a Demonite Crystal Heart that chimeras get implanted."


The Black Knight rushed towards Maria again, even stronger and bigger than before! She could easily notice his power level going from S Rank to S+++ Rank in a single second!

"It seems you seeas the Dark Pest guy, maybe because of my powers?" Maria wondered, as several of her allies leaped into action as the black knight rushed towards her.

Now that he had becS+++ Rank, they simply couldn't let Maria handle him alone! She was confident she could win after a long battle, but it was always better to receive the help of everyone.

"Oi." Lucifer appeared on his draconic form, his giant tail piercing several holes through Eustace's body before being parried away by his giant sword.

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The berserk black knight howled like mad wolf, kicking the air and then slashing at Lucifer several times, before his Aura transformed into a giant dragon itself!



The Aura erupted from his body and clashed against the giant dragon king, pushing him down! Lucifer was shocked by the ability this knight possessed!

"What in the world is this guy!?"


His enormous body fell over the dunes, as his blazing claws quickly started slashing against the dragon made out of Eustace's Aura.

"Looks like he got a lot of tricks down his sleeves!" Partner said. "Let's see if you can take on this though! [Umbral Shadow Clones]!"


Using her Darkness Spear Ability, Partner divided herself into dozens of clones made of shadows, swarming Eustace from all sides, firing Dark Magic Spells towards him to distract him.




Eustace groaned like a wolf, his powers gathering within his body and then releasing into countless blades made of darkness and black flames.

The swords that emerged out of his "intent" crushed all clones one after another, exploding and leaving behind black smoke.

This gave Partner an opening, charging her spears with as much power as she could and releasing it all out against the black knight's back!

"[Draconic Medusa's Fangs]!"

Her Spears combined their Auras, as a gigantic serpentine dragon formed out of their essence, hissing ferociously and biting through Eustace!



The Black Knight evaded a destructive attack and ended sacrificing a large part of his left shoulder, while swiftly harnessing black flames into his sword and unleashing a beam with it.



The beam changed into the shape of a giant blade surging from his sword, clashing against Partner and piercing her armor, reaching her stomach.


"UGH…! Bastard!"

Her body was sliced into two halves, but she was totally fine with that, as a Vampire with tremendous regeneration, she welcomed the blood pouring out of her body.

"[Divine Blood Arts]: [Blood Familiar Summon]!"

The blood that splattered out of her body swiftly combined and swirled around, growing into the shapes of ferocious giant dogs, enormous bats, and furious snakes, attacking Eustace.




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The Black Knight's empty eyes glowed with crimson light as he attacked the monsters and cut them down into pieces one after another, giving tfor everyone else to attack again.

"[Spirit Magic Arrows]: [Divine Arrows Of Light]! [Fierce Arrows Of Fire]!"

Emeraldine activated the ability of her newly enhanced bow from a distance, firing dozens of light and fire arrows at the Black Knight.

They reached him as he was busy, bombarding his whole armor and slowly tearing through it, leaving many holes and cracks where Lucifer and Partner had helped breaking through.


Above all, her arrows not only were explosively strong, but they also possessed the power of unleashing strong status effects! The fire and light arrows could inflict Spiritual Burn and Soul Blindness respectively, hindering Eustace temporarily!


His soul was in agony as it was being burned, while his visual senses as an Undead, which cfrom the very soul, were completely blinded!

The Black Knight acted by hearing senses alone, cutting through the blood beasts and the thin air, in which Partner laughed once he was swarmed.

"Dumbass, you got yourself covered on a bunch of my blood!" Partner laughed evilly. "[Crimson Burst]!"


Suddenly, all the blood covering Eustace glowed with crimson red energy, surprising the knight who just regained his senses, and so did the rest of the blood beasts, glowing as if about to detonate!

And they did.



The Black Knight was engulfed on countless explosions, large chunks of armor and bones flying everywhere, he attempted to regenerate, but was simply overwhelmed, falling from the skies.


However, in the last moments when everyone thought it was finally over, his body didn't give up yet, the very last reserves of energy within his Origin erupted like an explosion of pure darkness.



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