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Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 1016 The Mad God King's Frustration
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Even the King of Gods and the mighty Odin, a monstrous warlord that had taken down millions of lives to achieve the position he reached now, felt an utter feeling of disappointment and regret, not because of his children's deaths, but on himself and his own failures.

"What have we created?" He muttered to himself. "This is… We made this happen, this is…"

Was he showing regret? Or perhaps, was this thought simply fueled by his own mistakes? Odin couldn't help but think of many things as he finally realized he fucked up. Oceania and Baldr were dead.

If they had let Maria alone, if they hadn't plotted to kill her and take the Evil God Fragment her family was protecting. If the ones working for the Church hadn't done all of the things he ordered them to do.

Would things have been different? Now, because of such events, a monster like nothing else was born inside of Yggdrasil, a monster full of the intent of avenging her family and ending the governance of the Aesir Gods, once and for all.

"Odin! Not only did you let my Oceania die, but you even sacrificed our Baldr to that monster!" Frigg, the Goddess of Motherhood and Protection cried tears of sorrow for her children. "You fucking monster! Why did you let this happen?! Why did you send them to their deaths?!"

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"SHUT UP, WOMAN!" Odin roared, slapping his wife's face. The beautiful brown-haired goddess fell to the floor, crying over her children's deaths. Although Odin felt nothing, their mother did.

"You only bringfailures; you only bringdeath! You and your obsession with conquest, with wars, with bloodshed, with controlling everything!" Frigga cried. "We acquired a world, we govern as gods, yet you always kept wanting more and more! What else could you have ever wanted?! Your greed! It is your greed what brought their deaths! Not only you cut down Tyr to pieces because he thought differently than you, turning him into that monster… But you even killed your two other children just because you wanted to take down that irregular, which ended turning into a big FUCKING problem now!"

Frigga stood up, her Aura of Protection encompassing her entire body, Odin could no longer hurt her like he did. Her tears continued to fall as she glared him with utter hate… She didn't even blMaria for this, it was all Odin's fault.

"Listen to me! You dare talk back tolike this, Frigga?!" Odin roared. "You're my wife, you do what I say, and you should NEVER dare talk back tolike that! Open your protection, Frigga! I'm going to beat the shit out of you, you damn slut!" Odin was trying to channel all his rage into the only woman that ever loved him.

"You have really changed…" Frigga muttered. "You're not the man I once loved anymore. You're just a husk, a monster that uses his appearance… Goodbye, Odin." Frigga flew into the skies, as Odin roared, ordering her to cback, yet she never did.





(Maria's POV)

The battle was finally, finally over. I didn't detect any more reinforcements coming, and I kept watch for over an hour. It looks like the Gods finally gave up for now. I sighed in relief, slowly turning back to my humanoid ghost lady form. My evolution broughtmore changes than I ever thought, one of them is that I was no longer… an Undead? I was something else.

However, I had little tto check that now. I prioritized the safety of my family and friends. I flew down, checking on everyone. Emeraldine healed them really well. I felt so relieved. I took too long evolving, and that damned Baldr trapped them inside a Domain. I can't believe how monstrously strong he was compared to Oceania.

Everyone almost died… And I believe it was because of my fault. I told them to hold on instead of trying to fight at their side. Instead of trying to find another solution together, I told them to just wait forto solve everything. I did solve everything at the end but… It feels slightly bad, and I really wanted to apologize to them.

"I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry…" I hugged Lucifer, Partner, Jonathan, Emeraldine, and Nyx one after another. "I shouldn't have decided to just evolve… and let you all protectand stuff, it was very selfish and-"

"What are you talking about?" Partner asked. "At the end you did it, master! Don't worry too much about it."

"I felt glad you trusted us to such an extent…" Lucifer smiled, he looked really exhausted. "We were able to buy you time, and that's what matters."

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"Maria, I'm the one that should apologize." Jonathan sighed, patting my shoulders. "I'm sorry… I should have stopped Baldr somehow, I shouldn't have let him drag things out so much."

"I-It's fine, I… Well, I still feel bad. I won't do this kind of thing ever again though, I promise. We should have actually run away, I got too cocky maybe." I sighed. "There's a lot to think, I guess."

"There, there." Emeraldine patted my head, givinga kiss in my lips. "Let's first free the people from your shadow realm, then let's tell them what happened. I think there's someone that Emilia was taking prisoner who used to be the former, benevolent ruler of this place, so let's go talk with him first too. After everything is done, we'll have a big feast, eat lots, and then sleep lots. And all those worries will slowly fade away. You're just too tired and stressed."

"Ugh, fine…" I nodded, Emeraldine was too good at convincing. "Nyx, are you alright baby?"

"I'm fine mama, don't worry!" Nyx said. "I'm ready to evolve too! And max level! But what Rank did you get after evolving?"

"Yeah, to overwhelm Baldr so easily…" Lucifer said. "Are you SS+ Rank?"

"No…" I said, feeling slightly afraid of confessing it. "I… Well, I becL Rank."

"L? What Rank is that?" Partner wondered.

"…Above SS and SSS Ranks." I sighed. "That evolution helpedskip two whole Ranks."

